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Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District with Chilehaus

Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District with Chilehaus

Speicherstadt and the adjacent Kontorhaus district are two densely built urban areas in the centre of the port city of Hamburg. Speicherstadt, originally developed on a group of narrow islands in the Elbe River between 1885 and 1927, was partly rebuilt from 1949 to 1967. It is one of the largest coherent historic ensembles of port warehouses in the world (300,000 m2). It includes 15 very large warehouse blocks as well as six ancillary buildings and a connecting network of short canals. Adjacent to the modernist Chilehaus office building, the Kontorhaus district is an area of over five hectares featuring six very large office complexes built from the 1920s to the 1940s to house port-related businesses. The complex exemplifies the effects of the rapid growth in international trade in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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La Speicherstadt et le quartier Kontorhaus avec la Chilehaus

La Speicherstadt et le quartier Kontorhaus sont deux zones urbaines centrales de la ville portuaire allemande de Hambourg. La Speicherstadt, qui s’est développée à l’origine sur un groupe d’îles étroites de l’Elbe, entre 1885 et 1927 (partiellement reconstruite de 1949 à 1967), est l’un des plus grands complexes d’entrepôts portuaires historiques unifiés au monde (300 000 m2). Il comprend quinze très grands entrepôts et six bâtiments annexes, bâtis sur un réseau de courts canaux. Adossé à l’immeuble moderniste de la Chilehaus, le quartier Kontorhaus, contigu, est une zone de plus de 5 hectares, qui comporte six très grands complexes de bureaux construits entre les années 1920 et 1940 pour accueillir des entreprises se livrant à des activités liées au port. L’ensemble du bien illustre parfaitement les conséquences de la croissance rapide du commerce international à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle.

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شبايهرستاد وحي كونتورهاوس وتسيليهاوس
شبايهرستاد وحي كونتورهاوس منطقتان حضريتان مركزيتان في مدينة هامبورغ الألمانية المعروفة بمينائها. وتُعتبر منطقة شبايهرستاد التي بُنيت أساساً على ثلاث جزر صغيرة على نهر الإلب بين عامَي 1885 و1927 (وأعيد بناء جزء منها في الفترة من عام 1949 إلى عام 1967) أحد أكبر المجمعات في العالم التي تضم مستودعات تاريخية موحدة مخصصة لأنشطة الموانئ (000 300 م2). وتشمل المنطقة 15 مستودعاً كبيراً جداً وستة أبنية ملحقة شيِّدت على شبكة من القنوات القصيرة. أما حي كونتورهاوس المحاذي لمبنى تسيليهاوس العصري، فتزيد مساحته على خمسة هكتارات ويضم ستة مجمعات كبيرة جداً للمكاتب بُنيت بين عامَي 1920 و1940 لاستضافة شركات تضطلع بأنشطة ذات صلة بميناء هامبورغ. ويُعتبر هذا الموقع خير دليل على نتائج التطور السريع الذي شهدته التجارة العالمية في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر وبداية القرن العشرين.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

«Дом Чили», кварталы Шпайхерштадт и Конторхаус
Шпайхерштадт и Конторхаус представляют два центральных квартала немецкого портового города Гамбург. Шпайхерштадт – один из крупнейших в мире портовых складских комплексов исторического значения, он занимает общую площадь 300 тыс. м² и включает 15 складских помещений внушительных размеров и шесть соседних зданий, расположенных вдоль небольших каналов. Строительство комплекса, который изначально был возведен на группе мелких островов реки Эльба, велось с 1885 по 1927 год (в период с 1949 по 1967 год Шпайхерштадт был частично восстановлен после разрушений военного времени). Соседний квартал Конторхаус, расположенный рядом с выполненным в модернистском стиле «Домом Чили», занимает участок площадью более 5 гектаров и включает шесть огромных офисных комплексов, построенных между 1920 и 1940 годами. Здесь, в Конторхаусе, размещали свои конторы предприятия, связанные с деятельностью порта, что и дало название всему кварталу. Объект выразительно свидетельствует об изменениях в облике города вследствие быстрого развития международной торговли в конце XIX - начале ХХ века.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Área de Speicherstadt y barrio de Kontorhaus con el edificio Chilehaus
El área de Speicherstadt y el barrio de Kontorhaus son dos zonas urbanas céntricas de Hamburgo, la gran ciudad portuaria alemana. Los edificios para almacenes portuarios del área de Speicherstadt se fueron construyendo progresivamente desde 1885 hasta 1927 en los terrenos de un grupo de islas angostas del río Elba y, después de las destrucciones ocasionadas por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se reconstruyeron parcialmente en el periodo 1949–1967. Con sus quince enormes almacenes y seis edificios anexos bordeados por una red de canales cortos, Speicherstadt es uno de los conjuntos históricos de depósitos portuarios más vastos del mundo (300.000 m2). En sus aledaños se halla el barrio de Kontorhaus, que ocupa una superficie de más de cinco hectáreas donde se hallan, además del notable edificio de arquitectura modernista denominado Chilehaus (Casa de Chile), seis vastos conjuntos de oficinas construidas entre 1920 y 1940 para albergar las sedes de empresas dedicadas a actividades portuarias y mercantiles. Los dos sitios de este bien cultural ilustran a la perfección las repercusiones del rápido desarrollo del comercio internacional a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Speicherstadt en Kontorhaus District met het Chilehaus

