Research at the National Archives

Accessionings and Openings for the 2nd Quarter, FY 2005

View Accessions and Openings for all quarters since July, 2001


Records of District Courts of the United States (Record Group 21)
256 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Old Military and Civil Records Staff, 202-357-5396.

Records of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Record Group 22)
3 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (Record Group 24)
5 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the Extension Service (Record Group 33)
14 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Bureau of Accounts (Treasury) (Record Group 39)
6 cubic feet
Lend-Lease and Surplus Property Files. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Social Security Administration (Record Group 47)
43 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior (Record Group 48)
11 cubic feet
Meeting Appointment Books and Daily Schedules. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Record Group 52)
7 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

General Records of the Department of the Treasury (Record Group 56)
143 cubic feet
Board Meeting Book Materials; Affordable Housing Advisory Board Records. Materials unprocessed.

Chronological Files of Charles R. Harley, 1959–69; Subject Files of Richard C. Davis, 1978–81; Chronological Files, 1953–72; Subject Files of T. Page Nelson, 1947–65; Conference Calls, 1962–72; Subject Files of Roger C. Altman, 1977–81; Subject Files Related to the Chrysler Corporation Bailout, 1979–80; Subject Files of the Assistant Secretary to the National Advisory Council, 1946–66; Press Releases, 1977–94; Central Files of the National Advisory Council Secretariat, 1946–70; Briefing Books Related to International Monetary Issues, 1967–74; Subject Files Related to Economic Development Organizations, 1966–85; Subject Files Related to United Nations Economic Organizations, 1969–85; Executive Board Special Files of the International Monetary fund; Subject Files Related to Potential Bankruptcy of New York City, 1977–81; Subject Files of the National Advisory Council Secretariat, 1958–70; Briefing Books, 1981–82; Foreign Exchange Rate Daily Reports, 1962–72; Subject Files of Donald Terry, 8/78–12/80; Records Relating to Monetary Policy, 1981–85; Records Relating to Meetings of International Financial Institutions, 1964–67; Subject Files of Anthony M. Solomon, Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs, 1977–80; Press Releases of Treasury Secretaries George Schultz and William Simon, 1972–1976; Subject Files of the Secretariat, 1974–76; Speeches and Statements of Secretary George Schultz, Department of Labor, 1969–70; Office of Revenue Sharing Policy Subject Files, 1973–77; Subject Files Related to Multilateral Development Banks, 1978–79. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59)
48 cubic feet
IFI Files, 1945–53; documents prepared for use by the "9/11 Commission." Materials security classified.

Select Documents Released Under the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Acts Relating to Nazi War Crimes, 1940-2002; Records Relating to Regional Affairs, 1963–69; Select Documents Released Under the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Acts Relating to Japanese War Crimes, 1941–2001; Records Relating to Sudan, 1963–71. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

General Records of the Department of Justice (Record Group 60)
760 cubic feet
Class 146-7 World War II Classification (General Suspects); Class 146-7 General Suspects; Privacy Act Recurring Reports 1990–98; Department of Justice Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004; Class 125. Killing or Assaulting a Federal Officer. Materials unprocessed.

Class 146-12 Export Control; Class 25 Vietnam War Protestors, Nation of Islam; Class 25 Selective Service Act (Islam Nation); Class 146-2 Violation of Curfew; Class 72. Elections and Political Activity; Class 158 Internal Security Act: Organizations and Individuals Affiliated with the Communist Party; Class 146-7 General Suspects; Class 51 Offenses Against Public Justice, Bribery and Perjury; Class 146-41. Disclosure of Official Secrets; Class 71 Neutrality: Investigation of Violation of Neutrality Statutes; Class 13 National Defense Act; Class 146-7 General Suspects; Class 149. Foreign Agents Registration Act; Class 82 Communications Act (Radio Act of 1927); Class A 146-7 World War II Classification (General Suspects); Class 156 Labor Management Relations Act: James Hoffa Case; Class A-146-1 Communism; Class 177 Interception of Communications; Class 123 Anti Racketeering Act; Class 195-012 Policies and Procedures: Commission on CIA Activities Within the USA; Treasonable Utterances. Materials security classified.

Class 145 Litigation Case Files; Class 145 Enclosures; Class 149 Enclosures; Class 150 Litigation Case Files; Class 150 Enclosures; Class 149 Litigation Case Files. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of Federal Bureau of Investigation (Record Group 65)
43 cubic feet
Class 65 Investigations of Espionage Violations. Materials unprocessed.

