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Fagus Factory in Alfeld

Fagus Factory in Alfeld

Fagus Factory in Alfeld is a 10-building complex - began around 1910 to the design of Walter Gropius, which is a landmark in the development of modern architecture and industrial design. Serving all stages of manufacture, storage and dispatch of lasts used by the shoe industry, the complex, which is still operational today, is situated in Alfeld an der Leine in Lower Saxony. With its groundbreaking vast expanses of glass panels and functionalist aesthetics, the complex foreshadowed the work of the Bauhaus school and is a landmark in the development of architecture in Europe and North America.

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Usine Fagus à Alfeld

Ce complexe de 10 bâtiments, conçu au début des années 1910 par Walter Gropius, témoigne du développement de l'architecture moderne et du design industriel. La succession des bâtiments est organisée pour accompagner le processus industriel, depuis les matériaux bruts jusqu'à la fabrication et le stockage des chaussures. Situé à Alfeld an der Leine, en Basse-Saxe, l'ensemble est encore en activité. Avec ses verrières révolutionnaires et son esthétique fonctionnaliste, l'usine annonce le mouvement moderniste et l'école du Bauhaus. Il s'agit d'un jalon important de l'histoire de l'architecture en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.

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مصنع فاغوس

يمثل هذا المجمع المؤلف من عشرة مبانٍ والذي بدأ المهندس المعماري والتر غروبيوس بتشييده حوالى عام 1910 أحد معالم تطوُّر الهندسة المعمارية والتصميم الصناعي في العصر الحديث. ويُعنى هذا المجمع الواقع في مدينة ألفيلد، بساكسونيا السفلى، بجميع مراحل تصنيع وتخزين وتوزيع القوالب المستخدمة في صناعة الأحذية ولا يزال يعمل حتى اليوم. ويتميز المصنع بتصميم مبتكر يمزج بين مساحات كبيرة من الواجهات الزجاجية وعناصر جمالية وظيفية، مما جعله يتفوق على مبنى مدرسة باوهاوس من حيث التصميم. ويُعتبر مصنع فاغوس أحد معالم تطوُّر الهندسة المعمارية في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


这一由10座建筑物组成的建筑群是现代建筑与工业设计发展中一个里程碑。它由瓦尔特•格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)于1910年左右开始设计。法古斯鞋楦厂位于下萨克森州莱纳河畔的阿尔费尔德(Alfeld),厂房建筑按照制鞋工业的功能需求设计了各级生产区、仓储区以及鞋楦发送区。直至今日,这些功能区依然可以正常运转。开创性地运用功能美学原理,并大面积使用玻璃构造幕墙,法古斯工厂建筑群的这一特点对不仅对包豪斯设计学院(Bauhaus school)的作品风格产生了深远的影响,也成为欧洲及北美建筑发展的里程碑。

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Фабрика Фагуса в Альфельде

Спроектированный Валтером Гропиусом, этот комплекс, включающий 10 зданий, был заложен приблизительно в 1910 году. Его сооружение стало вехой в развитии современной архитектуры и промышленного дизайна. Комплекс был задуман таким образом, чтобы соединить все этапы производства, хранения и отгрузки колодок, используемых в обувном производстве. Этот комплекс, находящийся в Альфельде на Лейне в Нижней Саксонии, все еще используется в наши дни. Применение необычно широких стеклянных панелей, функциональная эстетика сооружений подготовили зарождение школы Баухаус и стали важной вехой в развитии архитектуры в Европе и Северной Америке.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Fábrica de Fagus en Alfeld

Este sitio, que comprende un conjunto de diez edificios cuya construcción se inició a principios de 1910 con arreglo a los planos diseñados por Walter Gropius, constituye un testimonio importante del desarrollo de la arquitectura y el diseño industrial modernos. El complejo industrial, adaptado a todas las etapas de fabricación, almacenamiento y expedición de hormas utilizadas por la industria del calzado, está situado en la localidad de Alfeld an der Leine (Baja Sajonia) y sigue funcionando hoy en día. La estética funcional de los edificios y sus vastas superficies acristaladas, revolucionarias en su época, prefiguran las creaciones de la escuela de la Bauhaus y marcan un hito en la evolución de las formas arquitectónicas en Europa y América del Norte.

