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Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims

Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims

The outstanding handling of new architectural techniques in the 13th century, and the harmonious marriage of sculptural decoration with architecture, has made Notre-Dame in Reims one of the masterpieces of Gothic art. The former abbey still has its beautiful 9th-century nave, in which lie the remains of Archbishop St Rémi (440–533), who instituted the Holy Anointing of the kings of France. The former archiepiscopal palace known as the Tau Palace, which played an important role in religious ceremonies, was almost entirely rebuilt in the 17th century.

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Cathédrale Notre-Dame, ancienne abbaye Saint-Rémi et palais du Tau, Reims

L'utilisation exceptionnelle des nouvelles techniques architecturales du XIIIe siècle et l'harmonieux mariage de la décoration sculptée avec les éléments architecturaux ont fait de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims un des chefs-d'œuvre de l'art gothique. L'ancienne abbaye, qui a conservé une très belle nef du XIe siècle, abrite les restes de l'archevêque saint Rémi (440-533), qui institua la sainte onction des rois de France. Le palais du Tau, ancien palais archiépiscopal, qui occupait une place importante dans la cérémonie du sacre, a été presque entièrement reconstruit au XVIIe siècle.

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كاتدرائية نوتر دام، دير القديس ريمي القديم، قصر تو، وكاتدرائية ريمس

إنّ الاستخدام الاستثنائي للتقنيات الهندسية الجديدة في القرن الثالث عشر والتزاوج المتناسق بين الديكور المنحوت بعناصره الهندسية جعلا من كاتدرائية نوتر دام رانس إحدى تُحف الفن القوطي. إنّ الدير القديم الذي حافظ على جناح قديم رائع الجمال يعود للقرن الحادي عشر يضمّ رفاة المطران القديس ريمي (440-533) الذي أنشأ المسحة المقدسة لملوك فرنسا. وأُعيد بناء قصر تو بكامله تقريباً في القرن السابع عشر، وهو قصر أسقفي قديم احتلّ مكانةً هامة في مراسم احتفالات التتويج.

source: UNESCO/ERI
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source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Кафедральный собор Нотр-Дам, бывший монастырь Сен-Реми и дворец То в городе Реймс

Выдающийся опыт использования новых архитектурных приемов и гармоничное сочетание скульптурных украшений с архитектурой сделали Нотр-Дам в Реймсе одним из шедевров готического искусства XIII в. Бывший монастырь, где покоятся останки Св. Реми (440-533 гг.) – архиепископа, учредившего священное помазание королей Франции, - сохранил свой великолепный неф IX в. Дворец архиепископов, известный как дворец То и игравший важную роль в религиозных церемониях, был почти полностью перестроен в XVII в.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Catedral de Notre-Dame, antigua abadía de Saint-Remi y palacio de Tau en Reims

La notable aplicación de las nuevas técnicas arquitectónicas del siglo XIII y la armonía entre las esculturas y los elementos arquitectónicos ha hecho de la catedral Notre-Dame de Reims una obra maestra del arte gótico. La antigua abadía donde yace los despojos mortales de Saint-Remi (440-533), el arzobispo que instituyó la unción sagrada de los reyes de Francia, ha conservado una hermosa nave del siglo XI. El palacio Tau, residencia de los arzobispos de Reims y escenario importante de la ceremonia de la unción real, fue reconstruido casi por completo en el siglo XVII.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Kathedraal van Notre-Dame, voormalige abdij van Saint-Remi en Paleis van Tau, Reims

De Notre-Dame in Reims is een van de meesterwerken van de gotische kunst, vanwege de uitstekende hantering van nieuwe architecturale technieken in de 13e eeuw en het harmonieuze samengaan van decoratieve beeldhouwkunst met architectuur. De voormalige abdij van Saint-Remi heeft nog steeds zijn mooie 9e-eeuwse schip, waarin de overblijfselen liggen van aartsbisschop Saint-Remi (440-533) die de Heilige Zalving van de koningen van Frankrijk heeft ingesteld. Het voormalige aartsbisschoppelijke paleis – bekend als het Paleis van Tau – speelde een belangrijke rol in religieuze ceremonies en werd bijna volledig herbouwd in de 17e eeuw.

Source: unesco.nl

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Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims (France) © Editions Gelbart
Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Located in the Grand Est region, in the Marne Department, the Cathedral, the Palace of Tau and the Abbey of Saint-Rémi of Reims are closely linked to the history of the French monarchy, and hence, more generally, to the history of France.

