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The Census Bureau is no longer accepting submissions for the 2020 Census PSAP.

Contact Information

Support from the Census Bureau is available by email at to address PSAP questions, including specific programmatic questions.

2020 Census PSAP

The 2020 Census PSAP enabled invited participants to review and verify selected statistical area boundaries for 2020 Census data tabulation following U.S. Census Bureau guidelines and criteria. The Census Bureau will use the statistical areas defined for the 2020 Census to tabulate data for the annual American Community Survey (ACS) estimates and the Economic Census. These data are used to:

  • Prepare grant applications to fund community and regional development, education, agriculture, energy, and environmental programs, as well as other needed community improvements and enhancements.
  • Plan for future community needs. The next opportunity to review and delineate statistical areas is planned for the 2030 Census.

There are two types of statistical geographies, standard and tribal, available for review under the 2020 Census PSAP.

Standard statistical geographies include:

  • Census tracts.
  • Block groups.
  • Census designated places (CDPs).
  • Census county divisions (CCDs), in selected states.


Tribal statistical geographies include:

  • Tribal census tracts (TCTs).
  • Tribal block groups (TBGs).
  • Census designated places (CDPs).
  • Alaska Native village statistical areas (ANVSAs).
  • Oklahoma tribal statistical areas (OTSAs).
  • OTSA tribal subdivisions.
  • Tribal Designated Statistical Areas (TDSAs).
  • State Designated Tribal Statistical Areas (SDTSAs).

The Census Bureau may modify, and if necessary reject, statistical geographic areas and/or their boundaries submitted by participants that do not meet established criteria and guidelines.

What is the 2020 Census PSAP Schedule?

  • March - May 2018: Census Bureau contacted 2010 Census PSAP participants to inquire about 2020 Census PSAP participation. ✔
  • July 2018: Census Bureau distributed 2020 Census PSAP invitation materials to 2020 Census PSAP participants. ✔
  • January 2019: 2020 Census PSAP delineation phase began. Participants had 120 calendar days to submit updates. ✔
  • January - February 2019: Census Bureau conducted 2020 Census PSAP webinar trainings. ✔
  • July 2019: Census Bureau conducted closeout of the 2020 Census PSAP delineation phase. ✔
  • January 2020: 2020 Census PSAP verification phase began. Participants had 90 calendar days upon receipt of the verification announcement to review the 2020 statistical areas and submit corrections. ✔
  • May 2020: In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Census Bureau extended the PSAP verification deadline, and accepted submissions and email responses through May 15, 2020. ✔
  • September 2020: Census Bureau plans to conduct closeout of the 2020 Census PSAP verification phase. 
  • February 2021 - March 2021: 2020 statistical areas available for public use.

2020 Census PSAP Verification Materials

The 2020 Census PSAP verification phase began on January 15, 2020, with the receipt of the verification announcement. Participants had 90 calendar days following receipt of the verification announcement to review. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the verification announcement, the Census Bureau requested either the PSAP primary official contact or the PSAP primary technical contact email to indicate whether or not corrections to the 2020 statistical areas for their county(s) were forthcoming. The Census Bureau is no longer accepting submissions for the 2020 Census PSAP. The documentation listed below for the 2020 Census PSAP Verification Phase will remain for reference only.

2020 Census PSAP Verification Guides

PSAP Verification Quick Program Guides provide consolidated instruction on how to review and verify the 2020 statistical geographies that apply to a county(s) or tribal areas and to submit corrections to the statistical area boundaries where needed. Detailed instructions are in the PSAP verification respondent guides below.

PSAP Verification Respondent Guides provide detailed instruction on how to review, correct, and submit corrections where needed to the 2020 PSAP statistical areas.

Quick Reference Guides provide a snapshot of delineation criteria and guidelines for the PSAP statistical geographies. The Quick Reference Guides were provided during the delineation phase and remain available for reference during the verification phase.

