Fire Fighters spraying water on massive fire

The United States depends on about 1.1 million fire fighters to protect its citizens and property from fire. Approximately 336,000 are career fire fighters, 812,000 are volunteers, and 80 to 100 die in the line of duty each year.

To address this occupational hazard, the NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program conducts independent investigations of fire fighter line-of-duty deaths.


Fire Apparatus Rollovers

Apparatus rollover events are a common cause of line-of-duty deaths in the fire service. Driver training and seat belt use are important safety topics to address with both new and experienced drivers. Visit our motor vehicle safety at work page to learn more about how to stay safe when driving.

Summary of Investigation Recommendations

A study of FFFIPP report recommendations from 2006-2014, identified the top 10 most frequently occurring recommendation categories. The categories were: 1. Medical screening, 2. Fitness and wellness programs, 3. Training, 4. Medical clearance, 5. Standard Operating Procedures/Standard Operating Guidelines, 6. Incident command, 7. Strategy and tactics, 8. Communications, 9. Personal protective equipment and 10. Staffing.

Assessing Occupational Injuries among Firefighters

This ongoing study involves phone interviews of firefighters who were treated at select emergency departments for injuries or exposures that happened while working. This project aims to reduce injuries and exposures among firefighters and is supported by the International Association of Fire Fighters, the National Volunteer Fire Council, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and the National Fire Protection Association. For information, contact Suzanne Marsh at (304) 285-6009 or

Safety Tip
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Phase in a mandatory comprehensive wellness and fitness program for firefighters.

Page last reviewed: November 22, 2019