Home / Programs of HUD / Family Self-Sufficiency Program
Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Promotes the development of local strategies to coordinate public and private resources that help housing choice voucher program participants and public housing tenants obtain employment that will enable participating families to achieve economic independence.

Nature of Program: The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program is administered by public housing agencies (PHAs) with the help of program coordinating committees (PCCs). The PCC usually consists of representatives of local government, employment and job training agencies, welfare agencies, nonprofit providers, local businesses, and assisted families. Supportive services most commonly provided to FSS program participants are child care, transportation, remedial education, and job training. The major components of the FSS program are a contract of participation between the PHA and the family, an individualized training and services plan for each participating family member, and an interest bearing escrow account. Credits to a family’s escrow account are based on increased income earned by family members during the term of their contract. On completion of the FSS contract, a family may claim its escrow account, if no family member is receiving welfare assistance.

Each PHA that received FSS bonus funding in the early 1990s or funding for additional public housing rental units or Housing Choice Vouchers between October 1, 1992, and October 20, 1998, was required to establish an FSS program. PHAs may also establish voluntary FSS programs.

Applicant Eligibility: Public housing agencies.

Legal Authority: Section 23 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437u). Regulations are at 24 CFR part 984.

Administering Office: Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410-5000.

Information Source: Administering office. On the Web

Current Status: Active.