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Education and Outreach Programs

Department of Energy Visiting Faculty Program


The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) offers research opportunities for research teams from academic institutions that are small, historically underrepresented, not well-resourced, or a satellite campus that lacks the resources of the main campus. Institutions that appear on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)‘s list of highest research activity or higher research activity are not eligible. Additional information about eligibility is available on the DOE website.

Faculty from eligible institutions can apply to conduct research at Argonne National Laboratory or another of the 14 participating DOE laboratories as a way to increase faculty and student research competitiveness. The program is supported by the DOE Office of Science’s Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS).

Appointments are available in the summer for 10 weeks. Applications are solicited annually through the DOE website. Faculty applicants may invite up to two students (one of whom may be a graduate student) from their home academic institution to join them in this program; however, student participation is optional.

A typical experience starts with a brief laboratory and division orientation. During the course of the experience, faculty and student participants will pursue the research project that was proposed in the application with support from Argonne research staff. Opportunities are also available to connect with other Argonne and faculty researchers, as well as attend various Argonne-sponsored events. Research staff may also ask faculty to participate in professional scientific meetings. As part of the program, the faculty participant will be expected to complete pre and post-program surveys, an oral presentation, and a 68-page research report.

    Department of Energy Visiting Faculty Program

    The online application for summer 2021 is now open! The deadline to apply is January 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET.

    Apply Now

    Application Requirements

    • Currently employed as a full-time faculty member at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution that is historically underrepresented in the U.S. research community.
    • Full-time faculty member in physics, chemistry, non-medical biology, mathematics, engineering, environmental sciences, materials science, or computer/computational sciences.
    • U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident at the time of applying.
    • Curriculum vitae (CV).
    • Two letters of recommendation.
    • A research proposal with Argonne research staff.
    • Argonne employees, and certain guest researchers and contractors, are subject to particular restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities, as defined and detailed in United States Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You will be asked to disclose any such participation in the application phase for review by Argonne’s Legal Department.

    Financial Information

    During the appointment period, faculty participants receive a 10-week stipend of $13,000. Transportation mileage costs will be provided for one round trip for participants who travel farther than 50 miles one way. On-site and off-site housing is available. Up to $2000 can be reimbursed for housing expenses. 

    Upcoming Deadlines

    • Online application opens: October 20, 2020
    • Applications due: January 12, 2021 5:00 PM ET
    • Offer notification period begins: February 1, 2021
    • Offers and notifications complete: April 12, 2021
    • Summer appointment period: Late May 2021 – Late July 2021