Planetary Science Advisory Committee

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) is a new FACA committee of NASA, and replaces the Planetary Science Subcommittee of the NAC SC. 


PAC Members

  • Amanda Mainzer, Chair – University of Arizona
  • Stephen Rinehart, Executive Secretary – NASA Headquarters
  • Lynn Carter – University of Arizona
  • Justin Hagerty – United States Geological Survey
  • Dana Hurley – Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Justin Filiberto – Lunar and Planetary Institute
  • Britney Schmidt – Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Joseph Westlake - Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Jennifer Glass - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Serina Diniega – Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Conor Nixon – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


The PAC supports the advisory needs of the Planetary Science Division (PSD), the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and other mission directorates as required, and NASA Administrator.  The scope of the PAC includes all aspects of planetary science, scientific exploration of the Moon and Mars, the robotic exploration of the solar system, astrobiology, exoplanet research, space- and ground-based research, technology development, planning, and training required to support these science areas.  In addition to scientific research, the scope encompasses considerations of the development of near-term enabling technologies, systems, and computing and information management capabilities, as well as developments with the potential to provide long-term improvements in future operational systems.  Responsibility for biological planetary protection is outside the purview of the PAC.

PAC Meeting Documents

November 30, 2020 - 10 AM ET to 6 PM ET - Virtual Meeting


August 17-18, 2020 - Virtual Meeting


March 9-11, 2020


December 6, 2019


September 23-24, 2019


September 26, 2018

July 2, 2018

February 21-23, 2018

Please direct questions regarding the Planetary Science Advisory Committee to Stephen Rinehart, Executive Secretary. 

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