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Mission Statement

Fulfill the Department of Energy’s post-closure responsibilities and ensure the future protection of human health and the environment.


High Performing Organization


  • Protects human health and the environment through effective and efficient long-term surveillance and maintenance.
  • Preserves, protects, and makes accessible legacy records and information.
  • Supports an effective and efficient workforce structured to accomplish departmental missions.
  • Implements departmental policy concerning continuity of worker pension and medical benefits.
  • Manages legacy land and assets, emphasizing safety, reuse, and disposition.
  • Mitigates community impacts resulting from the cleanup of legacy waste and changing departmental missions.
  • Actively acts as liaison and coordinates all policy issues with appropriate departmental organizations.


Goal 1 - Protect human health and the environment

Goal 2 - Preserve, protect, and share records and information

Goal 3 - Safeguard former contractor workers’ retirement benefits

Goal 4 - Sustainably manage and optimize the use of land and assets

Goal 5 - Sustain management excellence

Goal 6 - Engage the public, governments, and interested parties