National Minerals Information Center


Statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, the national security, and protection of the environment.

Statistical Periodicals

Statistical Periodicals

On-line statistical and economic publications designed to provide timely statistical data on production, distribution, stocks, and consumption of significant mineral commodities. 

Periodic Pubications

Materials Flow

Materials Flow

Understanding the whole system of materials flow, from source to ultimate disposition, can help us better manage the use of natural resources and protect the environment, and ensure a supply of critical minerals.

Special Publications

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Contributions of data by mineral industry companies through canvass forms completed annually, monthly, or quarterly are the basis of U.S. mineral industry publications. Information can be accessed through the following major categories. 




Materials Flow

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Date published: February 21, 2020

New Methodology Identifies Mineral Commodities Whose Supply Disruption Poses the Greatest Risk to the U.S. Manufacturing Sector

Risk tool identified 23 mineral commodities whose supply poses the greatest risk, including those used in consumer electronics, renewable energy, aerospace, and defense applications.

Date published: February 6, 2020

U.S. Mine Production Increasing, Estimated Value of $86.3 Billion in Minerals

2020 Report Highlights the Importance of Mining Minerals for U.S. Economy and National Security

Date published: August 12, 2019

NMIC Seminar Series: Mining the Deep Seabed - A Viable Approach to Meeting the Critical Needs of the U.S. for Secure, Responsibly Sourced Metals

Mining the Deep Seabed - A Viable Approach to Meeting the Critical Needs of the U.S. for Secure, Responsibly Sourced Metals

Dr. John Halkyard and Hans Smit, Ocean Minerals LLC

Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 11:00 AM ET

USGS - 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA - 3B457

For remote access: https://www....


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Year Published: 2020

Investigation of U.S. Foreign Reliance on Critical Minerals—U.S. Geological Survey technical input document in response to Executive Order No. 13953 Signed September 30, 2020

Over the past few decades (1990–2019), the United States has become reliant on foreign sources to meet domestic demand for a large and growing number of mineral commodities. In combination with recent trends towards progressively concentrated supply of mineral commodities from a limited number of countries, this heightened import reliance may...

Nassar, Nedal T.; Alonso, Elisa; Brainard, Jaime L.
Nassar, N.T., Alonso, E., and Brainard, J.L., 2020, Investigation of U.S. Foreign Reliance on Critical Minerals—U.S. Geological Survey Technical Input Document in Response to Executive Order No. 13953 Signed September 30, 2020 (Ver. 1.1, December 7, 2020): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1127, 37 p.,

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Year Published: 2020

U.S. mineral supply chain security in the age of pandemics and trade wars

Modern technology makes use of numerous mineral commodities whose production is concentrated in a few countries. New research identifies the commodities whose supply disruption poses the greatest risk to the manufacturing sector. While the analysis is applied to the U.S. manufacturing sector, the principles are equally applicable to other...

Nassar, Nedal; Fortier, Steven M.

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Year Published: 2020

Meeting the challenge: U.S. Geological Survey North Atlantic and Appalachian Region fiscal year 2020 in review

The utilization, preservation, and conservation of the Nation’s resources requires well-informed management decisions. The North Atlantic and Appalachian Region (NAAR) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) supports science-based decision making for Federal, State, and local policymakers to meet the challenges of today and into the future. The...

U.S. Geological Survey, 2020, Meeting the challenge—U.S. Geological Survey North Atlantic and Appalachian Region fiscal year 2020 in review: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 207, 20 p.,