COVID-19 Forecasts: Hospitalizations

COVID-19 Forecasts: Hospitalizations

Interpretation of Forecasts of New Hospitalizations

  • This week, CDC received forecasts of daily, new reported COVID-19 hospital admissions over the next 4 weeks from 11 modeling groups.
  • On the national level, the forecasts estimate that 6,800 to 28,000 new COVID-19 hospital admissions will be reported January 11, 2021.
  • Reported hospital use data have recently been made available on HealthData.govexternal icon, with daily new confirmed COVID-19 hospital admissions reported for each state. The forecast graphs presented here now include both the reported data and the forecasts.
  • State-level forecasts also show a high degree of variability, which results from multiple factors. Hospital admissions forecasts use different sources of data for COVID-19 cases or deaths, with different limitations, and make different assumptions about social distancing.

National Forecasts

National Forecast New Hospitalizations Chart, showing forecasts from multiple models 2020-12-14
  • The figure shows the number of new confirmed COVID-19 hospital admissions reported nationally in the United States each day from October 5, 2020 to December 6, 2020 and the predicted number of new COVID-19 hospital admissions per day for the next 4 weeks, through January 11, 2021.
  • The forecasts make different assumptions about hospitalization rates and levels of social distancing and other interventions and use different methods to estimate the number of new hospital admissions.

Download national forecast data excel icon[CSV – 1 sheet]

State Forecasts

State-level forecasts show the predicted number of new COVID-19 hospital admissions per day for the next 4 weeks by state. Each state uses a different scale, due to differences in the number of new COVID-19 hospital admissions per day in each state.

Download state forecasts pdf icon[PDF – 8 pages] 1

Download all forecast data excel icon[CSV – 1 sheet]

Additional forecast data and information on forecast submission are available at the COVID-19 Forecast Hubexternal icon.

Forecast Assumptions

The forecasts make different assumptions about social distancing measures and use different methods and data sets to estimate the number of new hospital admissions. Additional individual models details are available here; icon.

Social distancing is incorporated into the forecasts in two different ways:

The rate of new hospital admissions is estimated using one of four approaches:

Additional information on use of HHS reported hospital admissions for COVID-19 forecasts is available here: icon.

1 The full range of the prediction intervals is not visible for all state plots. Please see the forecast data for the full range of state-specific prediction intervals.