Speicherstadt en de aangrenzende wijk Kontorhaus zijn twee dichtbebouwde stedelijke gebieden in het centrum van de havenstad Hamburg. Speicherstadt, oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld op een groep smalle eilanden in de rivier de Elbe tussen 1885 en 1927, werd gedeeltelijk herbouwd tussen 1949 en 1967. Het is een van de grootste coherente historische ensembles van havenpakhuizen in de wereld (300.000 m2). Het bevat vijftien zeer grote pakhuisblokken evenals zes bijgebouwen en een netwerk van korte kanalen. Naast het modernistische Chilehaus-kantoorgebouw ligt de wijk Kontorhaus, een gebied van meer dan vijf hectare met zes zeer grote kantoorcomplexen. Deze werden gebouwd vanaf de jaren 1920 tot 1940 om havengerelateerde bedrijven te huisvesten. Het complex is een voorbeeld van de gevolgen van de snelle groei van de internationale handel in de late 19e en vroege 20e eeuw.

Source: unesco.nl

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Kontorhausviertel; Chilehaus, eastern tip and southern facade from the southeast © Department for Heritage Preservation Hamburg, Picture library
Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Speicherstadt and the adjacent Kontorhaus district are two densely built central urban areas in the German port city of Hamburg. Speicherstadt, originally developed on a 1.1-km-long group of narrow islands in the Elbe River between 1885 and 1927 (and partly rebuilt from 1949 to 1967), is one of the largest unified historic port warehouse complexes in the world. The adjacent Kontorhaus district is a cohesive, densely built area featuring eight mainly very large office complexes that were built from the 1920s to the 1950s to house businesses engaged in port-related activities. Together, these neighbouring districts represent an outstanding example of a combined warehouse-office district associated with a port city. Speicherstadt, the “city of warehouses,” includes 15 very large warehouse blocks that are inventively historicist in appearance but advanced in their technical installations and equipment, as well as six ancillary buildings and a connecting network of streets, canals and bridges. Anchored by the iconic Chilehaus, the Kontorhaus district’s massive office buildings stand out for their early Modernist brick-clad architecture and their unity of function. The Chilehaus, Messberghof, Sprinkenhof, Mohlenhof, Montanhof, former Post Office Building at Niedernstrasse 10, Kontorhaus Burchardstrasse 19-21 and Miramar-Haus attest to architectural and city-planning concepts that were emerging in the early 20th century. The effects engendered by the rapid growth of international trade at the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century are illustrated by the outstanding examples of buildings and ensembles that are found in these two functionally complementary districts.

Criterion (iv): Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District with Chilehaus contains outstanding examples of the types of buildings and ensembles that epitomize the consequences of the rapid growth in international trade in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their high-quality designs and functional construction, in the guise of historicism and Modernism, respectively, make this an exceptional ensemble of maritime warehouses and Modernist office buildings.


Speicherstadt and the Kontorhaus district contain all the elements necessary to express the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, including the buildings, spaces, structures, and waterways that epitomize the consequences of the rapid growth in international trade in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and that illustrate the property’s high-quality designs and functional construction. The 26.08-ha property is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes that convey the property’s significance, and it does not suffer from adverse effects of development or neglect.


Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus district is substantially authentic in its location and setting, its forms and designs, and its materials and substances. The maritime location is unchanged, though considerable changes have been made to the adjacent urban setting. Speicherstadt was significantly damaged during the Second World War, but this has not reduced the ability to understand the value of the property. The forms and designs of the property as a whole, as well as its materials and substances, have largely been maintained. The function of the Kontorhaus district has also been maintained. The links between the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and its attributes are therefore truthfully expressed, and the attributes fully convey the value of the property.

Protection and management requirements

The property, which is owned by a combination of public and private interests, is within an area listed in the Hamburg Conservation Registry. Speicherstadt was listed under the Hamburg Heritage Protection Act in 1991 and the Kontorhaus district was listed under the Act in 1983 and 2003. The Act, by means of a 2012 amendment, includes a duty to comply with the World Heritage Convention. The competent authority for compliance with the Act is the Department for Heritage Preservation at the Regional Ministry of Culture in Hamburg, which is advised by a Heritage Council of experts, citizens, and institutions. A Management Plan aimed at safeguarding the Outstanding Universal Value, authenticity, and integrity of the property, and protecting its buffer zone, entered into force in 2013.

The long-term and sustainable safeguarding of Speicherstadt and the Kontorhaus district will require preserving the historic buildings, the characteristic overall impact of the Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus ensembles, and their typical appearance within the townscape; maintaining or improving the quality of life of the residents of Hamburg by safeguarding a unique testimony to Hamburg’s cultural and historical development, which played a key role in establishing its identity; and raising awareness and disseminating information.