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eLOCCS Access Guidelines for Grantees

Critical Steps for Requesting Payments


I. Gaining Access to eLOCCS (click here to read more)

II. Selecting a Financial Institution (click here to read more)

III. Accessing eLOCCS (click here to read more)


Description of LOCCS:

The Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) primary grant disbursement system, handling disbursements for the majority of HUD programs. Grant disbursements are facilitated via the Internet through the eLOCCS system. Customers (users and approving officials) are required to gain access to Secure System or FHA Connection. Both Secure System and FHA Connection serve as an internet gateway between the general public and the internal eLOCCS application.

Please Note: You must obtain a Secure System's User ID and password to sign onto Secure Systems and eLOCCS. The Secure Systems User ID/password is used to access eLOCCS for both users and approving officials.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday....................5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST

Sunday.......................................Not Available


I. Gaining Access to eLOCCS:

1. Creating the eLOCCS Account

In order to gain access to eLOCCS, grantees must obtain a Secure System's User ID and password. The Secure System's User ID will be used to complete the HUD-27054E form that will be mailed to their Program Office. Reference the registration link for registration instructions to Secure Systems and HUD-27054E form.

Note: Grantees should maintain copies of this form for their own records. OCFO Security cannot process forms that are dated six months old and over. Forms should be currently dated and forwarded immediately to OCFO for proper disposition.

Note: eLOCCS no longer requires a separate user ID and password to sign into the eLOCCS system. Single Sign On (SSO) uses only the Secure System's ID and password to sign into Secure Systems and other systems such as eLOCCS. This eliminates the need to remember and use multiple IDs/passwords which makes it easier and streamlines the sign in process.



In Secure Systems (eLOCCS) there are two (2) ID types that must be registered, a “Coordinator ID” and at least two “User ID(s)”.

Coordinator: The Secure Systems Coordinator (Approving Official) serves as the system Administrator, they can retrieve User(s) User IDs, establish appropriate systems link within eLOCCS and assign eLOCCS User Roles. The User's User ID: Has the ability to access Secure Systems, but requires a Secure Systems Coordinator to initially add the LOCCS roles in order for the eLOCCS link to display on their respective Secure Systems Menu page.

NOTE: Please familiarize yourself with Page 5 of the “eLOCCS Registration Guide”, Section 1.3 “Overview of eLOCCS Registration Components” this provides an overview of the Roles for both the “Coordinator” and the “User” within the Secure Systems (eLOCCS) upon successful registration. Now let's get started.

Step 1:  The Approving official needs to register the entities tax-id. These steps can be found On Page 7 of the “eLOCCS Registration Guide” or go to: https://hudapps2.hud.gov/apps/part_reg/apps040.cfm.

Step 2:  24 hours later, The Approving official will need to register as the Coordinator for the organization. These steps can be found on Page 9 of the “eLOCCS Registration Guide”, Section 2.2 “Secure Systems Coordinator Registration Instructions: or go to: https://hudapps.hud.gov/public/wass/public/participant/partreg_page.jsp

Note: Federal Security guidelines mandate that the Approving official for any User of a financial system must be recertified by the Approving official that s/he is in good standing and may continue to keep the access for which they have applied. If that criterion is not met, the Approving official can then have your access removed. We require that Approving officials must register as a Coordinator because that is a supervisory role in Secure Systems (eLOCCS) and the Coordinator role is specifically for Approving officials only who sign block 6 of HUD form 27054E.

Step 3: Once the Approving official receives their Secure Systems ID via postal mail, he will then need to follow the instructions on page 18 in Appendix A, of the “eLOCCS Registration Guide


Step 4: The User should register as the User only. Note: We suggest a minimum of two Users (more if needed).

Note: Please familiarize yourself with Page 5 of the “eLOCCS Registration Guide”, Section 1.3 “Overview of eLOCCS Registration Components” this provides an Overview of the roles of both the “Coordinator” and the “User” can have within Secure Systems upon successful registration.

2. Instructions for completing the HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form:

The grantee must complete blocks 1-5 of HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form.