source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Fagus fabriek in Alfeld

De Fagus fabriek in Alfeld bestaat uit een complex van tien gebouwen, rond 1910 gebouwd naar het ontwerp van Walter Gropius. De fabriek is een mijlpaal in de ontwikkeling van de moderne architectuur en het industrieel ontwerp. Het complex is nu nog steeds operationeel en ligt in Alfeld an der Leine in Neder-Saksen. Alle fasen van fabricage, opslag en verzending van leesten die door de schoenindustrie gebruikt worden, kunnen er worden uitgevoerd. Met zijn baanbrekende uitgestrekte glazen panelen en functionalistische esthetiek is het gebouw een voorloper van de Bauhaus school en een mijlpaal in de ontwikkeling van de architectuur in Europa en Noord-Amerika.

Source: unesco.nl

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Main building viewed from the south-west © Nds. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Designed in around 1910, the Fagus factory in Alfeld constitutes an architectural complex which foreshadows the modernist movement in architecture. Built by Walter Gropius, it is notable for the innovative use of walls of vast glass panels combined with an attenuated load-bearing structure. It bears testimony to a major break with the existing architectural and decorative values of the period, and represents a determined move towards a functionalist industrial aesthetic.

The Fagus factory in Alfeld establishes several major fundamental aspects of modern functionalist architecture of the 20th century, in particular the curtain wall. It constitutes a homogeneous, territorial and built complex, rationally and completely designed to serve an industrial project. It expresses great architectural unity. The scheme is at once architectural, aesthetic and social, and bears witness to a determination to achieve humanist control of the social and aesthetic changes linked to industrialisation. The interior decorative and functional elements are attuned with the architecture and the social project. They represent one of the first consummate manifestations of industrial design.

Criterion (ii): The Fagus factory in Alfeld illustrates a moment of considerable interchange between different generations of German, European and North American architects, which gave rise to a rational and modernist architecture. It was a site of synthesis of these influences, which were technical, artistic and humanistic; it went on to influence many other architectural works; it was the starting point of the Bauhaus movement.

Criterion (iv): A manifesto of modernity in architecture, the Fagus factory won its designer, Walter Gropius, an international reputation. It exemplifies the innovation of the curtain wall, which optimises both luminosity and lightness. It is a concrete expression of the functionality of the industrial complex in the interest of productivity and the humanisation of the working environment. It incorporates into the scheme the concepts of industrial aesthetics and design. 


All ten buildings constituting the Fagus factory have been conserved in their entirety, in their initial ground plans and architectural forms. The factory corresponds with the programme set out by its designers around 1910. No buildings have been added or demolished. The conditions of integrity in terms of layout and exterior architecture have been preserved.


Major repairs and restorations were carried out from 1985 to 2001. They were carried out with great respect for the property with regard to its outstanding testimony to 20th century industrial architecture, which has contributed to the preservation of the conditions of authenticity both as regards architecture and decoration.

Protection and management requirements

The property has been listed as a historic monument since 1946, which is a very early date for an industrial complex. The 1978 Act of the Regional State of Lower Saxony on Historic Monuments and Buildings redefined the terms of its legal protection. The property is managed under the responsibility of its owner, Fagus-Grecon Greten GmbH & Co. KG. The owner acts in concert with the regional and local historic monument conservation authorities, via the property's Steering Committee, which exercises authority with regard to project control and coordination between the various partners involved. The management system consists of a set of maintenance and conservation measures which is regularly updated by the Steering Committee. If major works are required, joint funding is set up between the private sector owner and the regional and national public authorities.