Data on COVID-19 during Pregnancy: Birth and Infant Outcomes

Data on COVID-19 during Pregnancy: Birth and Infant Outcomes

Health departments report cases of COVID-19 to CDC using a form that identifies pregnancy status. State and local health departments have the option of reporting additional informationpdf icon on pregnant women with COVID-19 and their infants. These data are collected as part of CDC’s Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Network (SET-NET). Data provided below include information about the timing of infection during pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and whether the newborn tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

What CDC is doing to learn more about COVID-19 during pregnancy

Map of Jurisdictions Reporting Birth and Infant Outcome Data as of December 2020

Map of Jurisdictions Reporting Birth and Infant Outcome Data as of October 2020

Last updated December 17, 2020

Total women with completed pregnancies and optional supplementary data reported, 17 Jurisdictions, [March 29-December 8, 2020]


Pregnant women with COVID-19 by trimester of infection, 17 Jurisdictions, [March 29-December 8, 2020]
Data on completed pregnancies were collected from 6,895 women, but timing of infection was only available for 4,661 (67.6%).

Total birth outcomes among pregnant women with COVID-19*, 17 Jurisdictions, [March 29-December 8, 2020]


*Of 7,023 reported birth outcomes, 6,965 were live births and 58 were pregnancy losses.

Birth outcomes among pregnant women with COVID-19 by delivery type, 17 Jurisdictions, [March 29-December 8, 2020]
Data were collected for 7,023 birth outcomes, but delivery type was only available for 6,119 outcomes >20 weeks gestation (87.1%).

Infants born term and preterm to pregnant women with COVID-19, 17 Jurisdictions, [March 29-December 8, 2020]
Data were collected for 6,965 live born infants, but gestational age (in weeks) was only available for 5,620 (80.7%).

Laboratory testing for SARS-CoV-2 among infants born to pregnant women with COVID-19, 13 Jurisdictions*, [March 29-October 14, 2020]
Data on infant testing were available from 13 jurisdictions. Data were collected for 2,869 infants, but laboratory testing information was only available for 610 (21.3%)**.

Two infants had a test result that was indeterminate or unknown.

* California [excluding Los Angeles County], Houston, Los Angeles County, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania [excluding Philadelphia], Puerto Rico, Tennessee, and Vermont.

**All positive SARS-CoV-2 results are reported, but negative results may not be reported or monitored in all jurisdictions.

About the Data

This page is updated monthly based on data collected through the first week of each month. These data are based on reported confirmed cases with laboratory evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in women during pregnancy, including on the day of delivery.

Jurisdictions submit data to CDC where they are processed and combined. Counts may fluctuate from month to month due to data quality and cleaning processes. Pregnancy status is determined through case investigations using the COVID-19 case report form and/or by matching reported cases with other sources of information, such as vital records (e.g., birth certificates or administrative data), to identify pregnancy status. Data are abstracted using standard forms; sources include routine public health investigations, vital records, laboratory reports, and medical records. Completeness of variables, particularly those ascertained through interviews or medical record abstraction, may vary by jurisdiction. Additional information on the methods used for collecting these data can be found in this publication.

There is a delay between reporting of confirmed COVID-19 cases and pregnancy outcome data due to the duration of pregnancy and ongoing data collection efforts. Pregnancies may still be ongoing or they could be lost to follow-up. Also, given that pregnancy outcomes may be determined through linkages to vital records, there is likely incomplete data on pregnancy losses. Because the majority of pregnant women with COVID-19 reported thus far experienced infection in the third trimester, ongoing surveillance is needed to assess effects of infections in early pregnancy, as well as assessing the longer-term outcomes of exposed infants.

For more information on how CDC collects COVID-19 surveillance data, see FAQ: COVID-19 Data and Surveillance.

For data on the impact of COVID-19 during pregnancy on pregnant women, see Data on COVID-19 during Pregnancy