Summer 2010 News:
Covenant has enrolled over 600 account holders in our Smart Savings Account (IDA) Program. Over three hundred Individual Developed Clients have completed the program and purchased their home or financed their education or small business. We've disbursed over $1,200,000 in match money towards their asset purchases.

Read all about our account holders success stories and other useful information in the latest Covenant newsletter!  Click on a link below to download the newsletters.

 March 2011     Newsletter


What is an Individual Development Account? Click here for more information.

If you have suggestions for our site please email us. Thank you.

We help build your dreams!
Covenant Community Capital Corporation (Covenant), founded in 1998, is a nonprofit organization in Houston, TX, that seeks to enhance the beauty, safety, and economic vitality of low-income communities by increasing their capacity to develop affordable housing, grow business enterprises, and build family and community assets.

Smart Financial Ed.
A special matched-savings account program designed to help low-to-moderate-income families and individuals in Houston to establish a pattern of regular savings and, ultimately, purchase a "productive asset."

Find Asset Building Programs in Texas
Thanks to a grant from Bank of America, you can just type in your zip code and you will find contact information and the website for the nearest IDA programs, free tax preparation sites, homebuyer education and financial education programs and classes, small business information and technical assistance providers, debt management organizations, and much more.  Go to





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