Spokesperson Portfolio - Michael Bell, MD

Deputy Director of Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

An expert in drug-resistant pathogens and hospital-acquired infections, Dr. Michael Bell’s career has focused on investigating and preventing transmission of healthcare-associated illnesses for hospital patients and staff alike. He has been instrumental in advancing programs evidence-based for prevention of antimicrobial resistance and improvements in safe medical practices.

Video: Michael Bell SME


Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD

Michael Bell, MD


CDC Public Affairs

Printable Biography
Michael Bell, MD Cdc-pdf[PDF – 1.05 MB]


  • Healthcare-associated infections
  • Drug resistant pathogens
  • Laboratory safety

Current Position

  • Deputy Director of Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Spokesperson Resources

Past Positions

  • Director of Laboratory Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Associate Director for Infection Control, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
  • Chief, Epidemiology Unit, Viral Special Pathogens Branch, National Center for Infectious Disease


  • University of Washington (MD)
  • Scheftel, J. M., Elchos, B. L., Cherry, B., DeBess, E. E., Hopkins, S. G., Levine, J. F., … & Silvia, C. A. (2010). Compendium of veterinary standard precautions for zoonotic disease prevention in veterinary personnel: national association of state public health veterinarians veterinary infection control committee 2010. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 237(12), 1403-1422.
  • Toscano, C. M., Bell, M., Zukerman, C., Shelton, W., Novicki, T. J., Nichols, W. G., … & Jarvis, W. R. (2009). Gram-negative bloodstream infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: the roles of needleless device use, bathing practices, and catheter care. American journal of infection control, 37(4), 327-334.
Page last reviewed: November 25, 2014