Block 1

Type of Function:
(1) New User: User does not currently have a eLOCCS access. Form must be notarized with original signatures.
(2) Reinstate User: Used to reinstate the user's access authorization in eLOCCS. Form must be notarized with original signatures.
(3) Terminate User: Used to immediately terminate the user's access authorization in eLOCCS.
(4) Change Secure Systems ID: Used to change the Secure Systems ID recorded in eLOCCS.
(5) Revise Authorization: Used to add, change, or delete the eLOCCS authorizations for an existing user. Use Reason in block 9 or 10 to describe the purpose of the revision.
(6) Name/Address Change: User is requesting their name to be changed or User is changing the current mailing address.
(7) Other. Use only as directed by the LOCCS Security staff.

Block 2


(a) Secure Systems ID: Mandatory. Approving Officials and Users must register with Secure Systems to obtain their Secure Systems User ID. It is a required field on this form. If you do not have your Secure Systems ID or have questions, contact your Program Office for procedures.
(b) New Secure Systems ID: If Changing IDs. Use only when correcting the Secure Systems ID that eLOCCS has associated with the user.

Block 3


User Information: All fields are mandatory. Failure to enter any of these fields will
cause the HUD-27054E to be rejected. Enter the user's last name, first name, and
middle initial. Enter the user's office phone number. Include the area code. Enter
user's mailing address, city, state and zip code. Enter user's email address.

Block 4

Authorizations: Enter the number of authorization pages used. Not needed for all functions.

Block 5

Signature/Date: The signature of the user requesting access and the date (mm/dd/yyyy) this authorization was signed.

Block 6

Approval Official: Enter the name, office telephone number, title, Secure Systems User ID, office address, signature and date of the approving official representing the grantee organization. Approving officials cannot approve themselves for access to the system, and must be the organizations chief executive officer or equivalent.

Block 7

Notary: Must be different from user and approving official. The official who notarizes the form shall include his/her seal, signature, and date (mm/dd/yyyy). Notary should notarize both signatures. Notary is only required for new user, reinstate user and change Secure Systems ID functions.

Block 8

Program Office Validation. The HUD Program Office must validate that the grantee is the correct official accessing the grant, and all data as it appears on the form for accuracy. The HUD Program Official shall include his/her name, office telephone number, title, email address, signature, and date (mm/dd/yyyy).

Block 9

Program Area Authorizations: Enter the reason, organization Tax ID and name, the program area codes and names, and Q for Query or D for Drawdown (which includes query access). Use multiple pages as needed. Use Reason to explain the authorization request. For example, “new user”, ”updating authorization”, “changing Tax ID” or as directed by HUD.

See example below:


To see the list of LOCCS Program Areas, click here

Block 10

Multiple Organizations: Enter reason. Enter multiple organization Tax IDs and names and Q for Query or D for Drawdown for a single program area code and name. Use multiple pages as needed.

Block 11

Initials and Date (Required):
(a) Authorized User's Initial and Date: The authorized user will enter their initials and current date.

(b) Approving Official's Initial and Date: The approving official will enter their initials and current date.

(c) HUD Program Office Initials and Date: The individual reviewing in the Program Office will enter their initials and current date.


3. Mailing the eLOCCS Access Authorization Form:

1. The grantee must send the original HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form (with the original signature and notary seal) via U.S. Mail to the Program Office for review.

2. The Program Office must validate that the grantee is the correct official accessing the grant by signing and dating Block 8 of the HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form. The Program Office must then send the original eLOCCS Access Authorization Form (with the original signature and notary seal) via U.S. Mail to OCFO Security for assignment of a eLOCCS access. Note: If grantee needs to check the status of their access request, they must call the Program Office.

Send To:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Chief Financial Officer, FYM
Attention: User Support Branch
451 7th Street SW, Room 3114
Washington, DC 20410

3. OCFO Security will review the form and process the request within three days of receipt. If the form is incomplete, it will be sent back to the grantee via U.S. Mail for corrections.

4. The eLOCCS system will automatically generate an Access Authorization email to the user's personal email (not the organizations email) letting the user know the 27054E has been processed, enabling grantees to access their eLOCCS account. Grantees should receive the Access Authorization via email within 10 days after the Program Office submits the completed HUD-27054E form to the User Support Branch. If the grantee does not receive a response within 10 days, they should contact the Program Office. The Program Office should then contact OCFO Security to get the status of this action. The user will receive an access email that requires the grantee user to access eLOCCS by a certain date. If the system is not accessed by the date specified in the email, the user's authorization will be canceled and another original notarized HUD-27054E form must be resubmitted.

