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Office of Civil Rights


Ensure prompt, fair, and equal treatment of all DOE employees, stakeholders, and beneficiaries of federal financial assistance related to the execution of the Department of Energy’s mission. 


The Department of Energy as a model employer known for its commitment to equal opportunity for all, its cultivation of a high-performing workforce that empowers all its employees to achieve superior results, its promotion of accountability to ourselves, our customers and the American taxpayers, its focus on treating its employees, stakeholders, recipients of financial assistance and members of the public with dignity and respect, and its reputation for upholding all laws, including the prompt enforcement of internal and external civil rights laws.

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity


To promote an inclusive work environment that ensures equal employment opportunity, fosters a culture that proactively values fairness and equality, and empowers employees to participate constructively to their fullest potential in support of the DOE mission.


A workplace environment across the DOE Complex that reflects full achievement of the Six Essential Elements of a Model EEO Program.