
NASA needs your help! You can collaborate with professional scientists, conduct cutting-edge science, and make real discoveries.  A science degree is not required, just a passion for understanding the natural world. Here, you can read news about NASA-funded citizen science projects, new discoveries, and opportunities to get involved. For more information on current citizen science projects.


Dec 16, 2020
NASA’s Citizen Science Program is being featured on the NASA Science Live show. The episode, which premieres Wednesday, December 16th highlights a few of NASA’s Citizen Science projects. This is really special because it gives viewers an opportunity to JOIN IN, to not only learn about great... Read More
Photo of handing holding up a mobile phone with the text "You too can do NASA Science"
Dec 1, 2020
From conducting projects designed to study our planet’s biodiversity to studying the Sun andunderstanding planets outside our solar system, NASA-funded citizen science projects harness the collective strength of the public to analyze data and conduct scientific research.
Nov 13, 2020
A new finding about the formation of streaks within the aurora-like STEVE phenomenon brings scientists one step closer to solving the mystery.
A photo showing a purple arc of light alongside a green picket fence like structure in the night sky above a body of water
Oct 26, 2020
Snapshot Wisconsin is a partnership to monitor wildlife year-round, using a statewide network of trail cameras. Citizen scientists help discover wildlife by classifying images captured on trail cameras. The project provides data needed for wildlife management decision support at the Wisconsin... Read More
Three deer standing a lightly snowy field.
Oct 21, 2020
NASA citizen science can be a great teaching tool, especially during times like these when it’s difficult to run in-person experiments. Dr. Stephany Taylor, Assistant Professor of Physics at Shaw University uses NASA’s Floating Forests citizen science project in her introductory science classes to... Read More
Collage of faces using an online meeting tool
Oct 8, 2020
NASA celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month and Citizen Science received a shout out from Chief Scientist, Dr. Jim Green. 
Hispanic Heritage Month collage
Sep 30, 2020
Help NASA find exoplanets, worlds beyond our solar system, through a newly launched website called Planet Patrol. This citizen science platform allows members of the public to collaborate with professional astronomers as they sort through a stockpile of star-studded images collected by NASA’s... Read More
Planet Patrol Logo
Solar System, Planets of Our Solar System
Sep 24, 2020
Citizen scientist Gerald Eichstädt made this composite image using data obtained by the JunoCam instrument during four of the Juno spacecraft’s close passes by Jupiter. The greatly exaggerated color is partially a result of combining many individual images to create this view.
Colorful composite image of Jupiter
Aug 18, 2020
We’ve never met some of the Sun’s closest neighbors until now. In a new study, astronomers report the discovery of 95 objects known as brown dwarfs, many within a few dozen light-years of the Sun. They’re well outside the solar system, so don’t experience heat from the Sun, but still inhabit a... Read More
the white dwarf and a brown dwarf companion
Solar System
Aug 11, 2020
The Catalina Sky Survey has been collecting images of the night sky for over twenty years. Today you’ll have the chance of a lifetime---the chance to find a new TNO.
Catalina Outer Solar System Survey logo with asteroid