Standard Geography Quick Reference Guides:

Standard Geography Quick Reference Guides for Puerto Rico participants (Spanish):

Tribal Geography Quick Reference Guides:

PSAP Verification Training Demonstration Videos

The training videos provide details on reviewing the 2020 statistical areas and submitting corrections if needed. They also provide information concerning specific situations that participants encounter when reviewing and verifying their statistical areas.


Use TIGERweb to review the 2020 statistical areas and determine if corrections are needed.

TIGERweb is a web-based system that allows users to visualize our TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing database) data. TIGERweb provides a simple way to view our TIGER data without Geographic Information System (GIS) software and without downloading data. Other options include TIGERweb WMS and TIGERweb REST Services which allow users to integrate our data into their own GIS or custom web-based applications.

Please refer to the PSAP Verification Quick Program and Respondent Guides for instructions on how to use TIGERweb to review 2020 PSAP statistical areas.

Online PDF Maps - Census Tract

The Census Bureau created county-based, Portable Document Format (PDF) maps that show the census tract boundaries, census tract coding (labels), and other common map features to assist with the review of the 2020 census tract coding. These are available online only. While census tract codes can be reviewed in TIGERweb, this PDF map product allows participants to more easily scan and review the coding scheme to ensure any existing coding patterns are maintained throughout the 2020 Census PSAP process. Because this product does not include all of the statistical area types, it should not be used to review the statistical area boundaries.

Use the state drop down below. Once a state is selected the system links to a file transfer protocol (FTP) directory for the selected state with census tract maps for each county.

Online PDF Maps - Tribal

The Census Bureau created tribal statistical area PDF maps that show the tribal statistical area boundaries, attributes, and other common map features to assist with the review of the 2020 tribal statistical areas. Tribal statistical area maps are available in printed form upon request.

Select the appropriate type of tribal entity from the folder menu below. The system routes participants to the FTP directory for the type of tribal entity selected that shows sub-folders for each tribal area within that tribal entity type.


Within the sub-folder for the type of tribal entity, scroll through the list of sub-folders to locate the one that corresponds with the tribal area for review and click it.

Tribal Area File Naming Conventions

Federal Reservations sub-folder naming convention = r<AAAA>_<Tribal name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.

State Reservations sub-folder naming convention = r<AAAA>_<Tribal name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.

Alaska Native Regional Corporations sub-folder naming convention = r<fffff>_<ANRC name>, where fffff corresponds to the five digit FIPS code of the ANRC.

Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas sub-folder naming convention = s<AAAA>_<ANVSA name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.

Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas sub-folder naming convention = s<AAAA>_<OTSA name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.

State Designated Tribal Statistical Areas sub-folder naming convention = s<AAAA>_<SDTSA name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.

Tribal Designated Statistical Areas sub-folder naming convention = s<AAAA>_<TDSA name>, where AAAA corresponds to the last four digits of the unique 11-digit code.


Additional Review Materials – New Census Designated Places (CDPs)

The files below list the new CDPs created in the delineation phase and the county(ies) or Federal American Indian Reservations/Off-Reservation Trust Lands that contain them. The “All” file is provided in two formats. The other three files are subsets of the “All” file. CDP codes shown in red indicate a CDP is duplicated in the file because it crosses into more than one county. Use the file or files most applicable to you to assist with your verification review of these new CDPs.

Additional CDPs were delineated after the verification materials and the original list of CDPs, issued on 12/19/2019, were created. The files above contain a new field, “ADDITIONAL_CDP”, to identify these CDPs. Please note that no additional CDPs were created on American Indian Reservation/Off-Reservation Trust Lands, so that file remains unchanged.

Further, individual maps were created so participants could review the boundaries of the additional CDPs. These maps are named PSAPV20CDP<STATEFP><PLACEFP>_<CDP_NAME>, where STATEFP is the two-digit state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code for the state containing the CDP and the PLACEFP is the five-digit place FIPS code of the CDP. To view the additional CDPs, access our FTP CDP map directory and select the state level sub-folder (e.g., st05_ar for the state of Arkansas) to reveal the list of CDP-specific PDF maps.

