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  • AFI Terms and Conditions: Acknowledging AFI Grant Funding in Your Publications

    Assets for Independence (AFI) grantees—and their subgrantees—must acknowledge Federal funding when in all publications that describe services and activities that are funded in whole or in part with their AFI grant. Acknowledging that AFI provides financial support to your program not only helps readers to see your program as part of a vibrant community of AFI grantees, but also encourages others to learn more about AFI and possibly apply for a grant of their own.
  • AFI Fact Sheet Guidance for Assets for Independence Grantees Concerning Treatment of Refundable Tax Credits

    Many low-income individuals and families who are eligible for AFI-funded IDA projects are also eligible to receive benefits from Federal refundable tax credits. These include the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, American Opportunity Credit, and the Making Work Pay Credit. This Guidance for AFI Grantees on Federal Tax Credits provides tips for AFI grantees on: 1) The effect of these credits on eligibility for participating in an AFI-funded IDA project; and 2) Depositing the credits as IDA savings.  
  • AFI Legislation: Assets for Independence Act 42 USC 604

    AFI was established by the Assets for Independence Act (AFI Act) in Title IV of the Community Opportunities, Accountability and Training and Educational Services Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, P.L. 105-285. It was subsequently amended in December 2000.  
  • AFI Fact Sheet

    The Assets for Independence Program Summary includes information regarding the program's grant, including the type of grant, the appropriation amount, the legislative authority, the program's purpose, target population, and eligible applicants.
  • AFI Resource Guide: Program Performance Management FY 2012

    OCS and a group of AFI grantee leaders have collaborated closely to develop a set of performance measures for the AFI program, plus a series of performance indicators that OCS and grantees can use to manage their day-to-day work to ensure success of the AFI program as well as each AFI project. This section of the AFI web page provides background information on performance management strategies.
  • AFI Reports to Congress

    The Office of Community Services provides reports to Congress on the status of AFI Program implementation. The reports are based largely on data submitted annually by each grantee, as required by the program authorizing legislation.
  • AFI Grant Awards FY 2013

    AFI Grant Awards for FY 2013
  • AFI Resource Guide: Building Financial Capability in Youth Employment Programs

    Youth employment programs present a promising opportunity for helping disadvantaged youth acquire the financial knowledge, skills, and access to resources they need to effectively manage their finances through adulthood. In recognition of this, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) partnered to produce Building Financial Capability in Youth Employment Programs.  This report provides an overview of the valuable lessons drawn from a 2013 roundtable of national and local leaders from promising programs that CFPB convened in collaboration with other federal agencies on the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC).
  • AFI Grant Awards FY 2014

    AFI Funding Awards FY 2014
  • Help with Buying a Home

    Program Assets for Independence (AFI), a Federal program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), enables nonprofits and government agencies to implement and demonstrate an assets-based approach that improves the economic status of working individuals and families. To locate an AFI IDA program near you, please go to AFI Project Locator.
  • Help Starting a Business

    Assets for Independence (AFI), a Federal program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) enables nonprofits and government agencies to implement and demonstrate an assets-based approach that improves the economic status of working individuals and families.
  • Help with Paying for Higher Education

    Assets for Independence (AFI), a Federal program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) enables nonprofits and government agencies to implement and demonstrate an assets-based approach that improves the economic status of working individuals and families. Please go to AFI Project Locator to find an AFI IDA program  near you.
  • Help with Budgeting and Other Financial Education Services

    Assets for Independence (AFI), a Federal program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) enables nonprofits and government agencies to implement and demonstrate an assets-based approach that improves the economic status of working individuals and families. To locate an AFI IDA program near you, please go to:
  • AFI Grant Awards

    Assets for Independence (AFI) Grant Awards
  • AFI Resource Guide: Building Financial Capability

    Building Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrated Services (available for download below), is an interactive guide for community-based organizations interested in integrating financial capability services into existing programs (e.g. housing, job training, or Head Start). The interactive tools in the guide walk organizations step-by-step through the process of developing an integration plan, beginning with developing a deeper understanding of clients’ financial circumstances and which financial capability services can help them improve their situations. The guide also includes tools to help organizations determine how best to provide financial capability services—whether through referrals, partnerships, or in-house. The final step in the process is the creation of a logic model that serves as a comprehensive roadmap for implementing the integration plan. Building Financial Capability is a practical resource for organizations providing financial capability services for the first time as well as those that want to improve or expand existing efforts. Since this resource was published, the links to tools in the PDF no longer work. In order to access all the tools, go to To learn more about the guide, view the associated training video series.
  • AFI Grant Awards FY 2015

    Assets for Independence (AFI) Program 2015 Grant Awards
  • ACF DCL National Financial Capability Month

    On March 31, 2015, President Obama declared April National Financial Capability Month. In support of National Financial Capability Month, ACF issued notices to a broad range of ACF-supported programs to highlight the importance of financial capability, and to encourage programs to consider ways in which they can structure their services and activities to strengthen financial capability among the populations they serve. Link to these notices are provided below. Additionally, Acting Assistant Secretary Mark Greenberg sent a letter to State Human Services Commissioners and Secretaries on April 27, 2015 to highlight the importance of addressing financial capability in human services programs and to provide links to a set of resources that can be useful in developing state and local efforts.
  • AFI Resource Guide - About Financial Capability Services

    Financial capability is defined as “the capacity, based on knowledge, skills, and access, to manage financial resources effectively.”1 Financial capability is a critical step towards financial security, and many people (regardless of socioeconomic background) may lack one or more factors of the financial capability equation. Some may lack the knowledge (e.g., understanding the terms of their credit card account) or the skills (e.g., calculating the total costs of using credit) needed to manage their financial lives effectively. Others may not have the access to resources necessary for managing their finances well (e.g., high quality but affordable financial services). Challenges in any of these areas will negatively affect financial capability.
  • AFI Grant Awards FY 2016

    Assets for Independence (AFI) Program 2016 Grant Awards
  • AFI Resource Guide: Financial Capability Integration in Rural Communities

    This brief shares lessons learned about integrating financial capability services into existing programs at four organizations serving rural communities. Financial capability is the capacity—based on knowledge, skills, and access—to manage financial resources effectively. This brief is organized into three sections: selecting financial capability services, deciding who will provide services, and identifying the right points in time to integrate financial capability services.
  • AFI Resource Guide: Financial Capability and Head Start

    The following briefs are resources on financial capability topics for Head Start/Early Head Start programs. Assessing Head Start & Early Head Start Families’ Financial Capability This brief outlines strategies and tools Head Start/Early Head Start (HS/EHS) can use to gain a deeper understanding of how HS/EHS families are managing their finances to decide which services might help them build financial capability. Financial Coaching in Head Start Programs This brief discusses financial coaching in Head Start settings and presents methods for providing financial coaching as well as training resources for programs interested in building staff capacity to become financial coaches.
  • AFI Resource Guide: Roles for Intermediary Organizations in Fostering Financial Capability Integration

    This brief shares lessons learned from three local intermediary organizations that have supported nonprofits in their efforts to integrate financial capability services into existing program. Financial capability is the capacity—based on knowledge, skills, and access—to manage financial resources effectively.
  • AFI Resource Guide: Performance Progress Report (PPR) Overview

    AFI Performance Progress Report (PPR) Overview
  • AFI Resource Guide: Performance Progress Report (PPR) New Data Requirements

    AFI Performance Progress Report (PPR) New Data Requirements
  • AFI Resoure Guide: How to Find, Edit, and Submit PPRs in OLDC

    How to Find, Edit, and Submit AFI PPRs in OLDC
