​APHL Member Access Restrictions: A number of resources on this page can only be accessed by APHL members, and you must be signed in to view them. If you have access, please do not distribute them beyond the public health laboratory community. If you need additional materials or would like to request access, please contact eoc@aphl.org​​.​

APHL/CDC Public Health Laboratory Call Summaries and APHL Lab Alerts
(APHL Member Access Only, Sign-in Required)


COVID-19 Test Characteristics

With the ever-expanding number of COVID-19 tests available, it can be difficult to compare them and determine which are best suited for your use. To assist with this effort, APHL has compiled a list of many molecular tests and their key characteristics, such as the specimen type(s) they support, performance, platform footprint and lab vs POC use.

Below are brief summaries of a select number of tests; an expanded list can be viewed online or downloaded (updated 1/14/21).

Note: To facilitate the selection of the proper standard codes when reporting the results of these tests CDC has published a LOINC to IVD Mapping tool. Learn more about this tool in the "Informatics HL7 Messaging" section, above.

Page Last Reviewed: January 14, 2020