Office of Inspector General

2016 OIG Reports

Following is a chronological listing of all reports issued by the Office of Inspector General in 2016. Back to the OIG Reports page.

2016 OIG Reports

Date Title Publication Number Environmental Goal Report Teams
Dec 21, 2016

Congressionally Requested Audit: EPA Needs to Improve Processes for Preserving Text Messages as Federal Records

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17-P-0062 Information Technology IRM
Dec 19, 2016 FY 2017 Annual Plan for the EPA and CSB     OM
Dec 12, 2016

Additional Measures Can Be Taken to Prevent Deaths and Serious Injuries From Residential Fumigations

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17-P-0053 Chemical Safety T
Dec 2, 2016 Status of EPA's Implementation of the DATA Act 17-P-0050 Financial Management FA
Nov 21, 2016 Semiannual Report: April 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016  EPA-350-R-16-002    
Nov 15, 2016 Audit of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board’s Fiscal Years 2016 and 2015 Financial Statements 17-F-0047 U.S. Chemical Safety Board FA
Nov 15, 2016

EPA's Fiscal Years 2016 and 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements

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17-F-0046 Financial Management FA
Nov 14, 2016 CSB Has Effective "Identify" and "Recover" Information Security Functions, but Attention Is Needed in Other Information Security Function Areas 17-P-0045 U.S. Chemical Safety Board IRM
Nov 14, 2016 Improvements Needed in EPA's Information Security Program 17-P-0044 Information Technology IRM
Nov 7, 2016 Acquisition Certifications Needed for Managers Overseeing Development of EPA’s Electronic Manifest System 17-P-0029 Information Technology IRM
Oct 20, 2016

Drinking Water Contamination in Flint, Michigan, Demonstrates a Need to Clarify EPA Authority to Issue Emergency Orders to Protect the Public

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17-P-0004 Protecting America's Waters W
Oct 13, 2016 EPA's Purchase Order Process Needs to Improve and Achieve Better Value 17-P-0001 Spending Taxpayers Dollars C
Sept 27, 2016

Enhanced Controls Needed to Prevent Further Abuse of Religious Compensatory Time

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16-P-0333 Spending Taxpayers Dollars FA
Sept 22, 2016 Fiscal Years 2014 and 2013 Financial Statements for the Pesticide Registration Fund 16-F-0323 Financial Management FA
Sept 22, 2016 Fiscal Years 2014 and 2013 Financial Statements for the Pesticides Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund 16-F-0322 Financial Management FA
Sept 21, 2016 Examination of Pilot Peer Review Process for Inspectors General That Follow "Blue Book" Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation 16-N-0317   T
Sept 21, 2016 Manchester Band of Pomo Indians Needs to Improve Its Financial Management System and Demonstrate Completion of Grant Work 16-P-0320 Spending Taxpayers Dollars FO
Sept 19, 2016 EPA Needs a Risk-Based Strategy to Assure Continued Effectiveness of Hospital-Level Disinfectants 16-P-0316 Chemical Safety T
Sept 12, 2016 Oregon Health Authority’s Prior Labor-Charging Practices Under EPA Grants Did Not Meet Requirements 16-P-0313 Spending Taxpayers Dollars FA
Sept 8, 2016 Follow-Up Review: EPA Updated Information for Indoor Mold Research Tools 16-P-0308 Science and Research SPR
Aug 31, 2016

Progress Made, but Improvements Needed at CTS of Asheville Superfund Site in North Carolina to Advance Cleanup Pace and Reduce Potential Exposure

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16-P-0296 Cleaning Up Communities L
Aug 24, 2016 EPA Oversight of Travel Cards Needs to Improve 16-P-0282 Spending Taxpayers Dollars C
Aug 22, 2016 EPA Achieved Scientific Benefits When Using Reimbursable Research Agreements, but Better Estimating of In-Kind Costs Is Needed 16-P-0279 Science and Research ERP
Aug 22, 2016 EPA Region 9 Needs to Improve Oversight of San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund Grants 16-P-0276 Spending Taxpayers Dollars C
Aug 18, 2016

