Autonomy Workshop Agenda

Updated: December 13, 2018 - Presentation videos and PDFs made available

Approx. Time

Wednesday, October 10
Location: Newell-Simon Hall, Room 3305

Video or PDF
8:15 Welcome/Introductions Graham Mackintosh (BAERI/NASA) Video
8:25 Welcome to CMU David Wettergreen (CMU) Video
8:40 Message from NASA Leadership Thomas Zurbuchen (NASA) Video
9:00 NASA Programmatic Overview Michael Seablom (NASA) Video
9:05 Keynote Speaker from Industry  Gur Kimchi (Amazon)  
10:00 Autonomy in NASA - Past/Present/Future Rob Manning Video
11:15 Design Reference Mission (DRM) Definition Michael Seablom (NASA) Video
  DRM Overview DRM Leads, 5 minutes each  
11:20 Moon Emerson Speyerer (Arizona State University) Video | PDF
11:25 Small Bodies Issa Nesnas (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
11:30 Venus Pat Beauchamp (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
11:35 Ocean Worlds Tom Cwik (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
11:40 Earth/Heliophysics Mike Little (NASA) Video | PDF
11:45 Astrophysics Rudra Mukherjee (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
11:50 Mars Jen Eigenbrode (NASA) and Eric Lyness (NASA) Video | PDF
13:00 Autonomy Overview Terry Fong (NASA) Video
14:45 Panel: Engaging and Innovating Through Collaboration: NASA/Industry/Academia Jenn Gustetic (NASA) - moderator
Bob Touchton (Leidos) 
John Thornton (Astrobotic) 
David Gump (Space Resources Consultant) 
16:00 Panel: Autonomy in the Wild: NASA/Industry/Academia Terry Fong (NASA) - moderator
Michael Wagner (Edge Case Research) 
David Wettergreen (CMU) 
Lute Maleki (Cruise Automation) 
Steve Chien (NASA) 
  Student Lightning Talks    
17:00 Laika and Belka: Walking Robots with Flexible Spines Andrew Sabelhaus (University of California, Berkeley) Video | PDF
17:05 Multi-Arm Bandits for Automated Decision Making Steve McGuire (Colorado University, Boulder) Video | PDF
17:10 Convex Optimization-Baser Approaches for Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization Abhishek Cauligi (Stanford University) Video | PDF
17:15 Belief Space Planning for Reducing Terrain Relative Localization Uncertainty in Noisy Elevation Maps Eugene Fang (Carnegie Mellon University) Video | PDF
17:20 Multi-Agent Optimal Guidance and Control Rebecca Foust (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Video | PDF
17:25 Shared Mental Models for Human-Robot Teaming in Space Felix Gervits (Tufts University) Video | PDF
17:30 Quantum Computing at NASA Bryan O'Gorman (University of California, Berkeley and NASA Ames) Video | PDF
17:35 Nonprehensile Terrain Manipulation on Planetary Exploration Rovers Catherine Pavlov (Carnegie Mellon University) Video | PDF
17:40 Cost Function Design for Planning in Robotic Systems Ellis Ratner (University of California, Berkeley) Video | PDF
17:45 Fully Adaptive Atmospheric Sensor on a 6U CubeSat and STARS: A Software Simulation Toolkit for Adaptive Sensing Jakob DeLong (Ohio State University) Video | PDF

Thursday, October 11
Location: Newell-Simon Hall, Room 3305, unless otherwise indicated

8:00 Welcome/recap/clarification of goals Michael Seablom (NASA) Video 
8:10 Software Risk and Autonomy  Phil Koopman (CMU) PDF
9:10 Goals of DRM Breakout Discussions Florence Tan (NASA)  
9:15 DRM Breakout Discussions    
12:00 Lunch    
12:45 DRM Breakout Discussions    
  DRM Groups Report Out  DRM Leads, 15 minutes each  
14:45 Moon Emerson Speyerer (Arizona State University), Terry Fong (NASA), et al Video | PDF
15:00 Venus Pat Beauchamp (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
15:15 Mars Jen Eigenbrode (NASA) and Eric Lyness (NASA) Video | PDF
15:30 Heliophysics Larry Kepko (NASA) Video | PDF
15:45 Astrophysics Rudra Mukherjee (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
16:05 Earth Mike Little (NASA) Video | PDF
16:20 Small Bodies Issa Nesnas (NASA JPL) and Tim Swindle (University of Arizona) Video | PDF
16:35 Ocean Worlds Tom Cwik (NASA JPL) Video | PDF
17:05 Closing Remarks Michael Seablom (NASA) Video 
17:13 Acknowledgements Florence Tan (NASA) Video 
17:30 Demonstration of multiple autonomous flying vehicles