44 Classification 5th Interim transfer of FBIHQ case files re: Investigation of Civil Rights Violations; 176 Classification re: Completion of PG, SU, SE & WFO Field Office Case Files re: Anti-Riot, 1977–83; 65 Classification, 6th Interim Transfer FBIHQ case Files re: espionage, 1940–44. Materials security classified. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers (Record Group 77)
113 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the National Park Service (Record Group 79)
53 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Federal Reserve System (Record Group 82)
less than 1 cubic foot
Federal Open Market Committee Minutes 1/2004–12/2004. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (Record Group 85)
less than 1 cubic foot
Name Index to Bureau of Naturalization Correspondence Files, 1906–46. Materials open. Contact the Old Military and Civil Records Staff, 202-357-5396.

Records of the Public Health Service, 1921–1968 (Record Group 90)
2 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. C ontact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Forest Service (Record Group 95)
2 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Record Group 100)
1 cubic foot
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Foreign Agricultural Service (Record Group 166)
9 cubic feet
Agricultural Research Project Case Files - Foreign Country Program (India and Poland; FAS Publications Press releases. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Panama Canal (Record Group 185)
58 cubic feet
Treaty implementation records. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (Record Group 218)
64 cubic feet
Joint Staff Corporate Records, 1980; CJCS Admiral Moorer files. Materials security classified. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards (Record Group 220)
31 cubic feet
National Center for Educational Statistics (NECES) & NCLIS Program Materials, 1993–97; School Library Media Center Survey, 1990–99 NCLIS; NCLIS Publications, 1971–2003 National Commissions on Libraries; Academic Library Survey, 1990–2001 NCLIS; Federal State Cooperative System (FSCS) for Public Library Data Files, 1987–2001; State Library Agency Survey, 1988–2001 NCLIS; Program Materials for National Center on Education Statistics, 1993–98; General Program Materials, Library Statistics Program, 1988–97 NCLIS. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Patent and Trademark Office (Record Group 241)
16 cubic feet
Design Patent Numbers 10,007 to 19,213. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Record Group 257)
16 cubic feet
Commissioner files. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Federal Crop Insurance Program (Record Group 258)
4 cubic feet
Risk Management Agency Directives. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Central Intelligence Agency (Record Group 263)
26 cubic feet
CIA "Name" Files and Subject Files Responsive to PL-105-246 and PL-106-567. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the U.S. Information Agency (Record Group 306)
96 cubic feet
Research Data Collection Survey Project Files, 1955–87; Research Report Files, 1958–72; Research Studies, 1958-78. Materials security classified. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Agricultural Research Service (Record Group 310)
3 cubic feet
Records of the National Arboretum Advisory Committee, 1927–94. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of Naval Operating Forces (Record Group 313)
2 cubic feet
Fleet Staff Deck Logs. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942– (Record Group 338)
2 cubic feet
U.S. Forces Far East, Eighth U.S. Army, Adjutant General; Awards Files, 1951–54; I Armored Corps, Awards Files, 1951; 44th Infantry Division, Awards Files, Card Index, 1944–45; I Armored Corps, Awards Files, 1942–43. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations (Record Group 342)
442 cubic feet
U.S. Numbered Air Forces, 1945–49. 11th Air Force; U.S. Numbered Air Forces, 1960. 5th Air Force; U.S. Numbered Air Forces, 1946–51: 8th, 9th, and 15 Air Forces. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the Naval Air Systems Command (Record Group 343)
4 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed and some security classified. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff , 301-837-3510.

Records of the Naval Ship System Command (Record Group 344)
727 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed and some security classified. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the Naval Electronic Systems (Record Group 345)
19 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials Unprocessed and some security classified. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff , 301-837-3510.

Records of the Naval Supply Systems Command (Record Group 347)
22 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the Employment and Training Administration (Record Group 369)
12 cubic feet
Employment and Training Administration Publications. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Record Group 370)
12 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency (Record Group 373)
146 cubic feet
Intelligence Reports; Naval Attaché Requests ONI; Budget Reports; Exchange Information - Israel; Administrative Publications; Biographical Files; Inspection Surveys; Director's Correspondence; Budget Receipts; Organizational Studies; Investigation Reports; Foreign Country Liaison Files; Budget; Inspection Reports; Intelligence Productions; Standard Publications; Financial Plans Adjustments. Materials unprocessed and security classified. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Record Group 403)
4 cubic feet
Speeches of Clarence Thomas. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the U.S. Military Academy (Record Group 404)
1 cubic foot
U.S. Military Academy, Office of the Adjutant General, Awards Files, 1942–48. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff , 301-837-3510.