EPA Has Not Met Certain Statutory Requirements to Identify Environmental Impacts of Renewable Fuel Standard

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16-P-0275 Science and Research ERP
Aug 16, 2016

EPA Needs to Improve Oversight of Its Transit Subsidy Benefits Program

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16-P-0268 Spending Taxpayers Dollars EF
Aug 11, 2016 CSB Has Improved Its Controls Over Purchase Cards 16-P-0260 U.S. Chemical Safety Board EF
Aug 10, 2016 Cybersecurity Act of 2015 Report: EPA's Policies and Procedures to Protect Systems With Personally Identifiable Information 16-P-0259 Information Technology IRM
Aug 1, 2016 Cybersecurity Act of 2015 Report: CSB's Policies and Procedures to Protect Systems With Personally Identifiable Information 16-P-0254 U.S. Chemical Safety Board IRM
Aug 1, 2016 Audit of Financial Statements for EPA's Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest System Fund From Inception (October 5, 2012) to September 30, 2014 16-F-0251 Financial Management FA
July 29, 2016 EPA Cannot Assess Results and Benefits of Its Environmental Education Program 16-P-0246 Spending Taxpayers Dollars SPR
July 18, 2016 Quality Control Review of EPA OIG Reports Issued in Fiscal Year 2015 16-N-0223 EPA as a High Performing Organization OM
July 7, 2016

EPA Regional Offices Need to More Consistently Conduct Required Annual Reviews of Clean Water State Revolving Funds

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16-P-0222 Spending Taxpayers Dollars C
June 29, 2016 FY 2016: U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Management Challenges 16-N-0221 U.S. Chemical Safety Board EF
June 29, 2016 EPA Has Developed Guidance for Disaster Debris but Has Limited Knowledge of State Preparedness 16-P-0219 Enforcement and Compliance L
June 28, 2016

Hawaii Department of Health Needs to Reduce Open Grants and Unspent Funds

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16-P-0218 Spending Taxpayers Dollars FO
June 27, 2016 EPA's Financial Oversight of Superfund State Contracts Needs Improvement 16-P-0217 Financial Management FA
June 27, 2016 EPA Improved Controls Over Billing Reimbursable Interagency Agreement Expenditures to Other Agencies 16-P-0212 Financial Management FA
June 23, 2016 Follow-Up Report: EPA Has Completed Actions to Improve Implementation of the Rulemaking Process 16-P-0211 EPA as a High Performing Organization SPR
June 20, 2016 EPA Region 9 Needs to Improve Oversight Over Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Consolidated Cooperative Agreements 16-P-0207 Spending Taxpayers Dollars EF
June 16, 2016 EPA's Key Management Challenges - 2016 16-N-0206   ERP
June 2, 2016 EPA Improved Its National Security Information Program, but Some Improvements Still Needed 16-P-0196 Homeland Security SPR
June 1, 2016

EPA Needs Better Data, Plans and Tools to Manage Insect Resistance to Genetically Engineered Corn

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16-P-0194 Chemical Safety T
May 27, 2016 Semiannual Report: Oct 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 EPA-350-R-16-001    
May 23, 2016 EPA Region 9 Needs to Improve Oversight Over American Samoa Consolidated Cooperative Agreements 16-P-0181 Spending Taxpayers Dollars EF
May 23, 2016

CSB Needs to Continue to Improve Agency Governance and Operations

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16-P-0179 U.S. Chemical Safety Board EF
May 19, 2016 Summary Report: Fiscal Year 2015 Reviews of EPA's Measurement of Environmental Program Performance and Outcomes 16-N-0180 EPA as a High Performing Organization OPE
May 10, 2016 EPA Complied With Improper Payment Legislation, but Stronger Internal Controls Are Needed 16-P-0167 Financial Management C
May 9, 2016 EPA Region 9 Needs to Improve Oversight Over Guam's Consolidated Cooperative Agreements 16-P-0166 Spending Taxpayers Dollars EF
May 3, 2016

