Citizen Science

Citizen Science is a form of open collaboration in which individuals or organizations participate voluntarily in the scientific process. CS Projects are science projects that rely on volunteers.

By engaging people throughout the country with software and technological tools, the Heliophysics Division (HPD) has a potentially transformative opportunity to solicit, receive, and track valuable data and other contributions from regional and lay scientists.

Check out NASA's Citizen Science projects for Heliophysics.

The below Citizen Science Strategy was created by the HPD Citizen Science Working Group. It enables the continuing growth and success of Citizen Science in lockstep with its growing importance inside the Heliophysics community.


Leverage public participation in Heliophysics to help drive innovation and diversity in science, society, and education.


Build a robust, dynamic, and engaging Heliophysics citizen science portfolio that fuses natural phenomena, mission opportunities, and the power of people’s diverse viewpoints to fuel collective innovation.

Mission for Citizen Science porfolio: grow, execute, innovate, communicate, optimize and partner