Safeguarding Secure Systems User IDs and Passwords

In accordance with IT Security guidelines, specifically National Institute of Standards and Technology SP 800-53, users shall not share Secure Systems User IDs and Passwords. If user-ids are found to be shared, access will be terminated.

Change of Address

In the event of an address change, the eLOCCS user must submit the HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form. Under type of function (Block 1), the user should check item 6 (change address), and complete the entire form. The form does not need to be notarized. The form should be faxed to the appropriate HUD Program Office and the Program Officer will fax the form to OCFO Security.

Terminating eLOCCS user that is no longer employed with the organization

The approving official must complete the HUD-27054E eLOCCS Access Authorization Form. Under type of function (Block 1), check item 3 (terminate user) and complete the form. The form does not need to be notarized and does not require the signature of the employee being terminated. The form should be faxed to the appropriate HUD Program Office and the Program Officer will fax the form to OCFO Security.

Changing Approving Officials

  • By sending this request, if there is a problem, you will be notified.
  • If approved, the listed users will be transferred to the new approving official.
  • An email will be sent to the new approving official once the transfer has been completed.
  • If the transferred users were pending recertification, it will be up to the new Approving Official to complete the user recertification process in eLOCCS.

Changing Approval Officials, eLOCCS (GRANTEES ONLY)

On the letterhead of the organization, the new approving official is to send to the OCFO Security Office the following:

1. Name and Title (Please note that the new approving official should be the CEO; BOARD OFFICER and/or of higher authority than the LOCCS user) of the new approving official. “SECURE SYSTEMS ‘M' ID as COORDINATOR, daytime telephone and address of the new approving official and an e-mail address specific to the Approving Official.

*** “Interim/Acting” Titles Are Not Recognized by Our Auditors: Please Use a Permanent Official

2. Nameof the previous approving official. (Name Only, Do Not List ‘M' ID)

*** The new approving official is prohibited from using the Secure Systems User ID, and Password of the previous approving official.

3. List the existing users (Name Only, Do Not List ‘M'USER ID) so that we may change Approving Officials.

4. Sign, date and notarize the new approving official's signature. (Notary must be different from user and new Approving Official; the ONLY signatures needed are new official and notary.)

Send a copy to HUD Program officer and Fax to: 202/708-4350 (Then mail original). Office Telephone: 877/705-7504 before 4 pm Eastern time.



Approving Official Reinstating Access After 90 Day Inactive Suspension

If an Approving Official does not access eLOCCS within 90 days their LOCCS access will be suspended. The Approving Official can answer their security questions to reinstate their access. However, if an Approving Official does not have security questions/pin a letter must be sent to OCFO Security to reinstate their access. Please follow the instructions below:

  • By sending this request, if there is a problem with the submission, you will be notified.
  • An email will be sent once the suspension is removed to allow you to access the system.

Reestablishing Access for Approving Officials (eLOCCS Grantees Only)

On the letterhead of the organization, the approving official is to send to the OCFO Security Office:

1. Subject: Requesting Approving Official Access Following 90 Day Inactivity Suspension

2. Name and Title

3. Secure Systems User ID (M-id)

4. Telephon Number (Daytime)

5. Email Address (Personal)

6. Sign and Date

7. Notarize the Approving Official's Signature.

(Notary must be different from the Approving Official; the only signatures needed are the Approving Official and notary.)

Send a copy to HUD Program officer and FAX TO: 202/708-4350 (Then mail original)

                         451 7TH ST, SW RM 3114-LOCCS SECURITY OFFICE
                         WASHINGTON DC 20410

Office Telephone: 877/705-7504 before 4 pm Eastern time


If grantees have any questions about the eLOCCS access process or experience problems accessing eLOCCS, please contact the appropriate HUD Program Office. If you are not familiar with your HUD program officer, please contact OCFO Security at eloccs@hud.gov, for that information.

If grantee have any questions about their Secure Systems ID, please contact the Contact REAC Technical Assistance at 1-888-245-4860. REAC has the responsible for user-id and password service. Any other for program related request, assignment of role should be referred to the HUD program staff.