Records of the Environmental Protection Agency (Record Group 412)
2 cubic feet
Speeches of Administrator Carol Browner; EPA Initial Agency Budget File 1971–72. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (Record Group 417)
19 cubic feet
Annual transfer from the Washington National Records Center. Materials unprocessed and security classified. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Financial Management Service (Record Group 425)
19 cubic feet
Central Correspondence Files of the Domestic and Foreign Banking Staffs. Materials unprocessed. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Record Group 470)
4 cubic feet
Decisional memorandums; Review Commission Decision Blue Books; Federal Chairman and Commissioners biographies and speeches; memorandums to predecisional opinions. Materials unprocessed and some security classified. Contact the Archives II Civilian Records Staff, 301-837-3480.

Records of Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific (World War II) (Record Group 495)
1 cubic foot
Australia Base Section, Awards Files, 1945–46. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of Headquarters, European Theater of Operations, United States Army (World War II) (Record Group 498)
5 cubic feet
Theater Service Forces, European Theater, Awards Files, 1944–46. Materials open. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

Records of General Headquarters, Far East Command, Supreme Commander Allied Powers, and United Nations Command (Record Group 554)
10 cubic feet
MARBO, AG, Command Historical Report, 1951; MARBO, Engineer; Project Planning Files, 1947–51; MARBO, IG, Investigation Case Files, 1947–51; MARBO, HQ Special Troops, Publications Record Set, 1947–51; MARBO, HQ Special Troops, General Correspondence Files, 1947–50; MARBO, HQ Service Group, Publications Record Set, 1950; MARBO, HQ Service Group, Records of Courts-Martial, 1948–50; MARBO, HQ Service Group, General Correspondence Files, 1950; MARBO, Finance, Subject Files, 1948–52; MARBO, Chaplain, Financial Records, 1949–52; MARBO, AG, Postal Officer, General Correspondence Files, 1950–52;

MARBO, AG, Case Files of Special Courts-Martial, 1949–51; MARBO, AG, Publications Record Set, 1944–52; MARBO, IG, Complaints Files, 1950–52; MARBO, AG, Welfare Fund Administrative Records, 1944–46; MARBO, Quartermaster, Subject Files, 1945–52; MARBO, AG, Outgoing Radio Messages, 1951–52; MARBO, G-2, Security Investigation Reports, 1950–52; MARBO, G-1, Historical Data File, 1951; MARBO, AG, General Correspondence Files, 1944–52; MARBO, 604th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company, Ship's Log Book, 1948–49; MARBO General Dispensary, Publications Record Set, 1949–50;

MARBO General Dispensary, Personnel Forms, 1949–50; MARBO General Dispensary, Admission and Disposition Files, 1949–50; MARBO General Dispensary, General Correspondence Files, 1949–50; MARBO, Medical Service, Personnel Forms, 1949–50; MARBO, Medical Service, Publications Record Set, 1949–50; MARBO, Medical Service, General Correspondence Files, 1949–50; MARBO, Surgeon, Historical Reports, 1947–52; MARBO, Provost Marshal and Stockade Detachment, Accident Reports, 1950–51; MARBO, Signal, General Correspondence Files, 1947–51; MARBO, Personnel Center, General Correspondence Files, 1947–52;

MARBO, Army Graves Registration Service Office, Subject Files, 1946–50; MARBO, Army Graves Registration Service Office, Reports of Death and Interment, 1946–51; MARBO, Quartermaster, General Correspondence Files, 1947–52; MARBO, Transportation, General Correspondence Files, 1949; MARBO, Provost Marshal and Stockade Detachment, Publications Record Set, 1949–52; MARBO, Ordnance Depot, General Correspondence Files, 1948–52; MARBO, Public Information Office, Publications, 1951–52; MARBO, Public Information Office, Command Reports, 1950–51; MARBO, Signal, Publications Record Set, 1949–50.

Materials reallocated from Record Group 338. Contact the Archives II Military Records Staff, 301-837-3510.