The Cathedral of Notre-Dame is a masterpiece of Gothic art: it bears witness to the remarkable mastery of the new architectural techniques acquired in the course of the 13th century, and achieves a harmonious marriage of architecture with sculpted decoration. The perfection of the cathedral's architecture and group of sculptures is so great that it influenced many later buildings, particularly in Germany. More than just a decoration, the sculptures of Reims Cathedral are an integral part of the architectural composition of the building. Reflecting both the traditions of Île-de-France and the minor arts of the Champagne region, these sculptures have a monumentality and grace inspired by the art of goldsmiths who worked silver or gold. The smiling faces of the western facade, the magnificence of the composition of the Coronation of the Virgin (above the central portal), or the grave nobility of other figures like that of Elizabeth in the scene depicting the Visitation have attained universal celebrity. The original well-balanced harmony has been preserved as has the wealth of ornamentation, carvings and stained glass, an evident testimony to the twenty-five royal coronations that took place there.

The Palace of Tau adjoining the cathedral, once residence of the archbishop, holds the memory of the coronation ceremony.  The king, exercising his right of lodging, prayed in the Palatine Chapel, slept in the palace, and feasted after his coronation in the banquet hall. The beautiful 13th century Palatine Chapel and the 15th century banquet hall have remained intact.  The façade of the Palace of Tau boasts a beautiful 17th century order, and it currently houses the Musée de l’Oeuvre where treasures and artwork linked to the coronation ceremonies are displayed. 

The former Royal Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Rémi, founded in the 8th century, features a majestic 18th century architecture, with a chapter house still containing fine Romanesque sculptures.

The abbey, a pilgrimage church built around the tomb of Saint Remi, is an outstanding example of medieval architecture: it was the largest Romanesque building in northern France before being transformed with spectacular sobriety during the Gothic era. It was closely involved in the ritual of the coronations: the ceremonies began and ended at the abbey, conservatory of the Holy Ampulla containing the chrism dating back to the baptism of Clovis by Bishop Rémi and used for the coronation of kings. The abbey is now a museum of heritage and history of Reims and its region.

Criterion (i): The Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Reims is a masterpiece of Gothic art due to the outstanding handling of new architectural techniques in the 13th century and the harmonious marriage of architecture and sculptured ornamentation.  

Criterion (ii): The perfection of the architecture and sculptural work of these buildings had a strong influence on later buildings in Europe.

Criterion (vi): The cathedral, the archiepiscopal palace and the former Abbey of Saint-Rémi are directly linked to the history of the French monarchy and hence the history of France. These places involved in the coronation ceremony recall the balance between public authority and sacred function that has made French royalty a political model throughout Europe.


The Cathedral, the Palace of Tau and the Abbey of Saint-Rémi of Rheims constitute coronation places in their entirety. Although parts of these buildings, which were badly damaged during the First World War, have undergone major restorations, the geography and the ritual of coronation can be evoked or represented there. The cathedral’s sculpture and stained glass still bear witness to these celebrations.  These buildings are part of the urban fabric of the great medieval compound of the13th century, in which we distinguish the traces of the ancient road network. The alternance between post-war reconstructed buildings in an eclectic spirit, contemporary buildings and restored old buildings characterizes the area surrounding these monuments.


The history of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Reims entails eight centuries of technical or artistic innovations, from the 13th century to its restoration after the First World War, which provided it with a remarkable reinforced concrete framework. Although Reims Cathedral has unfortunately lost part of its original stained glass, it still has some of the most remarkable examples of Gothic stained glass. For the preservation of this heritage, the State has a double policy of stained-glass restoration and support for its creation. Thus, some of these medieval windows have regained their former splendor while, at the same time, renowned artists, such as Marc Chagall, have practiced their art in the cathedral.

The first episcopal palace, known as the Palace of Tau, played an important role in religious ceremonies; it was almost entirely rebuilt during the 17th century. By breaking the Holy Ampulla, the French Revolution interrupted the tradition of coronations, which was resumed one last time for the coronation of Charles X, in 1825. Successive restorations until today have enabled the implementation of technological innovations respectful of the authenticity of the buildings.

Protection and management requirements

The three buildings forming the property are protected under the Heritage Code (Historic Monuments).

Property of the State, the Cathedral is listed in its entirely as a Historic Monument since 1862 (the Palace of Tau since 1886). It is legally assigned to Catholic worship. The Palace of Tau is managed by the Centre des monuments nationaux, a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, which ensures its opening to the public. Annual and multi-annual programmes ensure the monuments’ maintenance and restoration; they are either implemented directly by the State or carried out under its scientific and technical control. The Abbey of Saint-Rémi is owned by the city of Reims; its maintenance and restoration are the responsibility of the municipality under the scientific and technical control of the State. The redevelopment of the forecourt helps to improve access and circulation around the monument.

The local urban plan, preserving the urban fabric and establishing view cones of the cathedral, ensures the preservation of the close relationship linking the building to the city. The Saint-Rémi district is a Remarkable Heritage Site, the objective of which is the protection of the buildings and the enhancement of the public space and monumental perspectives in a project and urban renewal approach. Another Remarkable Heritage Site that will integrate the Cathedral district is under study and will serve as a basis for defining a buffer zone. The management plan for the property is under preparation.