Health Claims

Companies must support their advertising claims with solid proof. This is especially true for businesses that market food, over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, contact lenses, and other health-related products.


As an eye care provider, you must give patients a copy of their contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions. These Q&As can help you learn more about your duties.

As an eye doctor, you must give patients a copy of their eyeglass prescriptions after completion of an eye exam. These Q&As can help you learn more about your responsibilities.

All companies – including marketers of dietary supplements – must comply with truth-in-advertising standards. This publication explains the how-tos of making sure your claims have appropriate scientific support.

To help media outlets spot false weight loss representations — "gut check" claims — the FTC has compiled a list of seven advertising claims that are likely to be a tip-off to deception. Take the quiz to see if you can trust your gut to spot them.

This guidance for eye care providers on marketing Lasik and alternative laser refractive procedures, known as surface ablation techniques, explains the requirements of Section 5 of the FTC Act that apply to the promotion of these procedures.

When developing a health app, sound privacy and security practices are key to consumer confidence. Here are some best practices to help you build privacy and security into your app. These practices also can help you comply with the FTC Act.

You’re developing a health app for mobile devices and you want to know which federal laws apply. Check out this interactive tool.

Consumers have the right to shop around when buying contact lenses – and prescribers and sellers have specific legal obligations. Are you complying with the Contact Lens Rule?

These guidelines, developed by a panel of weight management companies, medical professionals, and consumer protection groups, can help you give consumers the accurate information they need when evaluating weight loss products and services.