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Electronic Records

Records of the Bureau of the Census (Record Group 29)
12,509,635 logical data records
Decennial Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Summary Tape File 4-B (10,520,120 logical data records). Federal Awards Assistance Data System, FY 2003, 3rd and 4th quarters (873,213 logical data records). Current Population Surveys, August and December 2002 and March 2003 (724,213 logical data records). American Housing Survey, Metropolitan Files, 2002 (392,089 logical data records). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Social Security Administration (Record Group 47)
27,411 logical data records
Survey of Low Income Aged and Disabled, 1972–74 (17,552 logical data records). Survey of Disability and Work, 1978 (9,859 logical data records). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Record Group 138)
24,012,075 logical data records
Records and Information Management System (RIMS), 1981–2002 (24,012,075 logical data records). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Commodity Future Trading Corporation (Record Group 180)
7,052 logical data records
Index to the Commodity Futures Trading Corporation Meetings and Hearings, 1975–88 (7,052 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Army Staff (Record Group 319)
55 logical data records
Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS0, FY2002–FY2003 (55 logical data records). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Record Group 330)
2,366,988 logical data records
Foreign Military Sales, ca. FY 1950–FY 2001 (627,156 logical data records). Military Assistance Program (MAPS), ca. FY 1950–FY 2001 (277,009 logical data records). Defense Manpower Data Center Active Duty Personnel File, FY 2004 (1,462,823 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

General Records of the Department of Transportation (Record Group 398)
5,271,359 logical data records
Airline Service Quality Performance File, 2002 (5,271,359 logical data records). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Record Group 403)
9,662,492 logical data records
Integrated Mission System, 1989–2004 (9,662,492 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Federal Highway Administration (Record Group 406)
1,372,431 logical data records
National Household Travel Survey, 2001 (1,057,414 logical data records). Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, 1997 (315,017). Materials open. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (Record Group 433)
615,239 logical data records
Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health Management Information System, 1978–2001 (615,239 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Record Group 442)
1,690,077 logical data records
National Health Interview Survey, 1985 and 1992 (814,728 logical data records). Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHAMES II), 1976–80 (537,636 logical data records). National Exposure Registry, 1978–2001 (57,260 logical data records). Natality Detail File, 1992, 1995–98 (280,453 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the National Institutes of Health (Record Group 443)
7,363 logical data records
Epidemiologic Studies of Occupational Groups: Dry Cleaners Study (7,363 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

Records of the Office of Personnel Management (Record Group 478)
2,164,727 logical data records
Central Personnel Data File (CPDF), 1993 (2,164,727 logical data records). Materials partially restricted. Contact the Reference Staff, Center for Electronic Records, at 301-837-0470 or e-mail

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Special Media

Records of the Department of Justice (Record Group 60)
4 cubic feet
Received as an internal transfer from the Textual Archives Division were 22 motion pictures and 178 sound recordings that were media exhibits and evidence located in the "Enclosures to Classified Subject Files" textual series relating to the DOJ Litigation Case Files, 1930–87. Of particular interest are audiovisual items relating to Classification File Numbers 144 (Civil Rights), 146 (WW II Classification), and 149 (Foreign Agents Registration Act). For example there are film and audio records in Classification Subject 144 relating to civil rights conflicts in Selma, AL; Sylvester, GA; St. Paul, MN; Jackson, MS; Sommerville, TN; and the desegregation of the University of Mississippi and enrollment of James Meredith in Oxford, MS. In Classification Subject 146 there are six reels of 16mm film relating to the German-American Bund, 1942. And in Classification Subject 149, there are 42 record albums containing recordings in English and Chinese of songs, speeches, musicals, and operatic performances issued during the Cultural Revolution in China, 1966–76, by the government-controlled China Record Company with many albums featuring praise to Mao Tse-Tung with recitations of his poems and revolutionary rhetoric. Materials open; however preservation work needs to be completed before access copies are made available. Accession NN3-060-99-008.

Records of the Panama Canal (Record Group 185)
20 cubic feet
This accession consists of two distinct series for the period 1918–99. One series consists of manuscript topographic maps showing infrastructure in the Panama Canal area. Included are spot elevations and contour lines, all structures, roads, utility lines, wells, vegetation, and survey monuments. Building names, functions, or numbers are usually provided. The second series consists of manuscript hydrographic maps of dredged areas along the Panama Canal. Included are spot soundings, shipping channel centerlines, mileage, survey station references, and related information. Materials processed and open for research. Accession NN3-185-05-001.

Records of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Record Group 311)
130 cubic feet
Accessioned is a series of "Flood Elevation Determination Maps" and "Flood Insurance Rate Maps" along with some preliminary versions of these maps titled either "Flood Hazard Boundary Maps" or "Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps." These maps were designed to depict flood-prone areas within selected counties and communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. The maps indicate the locations, if any, of the 100-year and 500-year floodplains. Other features shown include political boundaries, public land survey grid, hydrographs, railroads, highways, and streets. Materials open and processed. Accession NN3-311-04-004 and NN3-311-04-005.

Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency (Record Group 373)
1,620 cubic feet
This series of aerial photographic film, 1940–70, consists of 36 accessions of vertical and oblique sequential photographic negatives in roll format. Both urban and rural areas of the United States are represented with emphasis on coastal and navigable inland harbors and waterways, military installations, and airfields throughout the country. The coverage for areas of the world outside the United States is concentrated on areas of World War II and immediate postwar U.S. military activities and facilities. Materials open and processed. Accessions NN3-373-05-071 through NN3-373-05-107.

Records of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Record Group 442)
1 cubic feet
Received in six accessions were 36 CDC posters on such topics as antismoking, flu prevention, AIDS, HIV, TB, Hepatitis C, safety and hygiene, antimicrobial resistance, and the 2004 National Immunization Week. Materials open and processed. Accessions NN3-442-05-005 through NN3-442-05-0010.

Records of the Department of Health and Human Services (Record Group 468)
19 cubic feet
Accessioned from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs were 300 videotapes of HHS press conferences, speeches, remarks, briefings, hearings, and public service announcements (PSAs), 1986–2004. Included are press conferences on such topics as AIDS, drug abuse and testing, organ transplantation and tissue donation, domestic violence, smoking, long-term health care, patient confidentiality, Surgeon General report on nutrition and health, food labeling, depression, sickle cell disease, flu shots, Head Start, childhood adoption and immunization, and breast cancer, with public information spots on HIV and AIDS and drugs. Materials open and processed. Accession NN3-468-05-004.

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Anchorage  |   Atlanta  |   Boston  |   Chicago  |   Denver  |   Fort Worth  |   Kansas City  |   Laguna Niguel  |   New York City  |   Philadelphia  |   San Francisco  |   Seattle

All records are open for research unless noted otherwise.

Anchorage - NARA's Pacific Alaska Region
No new accessions to report.

Atlanta - NARA's Southeast Region
Contact archival operations, 404-763-7477

Records of District Courts of the United States (Record Group 21)
951 cubic feet

Federal Courts in Alabama:
Southern District of Alabama, Mobile Division. Adversary proceedings, 1980, and civil case files, 1959–80
Middle District of Alabama, Montgomery Division. Civil case files, 1980.
Northern District of Alabama, Birmingham Division. Adversary proceedings, civil, and criminal case files, 1979–80.

Federal Courts in Florida:
Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division. Criminal case files, 1980.
Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division. Adversary proceedings, 1975–80.
Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.
Northern District of Florida, Tallahassee Division. Civil case files, 1974–79, and criminal case files, 1978–80.
Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division. Civil case files, 1979–80, and criminal case files, 1972–80.
Northern District of Florida, Panama City Division. Civil case files, 1976–80, and criminal case files, 1978.
Northern District of Florida, Pensacola Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1974–80.
Southern District of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Division. Civil case files, 1979, and criminal case files, 1978–79.
Southern District of Florida, Miami Division. Adversary proceedings and dockets, 1979–80; bankruptcy dockets, 1979–89; civil case files, 1973–79; and criminal case files, 1970–79.
Southern District of Florida, West Palm Beach. Criminal case files, 1979.

Federal Courts in Georgia:
Middle District of Georgia, Albany Division. Civil case files, 1980, and criminal case files, 1978–80.
Middle District of Georgia, Americus Division. Criminal case files, 1979–80.
Middle District of Georgia, Athens Division. Civil case files and criminal case files, 1979–80.
Middle District of Georgia, Columbus Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1979–80.
Middle District of Georgia, Macon Division. Civil case files, 1979, and commissioner's dockets, 1950–71.
Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta Division. Criminal case files, 1974–79.
Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division. Adversary proceedings, 1979–80; civil case files and criminal case files, 1980; and criminal dockets, 1955–80.
Northern District of Georgia, Gainesville Division. Civil case files, 1980.
Northern District of Georgia, Newnan Division. Adversary proceedings, 1979–80.
Southern District of Georgia, Augusta Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1978–80.
Southern District of Georgia, Brunswick Division. Civil case files, 1980.
Southern District of Georgia, Dublin Division. Civil case files, 1977–80.

Federal Courts in Kentucky:
Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.
Eastern District of Kentucky, Lexington Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1976–80.
Eastern District of Kentucky, London Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1973–80.
Eastern District of Kentucky, Pikeville Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.
Western District of Kentucky, Louisville Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1979–80.
Western District of Kentucky, Owensboro Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1975–80.
Western District of Kentucky, Paducah Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1975–80.