Participants with additional new CDPs should have received email regarding the additional CDPs, how to review them, and what action to take if corrections are needed. Contact us with any questions at

2020 Census PSAP Delineation Materials

The 2020 Census PSAP Delineation Phase has ended. The documentation listed below for the 2020 Census PSAP Delineation Phase will remain for reference only.

2020 Census PSAP Delineation Guides

PSAP Delineation Respondent Guides provide detailed instruction on how to use Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) or paper maps to review and update (if needed), or delineate statistical areas.

PSAP Delineation Training Materials

Recordings of the PSAP Standard GUPS webinar and PSAP Tribal GUPS webinar are available below. The webinars include information about the statistical geography criteria and guidelines, the delineation materials, and how to provide updates using the GUPS or paper maps. 

No training webinars are planned for the verification phase. Please reference the delineation phase training materials for detailed instructions on using GUPS.

The presentations that were used during the live webinars are provided below in PDF format for reference.

Who is my 2020 Census PSAP contact?

The name and contact information for the government entities and regional organizations that participated in the 2020 Census PSAP, known as primary PSAP participants, are in the Primary PSAP Participant Contact Information file below. The primary PSAP participants received the 2020 Census PSAP delineation phase materials for the county or counties identified, and were responsible for the review and update of statistical areas for that county or counties.

Only entities responding for standard statistical geographies are shown in the Primary PSAP Participant Contact Information file. Federal and state tribal statistical areas and the entities reporting for those areas are not shown in the file.

The STCOU field in the Primary PSAP Participant Contact Information file represents the code of the county for which the participant is responsible for statistical area review and update, where ST is the two-digit state FIPS code and COU is the three-digit county FIPS code. The information within this file will be updated periodically, as needed.

Additional Information

What Was New for the 2020 Census PSAP?

  • The former Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP) was included as part of the 2020 Census PSAP. Federally recognized tribes and state tribal liaisons had the opportunity to update tribal statistical geographies in 2020 Census PSAP.
  • To reduce participant burden, the Census Bureau provided proposed 2020 Census tracts and block groups for review and update by PSAP participants. Participants accepted the Census Bureau’s 2020 Census tracts and block groups, updated the proposed tracts and block groups, or used the 2010 Census statistical area geography as a base to make updates (see "2020 Census Tract and Block Group Proposed Changes Files" below).
  • Participants that reviewed standard statistical area geographies were required to use the Census Bureau’s Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) to delineate updates. The GUPS runs in QGIS, which is an open source Geographic Information System (GIS), and it contains all functionality required to make 2020 Census PSAP updates, execute automated checks for program criteria compliance, and create standardized data output files for Census Bureau processing.
  • Participants that used the GUPS to update their statistical areas also used the Secure Web Incoming Module (SWIM) to send their updates. The SWIM is the official web portal for uploading partnership materials to the Census Bureau.
  • Tribal participants that reviewed TCTs, TBGs, or CDPs also used the GUPS or elected to use the Census Bureau provided paper maps to review and edit tribal statistical geographies.
  • Participants reviewed ANVSAs, OTSAs, OTSA tribal subdivisions, TDSAs, or SDTSAs by Census Bureau paper maps to review and edit tribal statistical areas.

2020 Census PSAP Federal Register Notice (FRN)
Standard Statistical Geographies

The FRNs providing final criteria for the 2020 Census PSAP standard statistical geographies (census tracts, block groups, census designated places, and census county divisions) were published on November 13, 2018. Copies of these FRNs are available via the links below.

Tribal Statistical Geographies

The tribal statistical geographies for the 2020 Census PSAP share the same criteria and guidelines as published in the 2008 FRN for the 2010 Census PSAP. These guidelines and criteria are available via the links below.

Where Can I Find More Information?

  • Please watch this short video to understand how your participation benefits your community.
  • You can find statistical data for tribal geographies in the Census Bureau's My Tribal Area application.
  • View the 2020 Census PSAP Flyer [PDF].
  • The 2020 Census PSAP Information Guide provides important information for governments planning to participate in the 2020 Census PSAP, including how to prepare for the 2020 Census PSAP and the final statistical geographies criteria and tribal statistical geographies criteria.



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