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CED Focus on Social Enterprises Grants

Published: September 18, 2019
Community Economic Development (CED)
About, Current grantees

CED Social Enterprise Program | Grantee Information | FY 2019 Projects

This page provides information and resources for Community Economic Development Focus on Social Enterprise grants.


CED Social Enterprise Program

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, the Office of Community Services awarded $2,400,000 in grants to Community Economic Development (CED) projects with a focus on creating social enterprise incubators. This initiative focuses on supporting social enterprises—profit-making businesses or non-profit organizations that uses revenue-generating activities to:

  • Develop new products, services, and commercial activities that result in the creation of new, full-time, full-year jobs – at least 75 percent of which will be filled by individuals with low incomes;
  • Reinvest funds back into the community or into supporting the individuals with low incomes filling those positions; and
  • Through local entrepreneurship, reduce or remove barriers that the individuals with low incomes filling the positions face (e.g., those reentering into the community from the criminal justice system, experiencing domestic violence, suffering from substance dependence, lacking adequate child care, etc.).

Each project has a project period of five years and will receive incremental funding totaling $1,700,000.

4 icons of workers

Our concept of economic mobility is to move families to self-sufficiency through work with dignity and respect by growing the capacity for parents and children to achieve their fullest potential through the workforce, early childhood development and the full spectrum of integrated health and human services.

Grantee Information

Active Grant Projects


US Map

View the map to learn about the CED Social Enterprise grantees and their projects.

CED Grantee Toolkit


Ribbon cutting

Review the CED Grantee Toolkit for videos and resources to help your start your grant work.



Specific resources will be created to assist CED Social Enterprise grantees with their projects.

PPR Guidance for CED Focus on Social Enterprises Grantees

Contact Information


Man and woman on street

OCS Registrar |

Contact the OCS Registrar if you need assistance or want to request resources. 

FY 2019 Projects

There are 6 FY 2019 CED Social Enterprise grantees. As a group, these projects will create over 500 jobs while doing the following:

Serving Target Populations Addressing Barriers to Employment Offering Social Services  offering Business Services
  • Low-income individuals
  • Formerly incarcerated individuals
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • Minority and women entrepreneurs
  • Individuals struggling with homelessness 
  • TANF and SNAP participants
  • Lack of jobs and training
  • Limited access to child care
  • Limited access to transportation
  • Lack of accessible health care
  • High rates of substance abuse
  • Limited English proficiency
  • Recruitment and tracking assistance
  • Child care and transit passes
  • Financial literacy services
  • Targeted job training and credentialing 
  • Wrap-around social and health services
  • Office and meeting space access and improvement
  • Technical assistance
  • Networking
  • Incubator workshops
  • Access to loan capital and investment
  • Access to legal, HR, and marketing supports
  • Outreach for recruiting new clients

To learn more about their individual projects, visit the CED Focus on Social Enterprises active grants page.

Last Reviewed: October 20, 2020