Federal Courts in Mississippi:
Northern District of Mississippi, Aberdeen Division. Adversary case files, 1979–81, and civil case files, 1975–80.
Northern District of Mississippi, Clarksdale Division. Civil case files, 1979–80.
Northern District of Mississippi, Greenville Division. Adversary proceedings, 1979–80; bankruptcy dockets, 1977–80; and civil case files, 1979–80.
Northern District of Mississippi, Oxford Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1975–80.
Southern District of Mississippi, Biloxi Division. Bankruptcy dockets, 1959–80, and civil and criminal case files, 1967–80.
Southern District of Mississippi, Hattiesburg Division. Civil case files, 1980.
Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1976–80.
Southern District of Mississippi, Meridian Division. Civil case files, 1980

Federal Courts in North Carolina:
Eastern District of North Carolina, Elizabeth City, Division. Civil case files, 1980.
Eastern District of North Carolina, Fayetteville Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.
Eastern District of North Carolina, Raleigh Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1977–80.
Eastern District of North Carolina, Wilmington Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1979–80.
Eastern District of North Carolina, Wilson Division. Adversary proceedings and criminal case files, 1978–80.
Eastern District of North Carolina, New Bern Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1978–80.
Western District of North Carolina, Asheville Division. Civil case files, 1979–80.
Western District of North Carolina, Charlotte Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.
Western District of North Carolina, Statesville Division. Civil and criminal case files, 1980.

Records of the U.S. Coast Guard (Record Group 26)
13 cubic feet

Unit logs of the Coast Guard Station, Brunswick, Georgia, 1995–2001.
Vessel documentation case files, Mobile, AL, 1981–93
Vessel documentation case files, Biloxi, MS, 1981–82
Vessel documentation case files, Pensacola, FL, 1981–83

Boston - NARA's Northeast Region
No new accessions to report.

Chicago - NARA's Great Lakes Region
No new accessions to report.

Denver - NARA's Rocky Mountain Region
Contact archival operations, 303-407-5740

Records of District Courts of the United States (Record Group 21)
1 cubic foot
U.S. District Court of Colorado. Naturalization petitions, 1977–78.

Records of the Bureau of Land Management (Record Group 49)
1 cubic foot
Carlsbad (NM) Field Office. Mineral leasing files, 1882–1972.

Records of the U.S. Geological Survey (Record Group 57)
10 cubic feet
Central Region Library (Denver, CO). Records of predecessor surveys, 1869–89.

Records of the Bureau of Reclamation (Record Group 115)
46 cubic feet
Lower Colorado River Regional Office, Boulder City, NV. Project specifications, 1965–2002; economic, repayment, water sales, and water rights reports, 1945–2000; reports relating to geology and geography, 1933–2003; reports relating to Parker Dam, 1936–98.

Great Plains Regional Office, Billings, MT. Plat maps, 1862–2002; geography and geology reports, 1936–67.

Records of the U.S. Courts of Appeals (Record Group 276)
118 cubic feet
Tenth Circuit. Court case papers, 1968–69; briefs and appendixes, 1964–66.

Records of the Federal Highway Administration (Record Group 406)
1 cubic foot
South Dakota Division (Pierre, SD). Bureau of Indian Affairs project files, 1972.

Fort Worth - NARA's Southwest Region
No new accessions to report.

Kansas City - NARA's Central Plains Region
No new accessions to report.

Laguna Niguel - NARA's Pacific Region
No new accessions to report.

New York City - NARA's Northeast Region
Contact archival operations, 212-401-1620

Records of District Courts of the United States (Record Group 21)
130 cubic feet

Federal Courts in New York:
Southern District of New York, Manhattan Division. Judgment index cards, 1968–79; civil docket books, 1974 and 1979; civil case files, 1971 and 1978–79; criminal case files, 1974 and 1979.
Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn Division. Naturalization calendars, 1977–79.

Federal Court in Puerto Rico:
District of Puerto Rico. Magistrate books, 1973–79; criminal dockets, 1949–79; criminal case files, 1977–79; civil case files, 1971–79.

Records of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Record Group 100)
1 cubic foot
Puerto Rico Area Office. Safety fatality and/or catastrophic inspection cases, 1984.

Records of the U.S. Court of Appeals (Record Group 276)
398 cubic feet
Second Circuit, New York, NY. Case records, 1979.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (Record Group 311)
1 cubic foot
Region II, New York, NY. Subject correspondence files, 1983–84.

Philadelphia - NARA's Mid Atlantic Region
No new accessions to report.

San Francisco - NARA's Pacific Region
No new accessions to report.

Seattle - NARA's Pacific Alaska Region
No new accessions to report.

Top of Page


Accessions Openings


Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Historical materials from Donald S. Carmichael, original FDR materials related to the design of the Roosevelt Library.

