The Broadband Division is responsible for developing policy and rules that facilitate rapid, widespread deployment of wireless communications services, particularly wireless broadband services. Along with the Mobility Division, it oversees nearly two million wireless licenses. The Broadband Division helps carry out the Wireless Bureau’s mission by developing and administering the rules and regulations for services including Advanced Wireless Service (AWS), 600 MHz, Broadband Radio Service (BRS), Educational Broadband Service (EBS), Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave (wireless backhaul), and Broadcast Auxiliary Services (such as wireless microphones), and the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS).

Management Team
Blaise Scinto, Division Chief
John Schauble, Deputy Chief
Jennifer Tomchin, Deputy Chief
Peter Daronco, Deputy Chief
Paul Malmud, Assistant Chief

You can contact the Broadband Division at (202) 418-2487.


Thursday, April 11, 2019