Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group



The Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group (COPAG) is constituted by the NASA Astrophysics Subcommittee (ApS) to support community coordination and analysis of scientific and technological issues impacting NASA's Cosmic Origins Program. The principal task in 2011 was to support the analysis of technological priorities for potential future Cosmic Origins strategic missions beyond JWST. In particular COPAG provided input to ApS in support of the 2011 NRC NASA Technology Roadmap activities and to the new NASA Strategic Astrophysics Technology program. In 2012, the COPAG is focusing on developing science cases for affordable future missions.

The COPAG has held open workshops for community members: at the 217th AAS meeting in January, 2011; in May 2011 at the 218th AAS meeting in Boston; in September 2011 at the Space Telescope Science Institute; and in January 2012 at the 219th AAS meeting in Austin. Future community workshops are also planned and will be announced.

All COPAG substantive activities—telecons, workshops, or other core work—is open to participation by the community. The COPAG is coordinated by an Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

Chris Martin (Chair) - California Institute of Technology
Julianne Dalcanton - University of Washington
Jonathan Gardner - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Paul Goldsmith - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Lynne Hillenbrand - Caltech
David Leisawitz - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Chuck Lillie - Northrop Grumman
James Lowenthal - Smith College
Kenneth Sembach - Space Telescope Science Institute
Paul Scowen - Arizona State University

Mario Perez (Executive Secretary, Ex-Officio) - NASA HQ
Dominic Benford (COR Program Office, Ex-Officio) - NASA/GSFC
Susan Neff (COR Program Office, Ex-Officio) - NASA/GSFC

COPAG Science Analysis Groups

The COPAG uses Science Analysis Groups (SAGs) for topical consideration of COR-relevant science and technology issues. Membership of the SAGs is freely open to any interested parties. For organizational purposes, the SAGs are overseen by a Chair selected from the Executive Committee.

Currently the COPAG has five Study Analysis Groups:

  • SAG #1: Science objectives for a 4m–8m UV/Optical mission, coordinated by Ken Sembach.
  • SAG #2: Technologies for a 4m-class monolithic telescope UV/Optical mission w/internal coronograph.
  • SAG #3: Technologies for an 8m-class segmented telescope UV/Optical mission w/external occulter.
  • SAG #4: Technologies for a future far-IR mission, coordinated by Paul Goldsmith.
  • SAG #5: Science objectives & technology requirements for a series of Cosmic Origins Probes.

COPAG Announcements

Upcoming Meetings

NASA's Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group (COPAG) will hold a Workshop at the Hyatt Long Beach, CA, on Sunday, January 6, 2013, just prior to the 221st AAS meeting. COPAG Workshops are open to the entire scientific community, and offer an opportunity to participate in discussions of scientific and technical issues within the Cosmic Origins Program portfolio, and to provide input into NASA's Cosmic Origins Program. All interested members of the astrophysics science community are invited to attend and participate; AAS registration is not required and there is no cost for attendance. Telephone and WebEx access is planned to enable the participation of those who are unable to attend in person.

Past Meetings

Useful Information/Links


Mario Perez
HQ Cosmic Origins Program, Program Scientist

Dominic Benford
Cosmic Origins Program Office, Chief Scientist

Susan Neff
Cosmic Origins Program Office, Deputy Chief Scientist

Program News

2 Jan 2013
All are invited to attend the COPAG Workshop in Long Beach, CA, on 6 Jan 2013. »  Details
14 Dec 2012
NASA Astrophysics Strategic Implementation Plan Released »  Details
13 Nov 2012
2012 COR Program Annual Technology Report (PATR) Released »  [PDF]

Project News

Hubble News
5 Feb 2013
Amateur and Professional Astronomers Team Up to Create a Cosmological Masterpiece » Details
Spitzer News
8 Jan 2013
NASA, ESA Telescopes Find Evidence For Asteroid Belt Around Vega » Details
Herschel News
9 Jan 2013
Herschel Intercepts Asteroid Apophis » Details

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6 Dec 2012
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10 Jan 2013
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