Alden Krider's design plans for an iron lung (done as a National Youth Administration Project).

Accretion to the George M. Elsey Papers.

Accretion to the Edward J. Flynn Papers.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Additional papers of Ezra Taft Benson, 1961–63: Secretary of Agriculture, 1953–61.

Papers of Richard Gable, 1937–97: Rural Electrification Administratinon (REA) employee, 1950–60, and Director of Communications for General Services Administration (GSA), 1960–66.

Papers of William B. Macomber, Jr., 1937–2000: Office of Special Intelligence, State Department, 1953–54; administrative assistant to Senator John Sherman Cooper, 1954; special assistant to Under Secretary of State, 1955, and Secretary of State, 1956–57; and Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, 1957–62.

Additional papers of Mary Jane McCaffree, 1952–94: social secretary to Mamie Doud Eisenhower, 1953–61

Papers of J. Robert Schaetzel, 1943–95: foreign staff officer, State Department, 1954–58; supervisor of Foreign Affairs Office, 1958–60; and Section Chief, Office of Special Assistant for Disarmament and Atomic Energy, 1960.

Papers of Lothair Teetor, 1946–64: Assistant Secretary of Commerce, 1953–55, and tax reform lobbyist, 1956–62.

John F. Kennedy Library

The personal papers of Lewis Butler, Peace Corps staff. Field interviews with volunteers, 1962–67. 1 cubic foot. Open.

Accretion to the personal papers of John A. Carver, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Public Lands Management, 1961–64. 27 cubic feet. Closed pending processing.

The personal papers of Philip DesMarias, president of Kennedy for President Committee of Louisiana. Copies of correspondence, memorandums, and news clippings relating to DesMarias's work for John F. Kennedy's campaign for President in Louisiana, 1959–60. 0.25 cubic foot. Open.

Two accretions to the personal papers of John T. Dunlop. Post-government Harvard files. 4 cubic feet. Closed pending processing.

Records of the Edward Devotion School, Brookline, MA, 1920–25. Class rosters, attendance records, and promotion cards for Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., and John F. Kennedy. 0.25 cubic foot. Open.

Records of the Erno Laszlo Institute. Client records from Erno Laszlo Institute, a cosmetology specialist. Correspondence, regimen instructions, transcripts of telephone conversations, and news clippings. 0.25 cubic foot. Closed.

Accretion to the personal papers of Edward M. Kennedy, brother of President Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts (1962– ). Books, newspapers, prints, pictures, memorabilia, awards, plaques, photographs, phonograph records, VHS tapes, reel-to-reel recordings, and cassette tapes relating to Senator Kennedy, his parents, and his brothers. Historical items, 1700–1930s. Bulk dates 1957–2000. 33 cubic feet. Courtesy storage.

A second accretion to the personal papers of Edward M. Kennedy. "Kennedy for Senate" 1994 and 2000 financial, direct mail, photographs, events, and correspondence files, 1993–2000. Campaign for a Democratic Majority financial records, 1996, 1998, 2000. 42 cubic feet. Courtesy storage.

Accretion to the personal papers of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, mother of President Kennedy, and author, Times to Remember (1974). Family and personal correspondence, speeches, photographs, clippings about travel; speeches for campaigns, and about the John F. Kennedy Library and about mental retardation; the deaths of Joseph P. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy; and restoration of John F. Kennedy's birthplace. Includes some Joseph P. Kennedy papers from his tenure as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. 1934–71. 12 cubic feet. Closed pending processing.

Accretion to the personal papers of Theodore Sorensen. News clippings and other clippings related to Sorensen's career and speaking engagements (1999–2004). Less than 0.25 cubic foot. Open.

Accretion to the Ernest Hemingway Collection, totaling less than 0.25 cubic foot: Six letters plus four envelopes of correspondence between Ernest Hemingway and Wirt Alfred Williams concerning the publication of Williams's first novel The Enemy. Open.

