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Managing Capital Cases: Managing Federal Death Penalty Trials: Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel Assistance

Under an arrangement with the Office of Defender Services of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel (FDPRC) personnel are available to assist federal judges in identifying qualified counsel and in dealing with other capital case management issues. For more information about the arrangement, please contact the Office of Defender Services Legal Duty Day Attorney at (202) 502-3030 or Aodb_ODS_LPB.

The following FDPRC counsel are available to assist federal judges:

  • David Bruck, Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel, c/o Virginia Capital Case Clearinghouse, Washington & Lee School of Law, Lexington VA 24450, (540) 458-8188 (direct)
  • Dick Burr, 906 E. Jackson, Hugo, OK 74743, (713) 628-3391
  • Kevin McNally, 513 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, KY 40602, (502) 227-2142
  • Judy Clarke, Capital Resource Counsel, 225 Broadway, Suite 900, San Diego, CA 92101-5030, (619) 234-8467
  • Michael Burt, Law Office of Michael Burt, 600 Townsend Street Suite 329-E, San Francisco, California 94103, (415) 522-1508

Additional useful information for judges and defense counsel can be found on the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel (FDPRC) website.