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NIST / OWM Security & Privacy Policies

NIST is committed to safeguarding personal privacy. Individual trust in the privacy and security of personally identifiable information is a foundation of trust in government and commerce in the 21st Century. As an employer, a collector of data on millions of individuals and companies, the developer of information management standards and a federal advisor on information management policy, the Department strives to be a leader in best privacy practices and privacy policy. To further this goal, NIST assigns a high priority to privacy considerations in all systems, programs, and policies.

Privacy Act Statement

The collection of this personally identifiable information (PII) is authorized under the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 271, 272 et seq. The OWM protects PII against unauthorized use or disclosure and safeguards the collection, access, use, disclosure, and storage of PII in accordance with the 1974 Privacy Act (1974), the E-Government Act (2002), the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (2014), policy and guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget, and NIST’s Privacy Statement/Security Notice. The information collected may be retained by the OWM indefinitely. Disclosure is also subject to the uses listed in the DoC Privacy Act System of Records Notices: “Information Collected Electronically in Connection with DoC Activities, Events, and Programs;” and “Accounts Receivable.”

The OWM does not release your personal information without your consent. We may publish your name; title; employer name; business address, phone (and fax) number(s); and email in class participant lists and membership lists for national or other working groups if appropriate; and, if applicable, it may also be published in an attendee list in reports on meetings of the National Conference on Weights and Measures. If you are a Federal, state or local weights and measures official, we may also publish your information in an “online” or “print” directory of weights and measures officials. As a public service, we may share your contact information with members of the public to respond to business or consumer inquiries in your jurisdiction, or involving your jurisdiction or organization, so the parties can contact you directly for assistance. We may also use your personal and other information to determine your eligibility to participate in a training class and we may share it with the instructor, training host or other participants for use in organizing or providing a training or other activity. If you are eligible to participate in the activities sponsored by the OWM, your information will be used to process your registration, create a name badge and other identifying materials. In addition to the disclosures described above, we may also use your personal information to create training certificates and maintain a record of your attendance or to update records related to training. Except as required by law, we will not share your personal information, training record or examination results with a third party without first receiving a written request and obtaining your written consent. If you visit NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, your personal information may be used to register you in the NIST Visitor Registration System so you can access the NIST campus. This statement may be updated without prior notice, but revisions will be announced on OWM Web Page.

Your consent is required

Under Federal privacy laws and NIST policies the OWM must obtain your consent before collecting, using or disclosing your personally identifiable information as described on "How the OWM will disclose your information' below. To create an account in the OWM Contacts System you must provide your name, address, email address, and work telephone number. Furnishing this information is voluntary; however, if you do not consent you cannot create an account and you will not be registered for a training class or have access to the features of the OWM Contacts System described above. You may also provide supplementary information such as an alternative shipping location or alternative email (we encourage weights and measures officials to also furnish their position title and agency name) but sharing this information is optional. When you submit your personal information to the OWM Contacts System you are voluntarily giving the OWM your consent to use that information and other data (e.g., a user’s training history is automatically added to an account upon successful completion of training) associated with your username for the purposes described above.

How the OWM will use your information

We will use your personal information (e.g., name, address and work email and telephone number) to create an account and may use the member type you select (e.g., state official, state director, public, county official, or industry or trade association representative) in the process of approving or rejecting your registration (e.g., registrations are reviewed to ensure completeness and to prevent duplications or misuse of the system). If the account is approved, among other uses, we will:

  • collect your username and password, security question selection and answer and other information you provided,
  • contact you about your account and any training classes that you are registered to attend,
  • use the information to determine if you are eligible to attend a requested training class, and update your training history upon your successful completion of a training event,
  • respond to your inquiries or publications requests,
  • determine your eligibility to participate in certain work groups or other activities,
  • add you to mailing lists about a specific subject or working group you select during the registration process,
  • send you the OWM Connections Newsletter (however, you can opt out of the newsletter during the registration process) and
  • send you other correspondence about OWM activities, work group activities and the OWM training program and outreach efforts.

How the OWM will disclose your information

The OWM does not release your personal information without your consent. We may publish your name; title; employer name; business address, phone (and fax) number(s); and email in class participant lists and membership lists for national or other working groups if appropriate (e.g., to disclose who is participating in the activity or to enable other participants to contact you following the meeting); and, if applicable, it may also be published in an attendee list in reports on meetings of the National Conference on Weights and Measures. If you are a Federal, state or local weights and measures official, we may also publish your information in an “online” or “print” directory of weights and measures officials. As a public service, we may share your contact information with members of the public to respond to business or consumer inquiries (e.g., a complaint and other weights and measures related request) in your jurisdiction, or involving your jurisdiction or organization, so the parties can contact you directly for assistance. We may also use your personal and other information to determine your eligibility to participate in a training class and we may share it with the instructor, training host or other participants for use in organizing or providing a training or other activity. If you are eligible to participate in the activities sponsored by the OWM, your information will be used to process your registration, create a name badge and other identifying materials (e.g, tent cards or individualized notebook). In addition to the disclosures described above, we may also use your personal information to create training certificates and maintain a record of your attendance or to update records related to training. Except as required by law, we will not share your personal information, training record or examination results with a third party (e.g., employer or other entity) without first receiving a written request and obtaining your written consent (please note that registered users have unlimited self-service access to their training records and may access and download them at any time.) If you visit NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, your personal information may be used to register you in the NIST Visitor Registration System (note: your citizenship status and passport information may be requested separately prior to scheduling a visit) so you can access the NIST campus.

How you can access, review and update your personal information or request other assistance

You have the right to access, review, update, and correct inaccuracies in any of your personal information that is under the control of the NIST Office of Weights and Measures. You can access your account in the OWM Contacts System at using your username and password any time to review or update your personal information. You can also have your account made inactive or request that OWM update or correct your personal information by emailing or calling the contacts listed below. If you contact the OWM for these services we may request that you confirm certain personal information in the account to verify your identity and to prevent identity theft or other fraudulent activities. The OWM will send you an email to confirm any changes within one business day of completion. Please contact the OWM immediately at 301-975-4004 if you receive a notice about changes to your account which you did not request.

OWM Contacts System Assistance

OWM Contacts System Administrator:
Yvonne Branden
Phone: 301-975-3272

OWM Training Coordinator:
Yvonne Branden
Phone: 301-975-3272

General Inquiries:
Barbara Cohn
Phone: 301-975-4004

This Privacy Act Notice was updated on March 21, 2018

Created March 23, 2018, Updated February 11, 2020