II. Selecting a Financial Institution

Establishing a Grant Account

1. Selecting a Financial Institution

Each Grant recipient/grantee must identify an existing account or establish a bank account in a financial institution to serve as the designated Grant bank account for the receipt and deposit of grant funds requested from the U. S. Treasury. The account may be a separate bank account or a subsidiary account within the grantee's general fund (or other fund). The financial institution must be capable of receiving Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments. This bank account must be in the grantee's name and allow the grantee to issue checks to all payees (named on the check). Checks drawn against this bank account will allow the Grant Account recipient/grantee to maintain a record of each payment received.

2. Direct Deposit Sign-up Form

Once the Grant recipient/ grantee has secured a financial institution, the grantee must complete and submit a Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF-1199A) to the appropriate Program Office. This form identifies the name of the financial institution, American Banking Association (ABA) Transit Routing Number and bank account into which grant funds will be deposited. All funds will be electronically transferred from the U.S. Treasury directly into the grantee's bank account.

After the grantee has completed Sections 1 and 2and the grantee's financial institution has completed Section 3, return the form AND A BLANK CHECK marked CANCELED or VOID to the Program Office. However, for those grantees that use electronic banking The Fort Worth Accounting Center will also accept either a voided deposit slip or a letter from the grantee's bank, on bank letterhead, as substitutes for voided checks.

PLEASE NOTE that failure to include the required documentation will delay the receipt of funds. Any change in the ABA Transit Routing Number or the account number will require submission of a new signed and dated SF-1199A.

Instructions for completing the SF-1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form:

Section 1 - To be completed by the grantee

Block A - Print or type the name and address of the grantee organization and the telephone number of the person completing the form.

Block B - Leave Blank

Block C - Print or type your Grant Number, which is on the letter, which notified you of your grant award. Print or type the Tax Identification Number of the organization below the project number.

Block D - Mark with an "X" the type of account into which your Grant funds will be directly deposited. You must choose either Checking or Savings.

Block E - Print or type the number of the account into which your Grant funds will be deposited. If your financial institution does not use account numbers, up to 17 characters of the depositor's name or other identification may be entered. Dashes are acceptable as part of the number, but spaces are not acceptable. The depositor's account number must be formatted exactly as it appears in the financial institution's records.

Block F - Check other and enter the name of the Program

Block G - Leave Blank

Payee/Joint Payee Certification

The Certification should be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or the designated representative of the organization completing the form. If additional signature lines are required, use a plain sheet of paper and attach it to the form. Be sure to place your name and grant number on the sheet so that, if it becomes separated, HUD will know for which grant it is. All signatures must be original. Forms containing duplicated copies of signatures will not be processed and will result in delays.

Section 2 - Print or type the following name and address in this section

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Ft. Worth Accounting Center
801 Cherry St, Unit #45, Ste 2500
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6882

Section 3 - To be completed by your financial institution


Print or type the name and address of your financial institution, the Routing Number and Check Digit.

Enter the name of the entity to receive the funds in the "Depositor Account Title" block.

The financial institution's representative signs and dates the form. The telephone number, including the area code, must also be provided so that HUD can verify information.

This completed form, and a blank check marked CANCELED or VOID, must be returned to the address shown in Section 2 above. Failure to include the canceled check will delay receipt of funds.


III. Accessing eLOCCS

eLOCCS Availability 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday...................5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST

Sunday......................................Not Available

Note: Please ensure the following:

Once the Program Office makes funds available for disbursement to the grantee, and the grant recipient/grantee has:

1)    Returned the signed Grant Agreement,

2)    Returned the HUD-27054E eLOCCS Authorization Form,

3)    Returned the SF-1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form,

4)    Completed the Secure Systems/eLOCCS on-line registration process provided in the eLOCCS Registration Guide,

The user is now prepared to draw down available funds.

Preparing the Voucher

Although eLOCCS generates a new payment invoice, HUD-50080, some HUD Program Offices will requires that their grantees complete The LOCCS Request Voucher for Grant Payment (HUD-27053) or the Budget Line Item (BLI) Voucher forms to be submitted to their offices for approval prior to requesting grant funds. These forms will be made available to the grantee from their Program Officers. Grantees should make copies of these vouchers as needed. The grantee should contact their HUD Program Office staff for information and processing rules which are unique to their given Program Area.

NOTE: The Grant recipient/grantee must keep the original voucher.