Clean Air Act Facility Evaluations Are Conducted, but Inaccurate Data Hinder EPA Oversight and Public Awareness

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16-P-0164 Enforcement and Compliance A
May 2, 2016

EPA Needs to Assess Environmental and Economic Benefits of Completed Clean Water State Revolving Fund Green Projects

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16-P-0162 Protecting America's Waters W
April 11, 2016 EPA Should Timely Deobligate Unneeded Contract, Purchase and Miscellaneous Funds 16-P-0135 Financial Management FA
March 31, 2016

Management Alert: Significant Data Quality Deficiencies Impede EPA's Ability to Ensure Companies Can Pay for Cleanups

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16-P-0126 Spending Taxpayer Dollars L
March 30, 2016 EPA Offices Are Aware of the Agency's Science to Achieve Results Program, but Challenges Remain in Measuring and Internally Communicating Research Results That Advance the Agency’s Mission 16-P-0125 Science and Research ERP
March 29, 2016 EPA's Fiscal Year 2015 Purchase Card and Convenience Check Program Assessed as Low Risk 16-P-0124 Financial Management C
March 29, 2016 No Intent to Underestimate Costs Was Found, but Supporting Documentation for EPA's Final Rule Limiting Sulfur in Gasoline Was Incomplete or Inaccurate in Several Instances 16-P-0122 Air Quality A
March 24, 2016 CSB Did Not Follow Federal Guidance While Managing the Vantage Contract 16-P-0112 U.S. Chemical Safety Board EF
March 24, 2016 Management of Overtime Improved at EPA’s Immediate Office of Air and Radiation 16-P-0111 Spending Taxpayer Dollars FO
March 23, 2016 CSB Complied With Improper Payment Legislation Requirements for Fiscal Year 2015 16-P-0109 U.S. Chemical Safety Board EF
March 22, 2016

Drinking Water: EPA Needs to Take Additional Steps to Ensure Small Community Water Systems Designated as Serious Violators Achieve Compliance

Agua potable: la EPA necesita adoptar medidas adicionales para garantizar que los pequeños sistemas de agua comunitarios señalados como graves infractores logren cumplir con las normas

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16-P-0108 Enforcement and Compliance W
March 21, 2016 Positioning EPA for the Digital Age Requires New Mindsets Toward Printing 16-P-0107 Enforcement and Compliance EF
March 11, 2016 EPA Has Not Met Statutory Requirements for Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility Inspections, but Inspection Rates Are High 16-P-0104 Enforcement and Compliance L
March 10, 2016 Follow-Up: EPA Has Developed Measures to Improve Training for Risk Management Program Inspectors 16-P-0101 Air Quality SPR
March 10, 2016 EPA Needs to Improve Its Information Technology Audit Follow-Up Processes 16-P-0100 Information Technology IRM
Jan 27, 2016

Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Information Security Modernization Act Report: Status of CSB’s Information Security Program

16-P-0086 U.S. Chemical Safety Board IRM
Jan 13, 2016

EPA's Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment: Obtainable Records Show Followed Required Procedures Without Bias or Predetermination, but a Possible Misuse of Position Noted

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16-P-0082 Protecting America's Waters ERP
Jan 7, 2016 EPA's Tracking and Reporting of Its Conference Costs Need Improvement 16-P-0081 Spending Taxpayer Dollars C

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Report Teams

  • A - Air 
  • CSB - US Chemical Safety Board 
  • C - Contracts and Assistance Agreement Audits
  • EF - Efficiency Audits
  • FA - Financial Audits
  • FO - Forensic Audits
  • IRM - Information Resources Management Audits
  • L - Land Cleanup and Waste Management
  • OM - Office of Management
  • SPR - Special Program Reviews
  • ERP - Environmental Research Programs
  • T - Toxics, Chemical Management and Pollution Prevention 
  • W - Water

OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended Exit.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740.