PHA Procurement Training

This training assists Public Housing Agencies (PHA) in performance and administration of federal awards or activities of a government unit in the procurement of goods and services in accordance with federal regulations and policies.

The primary training objectives of this training include teaching PHA staff how to:

  • Navigate, locate and describe key procurement regulations and guidance governing the use of public housing funds
  • Identify the various types of procurement and understand how to procure specific services
  • Apply the procurement requirements for small, medium and large PHAs
  • Improve overall performance in achieving and maintaining current and future regulatory procurement compliance
  • Adequately document all information for each procurement as required by HUD

Procurement Training Guidebook

The purpose of this coursebook is to train PHA staff on procurement practices. It is based on the HUD Procurement Handbook 7460.8 REV2, the governing regulation 2 CFR §200.317–200.326, and the mandatory HUD forms that are part of the procurement and contracting processes.

Training Topics

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of the purpose and application of the HUD Procurement Handbook. It is intended to train the PHA staff, including its leadership, on requirements for procurement practices.

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Chapter 2: Procurement Authority and Administration of Procurement Function

This chapter helps the PHA develop their required procurement policy and procedures to ensure compliance with HUD regulations.

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Chapter 3: General Requirements

This chapter reviews the supporting documentation needed to justify the procurement approach and methodology. This may include Independent Cost Estimates, Individual Procurement Plans, and other solicitation documents that explain the procurement decisions throughout the process.

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Chapter 4: Ethics in Public Contracting

This chapter reviews the importance of defined procurement rules to promote fair and competitive business practices. This drives cost efficiencies for the PHA and avoid any possible impropriety or conflicts of interest during the procurement process.

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Chapter 5: Small Purchase Procedures

This chapter addresses procedures covering small purchases to give the PHA flexibility in their day-to-day operations while maintaining compliance. This includes defining and reviewing small purchases, micro purchases, and use of petty cash. We also review blanket purchase agreements that can help the PHA efficiently procure goods and services in some circumstances.

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Chapter 6: Sealed Bids

This chapter explains how using an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for purchases above the small purchase threshold can help the PHA obtain the best pricing available. Respondents submit sealed bids containing the information required in the IFB to be reviewed and evaluated by the PHA. The review process concludes with a contract award to the successful bidder.

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Chapter 7: Competitive Proposals

This chapter reviews the use of competitive proposals for instances when the PHA is considering various approaches to the work and factors beyond pricing. The evaluation process needs to be defined and well documented to support the award decision. This approach also allows for negotiation of pricing and terms with the vendor.

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Chapter 8: Non-competitive Proposals

This chapter reviews the supporting documentation needed to justify the procurement approach and methodology. This may include Independent Cost Estimates, Individual Procurement Plans and other solicitation documents that explain the procurement decisions throughout the process.

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Chapter 9: Specification and Statement of Work

This chapter reviews the importance of the PHA clearly defining requirements, deliverables, and expectations of the procurement. This ensures that vendors accurately determine if they can provide the good or service and price their offer correctly.

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Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Requirements

This chapter provides a detailed review of the various types of contracts and contract pricing options. We will explain how to evaluate the cost and price of the contract. We will also explore other topics including handling bid protests, using renewal options, and ensuring compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and Department of Labor regulations when establishing labor standards and wage rates.

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Chapter 11: Contract Administration

This chapter reviews the range of activities following contract award to ensure that the contractor provides the goods or services successfully. The PHA must monitor the contractor to confirm work was completed on time, on budget, and by the deadline. We will also review the payment process and handling contract modifications, disputes and terminations.

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Chapter 12: HUD Review Requirements

This chapter examines which contract actions require HUD field office approval. It will also detail the information and documentation HUD needs to review when it is necessary.

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Chapter 13: State and Local Laws

This chapter reviews the impact of state and local laws on the procurement process. The PHA must abide by federal laws and regulations as well as state and local laws. When there is a conflict, the most stringent law will apply (as long as it meets federal standards).

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Chapter 14: Cooperative Business Relationships

This chapter reviews the various ways the PHA can collaborate with another state or local government agency to increase efficiency and reduce costs in securing a vendor to provide goods or services.

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Chapter 15: Opportunities and Contracting with Resident-owned, Small, Minority, and Other Disadvantaged Businesses

This chapter reviews steps the PHA can take to create opportunities for resident-owned, small, minority, and disadvantaged businesses to provide goods and services.

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Chapter 16: Public/Private Partnerships

This chapter provides a detailed review of the PHA’s process to select a developer or development partner to facilitate projects including new construction, acquisition, rehab, or modernization. This is a complicated process with specific requirements.

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Chapter 17: Utility Purchasing and Energy

This chapter reviews the procurement regulations specific to energy conservation loans, performance contracting, and utility purchasing.

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