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A Mass Change Community Workshop was held in Washington from July 30-Aug. 1, 2019. The workshop spanned two-and-a-half days. It included plenary sessions as well as subject matter breakout sessions to facilitate in-depth discussions. (Agenda) (Report)

The workshop introduced the invited participants to the Mass Change study framework and content, and sought input from participants on the draft Science and Applications Traceability Matrix (SATM) that will be the underpinning of observing-system architecture studies.

The workshop also served as a forum to discuss potential architectures and new technologies. The focused science objectives, their relationship to the driving Decadal Survey science goals, and the approaches required to answer these objectives were also discussed.

Workshop objectives:

  • Mass Change team stakeholder briefing on study plans and progress
  • Elicit feedback from science and applications community on SATM and performance targets
  • Elicit input on measurement technologies and mission architectures

Topics included:

  • Overview of the Earth Science Decadal Survey Strategy
  • Mass Change study overview & schedule
  • Mass Change Science and Applications Traceability Matrix
  • Mass Change mission architectures
  • Mass Change technologies and technology development
  • Attendance was by invitation-only. There was no registration fee.
  • For those interested in any of the presentations, please email with name, affiliation, reason of interest.