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What is IHBG Formula?

Funds appropriated by Congress for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) are made available to eligible grant recipients through a formula. Regulations governing the formula can be found at 24 CFR Part 1000, Subpart D. On November 22, 2016, the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Final Rule was published revising the IHBG Formula.

In brief, the formula has four components; Need, Formula Current Assisted Stock, 1996 Minimum, and Undisbursed IHBG funds factor. The Need component considers population, income, and housing conditions. The Formula Current Assisted Stock component reflects housing developed under the United States Housing Act (the predecessor of the IHBG program) which is owned and/or operated by the IHBG recipient and provides funds for ongoing operation of the housing. The 1996 minimum provides adjustments when an Indian tribe is allocated more or less funding under the IHBG formula than it received in FY 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization. The Undisbursed IHBG funds factor provides adjustments for tribes with an initial allocation of $5 million or more and has undisbursed IHBG funds in an amount greater than the sum of the prior three years’ initial allocation calculations.

An Indian tribe may challenge the Need portion of the IHBG formula provided the data are gathered, evaluated, and presented in a manner that is fair and equitable for all participating tribes. Tribes have until March 30 of each year to submit challenges to their Needs data in consideration for the upcoming fiscal year. Guidelines for submitting Census challenges are available below.

HUD has until June 1 of each fiscal year to report to recipients their annual IHBG estimated allocation and the data used to compute the estimated allocation. The Formula Response Form (FRF) is designated by 24 CFR 1000.302 as the form recipients use to report data changes to HUD. It is the recipients' responsibility to report any discrepancies or changes in their IHBG data to HUD. Tribes have until August 1st of each year to submit corrections to Formula Current Assisted Stock, Formula Area, Population Cap and Overlapping Formula Area data in consideration for the upcoming fiscal year. In accordance with Section 1000.315 the FRF is the only mechanism that a recipient shall use to report changes to the number of FCAS.

Census Challenge

Challenging the U.S. Census Data: Guideline for the Indian Housing Block Grant Formula Click Here and the following Appendices:

Contact the IHBG Formula Customer Service Center 1-800-410-8808 with questions.

In accordance with 24 § 1000.336(d), tribes must submit Census challenges to HUD by March 30, 2021, for consideration for the FY 2022 IHBG formula allocation. The Needs data used to estimate your Tribe’s FY 2021 IHBG formula allocation was posted on-line at https://ihbgformula.com/fy2021/ on May 29, 2020, as Attachment A to the FY 2021 Formula Response Form.

IHBG Formula Data

FY 2021 IHBG Formula Estimates

  • FY 2021 Formula Response Form (FRF) including the FY 2021 FRF Appendices A through D and the FY 2022 IHBG Needs Data (Attachment A).
  • Calendar of Critical Deadlines and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • FY 2021 Correction/Challenge Log showing changes to the IHBG database between January 25, 2020, and May 12, 2020.

Tribes/TDHEs must review their data on the FY 2021 Formula Response Form and report any changes no later than September 1, 2020, to the IHBG Formula Customer Service Center. Census Challenges for the FY 2022 IHBG Needs data must be submitted no later than March 30, 2021, for consideration for the FY 2022 IHBG Formula allocation estimates.


FY 2020 IHBG-CARES Funding Allocation

FY 2020 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries 

FY 2020 IHBG Formula Estimates


FY 2019 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2019 IHBG Formula Estimates


FY 2018 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2018 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2017 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2017 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2016 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2016 IHBG Formula Estimates 

FY 2015 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2015 IHBG Estimates 

FY 2014 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2014 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2013 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2013 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2012 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2012 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2011 IHBG Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2011 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2010 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2010 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2009 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2009 Formula Estimates

FY 2008 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2008 IHBG Formula Estimates

FY 2007 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2007 Estimate Summaries

FY 2006 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2006 Estimated Summaries

FY 2005 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2005 Estimated Summaries (Revised January 2005)

FY 2004 Final Allocation Summaries

FY 2004 Estimated Summaries

FY 2003

FY 2002

FY 2001

FY 2000

FY 1999