202-789-1754 | 800-284-9165

What is NAIHC?



The nation’s only tribal non-profit organization dedicated solely to improving housing conditions in Native American communities, advancing housing infrastructure development, and expanding economic and community development across Indian Country.


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We Are Your Voice in Washington, D.C.


NAIHC serves as an advocate to Congress and the Administration on behalf of Native housing entities and their efforts to provide culturally relevant and quality affordable housing on behalf of Native people.


Learn About NAIHC Advocacy

Building Capacity


NAIHC provides training and technical assistance to tribal housing authorities, Tribally Designated Housing Authorities (TDHEs) and tribal housing professionals.


View Our Trainings

Stand Together


NAIHC hosts three meetings a year: the Legislative Conference aimed at advocacy on Capitol Hill; the Annual Convention targeted for all tribal housing professionals and interested parties; and the Legal Symposium focused on the legal and regulatory issues.


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Strength in Numbers


NAIHC members have a voice in providing culturally relevant and quality affordable housing for Native people.


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For the People, For 40 Years!


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NAIHC -Executive Director

National American Indian Housing Council- Executive Director Position [button link="http://naihc.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/17-0123-NAIHC-Member-Memo.pdf" type="big" newwindow="yes"] View...

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AMERIND RISK- Director of Finance

AMERIND RISK- Director of Finance AMERIND Risk is a federally chartered corporation created by its Members, the governmental units of federally recognized Tribal Nations that administer federally funded housing programs for American Indian and Alaska Native families....

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#4 - Too many calls made to Facebook. Here are some possible solutions to fix the error.


Friday, December 23rd, 2016 at 5:31am
NAIHC has an opening for Director, Government Affairs in the national office in DC -
visit https://t.co/46q52P7yTX for position notice.
Thursday, December 15th, 2016 at 7:19am
Trump Native Amer. Coalition Listening Session- huge attendance! Tribal leaders begin the work w/new administration. https://t.co/L4deAqSGXc naihc_national photo
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 at 8:56am
Gearing up for next Week and NAIHC Legal Symposium, Las Vegas! #NAIHC.net/legal-symposium/
Friday, November 4th, 2016 at 5:30am
Congratulations - a great example of vision for a healthy future! https://t.co/Dc388LloRg