Accretions to the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Collection of 28 oral history interviews with:

Cindy Annchild (Iran, 1968–72)
Merrilie Benthin (Cameroon, 1969–72)
David Brush (Tanzania, 1964–66)
John Bush (Tanzania, 1964–66)
Anne Carrellas (Senegal, 1988–92)
Theodore Cheslak (Kenya, 1975–77)
Kay Clifford (Uganda, 1969–71)
Dorothy Clune (Senegal, 1967–68)
Ed Demerly (Malaysia, 1966–68)
George Ferris (Ethiopia, 1963–65)
Mary (Slattery) Ferris (Malaysia, 1967–68)
Robert Ferris (Tanzania, 1964–66; Malaysia, 1967–68)
Frank Gorman (Morocco, 1969–71; Congo, 1971)
Susette Jacquette (Micronesia, 1975–77)
Pam LeBlanc (Malaysia, 1967–69)
Gerald Martin (Tanzania, 1964–66)
David Mester (Kenya, 1965–67)
Jim Owens (Botswana, 1971–73)
Brian Peceny (Morocco, 1986–88)
Keith Pnazek (Dominican Republic, 1975–78)
Sandra Sefton (Brazil, 1965–67)
William Stevenson (Colombia, 1963–65)
Margaret Taylor (Korea, 1968–70)
Norman Tyler (Sierra Leone, 1964–66)
Tom Wagner (Malaysia, 1965–67)
William Weber (Nepal, 1970–74)
John and Donna Whitney (Tanzania, 1984–86)
Patricia Williams (Thailand, 1968–70)

Twenty-four additions to the John F. Kennedy Tributes Collection and 10 additions to the Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection were accessioned, processed, and opened.

Fifty-nine photograph items, 51 audio recordings, and 20 video recordings were accessioned this quarter.

Gerald R. Ford Library

Records of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico, 1973–75, part of Record Group 220, 3 cubic feet. (transferred to the Ford Library from Washington, DC)

Accretions to the Gerald R. Ford Scrapbooks, Personal Papers, Post-Presidential Office Files, and Personal Financial Papers; and the Composite General Accessions and Composite Grand Rapids Accessions.

Accretion to the Robert Teeter Papers.

Bruce Wagner Papers, consisting of 1976 campaign strategy notebooks, research materials, reports, and correspondence files. Mr. Wagner was chief operating officer of Campaign '76 Media Communications, Inc., the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee. 2 cubic feet.

Jimmy Carter Library

Accession of post-Presidential material from both of President Carter's offices.

Classified files of Walter F. Mondale, Vice-President of the United States.

National Security Council historical file.

George Bush Library

Accretion to the George Bush Post-Presidential Collection, 0.33 linear feet. Unprocessed and unavailable for research.

Robert Stinnett Collection, consisting of the working files for his book George Bush: His World War II Years, 7 linear feet.


Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Records of the Secret Service Pertaining to the Protection of President Roosevelt (previously closed as Records of Concern and re-reviewed with the cooperation of the Secret Service), 13 linear feet re-opened for research.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Papers of Alfred M. Gruenther, 1942–83, U.S. Army Series and the Appointment Books Series of the Records of the White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary, 1952–61.

John F. Kennedy Library

Personal papers of Lewis Butler, Peace Corps staff. Field interviews with volunteers, 1962–67. 1 cubic foot.

Personal papers of Philip DesMarias. Copies of correspondence, memorandums, and news clippings. 0.25 cubic foot.

Records of the Edward Devotion School. 0.25 cubic foot.

Personal papers of Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht, historian and author. Interviews, research notes, and unpublished manuscript on John F. Kennedy, his administration, and family. 0.25 cubic foot.

Personal papers of Robert Warren Ross, writer. Research materials and draft for proposed book, "A Sports Tribute to JFK," 1963–64. 0.5 cubic foot.

Accretion to the personal papers of Theodore Sorensen. News clippings and other clippings. Less than 0.25 cubic foot.

Personal papers of James Wine, lawyer, diplomat. Adviser on religious issues during John F. Kennedy's Presidential campaign (1960); Ambassador to Luxembourg (1961–62); Ambassador to the Republic of the Ivory Coast (1962–67). Papers relating to campaigns and diplomatic career, 1960–65. 0.5 cubic foot.

Two series of the personal papers of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. Diaries, 1908–73. Times to Remember - interview cassettes and transcripts, 1972–73; background materials, 1908–74; and manuscripts. 20 cubic feet.

Personal papers of Harlan Cleveland, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, 1961–65. Working files, 68 cubic feet.

Gerald R. Ford Library

Papers of Richard Feltner, from his service as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, less than 1 cubic foot.

Accretion to the papers of Robert Goldwin, Special Consultant to the President, 1 cubic foot.

Ronald Reagan Library

Personal papers of Herbert Northrup.

A portion of the Ronald Reagan pre-Presidential papers. The opening consists of Reagan's mostly handwritten scripts for his syndicated radio commentary program, "Viewpoint." This program was broadcast between 1975 and 1979. The opening also includes some gubernatorial speeches of Ronald Reagan.

Personal papers of Charles P. Smith.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272