Weekly National Flu Vaccination Dashboard

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CDC’s Immunization Services Division (ISD) has developed this new Weekly National Influenza Vaccination Dashboard, an exploratory data product, in order to share some preliminary, within-season, weekly influenza vaccination data and coverage estimates using existing and new data sources. The data will be updated weekly or monthly, depending on the data source, throughout the 2020-2021 influenza season; other data sources will be added as they become available. All data are preliminary and will be updated as more data are received.

Take Action
  • Everyone: People who have not gotten their flu vaccination yet should get vaccinated now.
  • Healthcare Providers: Continue to recommend and offer flu vaccination throughout the flu season, even into January or later.
  • Everyone: Please share any feedback on these preliminary data and the dashboard by emailing VaxView@cdc.gov
Key Points
  1. As of January 1, 2021, 192.5 million doses of flu vaccine have been distributed in the United States. This is the highest number of flu doses distributed in the United States during a single influenza season.
  2. Current flu vaccination coverage among children is estimated to be 52.4% as of the week ending January 2, 2021 (MMWR week 1), lower than the 55.7% coverage estimated during the same week in 2019.
    • Current season coverage among Black, non-Hispanic children is 42.7%, which is 5 percentage points less than the same time last year (47.9%); this difference has narrowed since earlier in the season. Current season coverage is lower than prior season for Hispanic (50.4% vs. 54.9%) and White, non-Hispanic (55.1% vs. 57.3%), and similar for Other, non-Hispanic children (58.0% vs. 60.1%).
    • For the current season, coverage among White, non-Hispanic children is 12 percentage points higher than among Black, non-Hispanic children and 5 percentage points higher than among Hispanic children.
  3. For pregnant persons, estimated flu vaccination coverage at the end of November 2020 was 60% compared with 63% for the same time during 2019.
  4. Preliminary available coverage estimates suggest flu vaccination uptake this season among all children and pregnant persons is lower than last season. Also, there is a disparity between vaccination coverage among White, non-Hispanic children compared with Black, non-Hispanic children and Hispanic children.
  5. For vaccinations among adults:
      • CDC sponsored questions about influenza vaccination on the Ipsos Knowledge Panel Omnibusexternal icon (December 18-21) and NORC AmeriSpeak Omnibusexternal icon (December 18-20) surveys to assess influenza vaccination coverage among adults nationally.
        • Coverage estimates from the two late December surveys indicated 53-54% of people had gotten flu vaccine. These estimates are higher than the previous season’s (2019-2020) coverage estimates for adults, which were 42% by the end of December 2019 and 48% by the end of May 2020.
        • The late December survey data indicated that coverage increased with age, from 43-44% for people ages 18-49, to 57-58% for people ages 49-64, and 71-75% for ages ≥65 years.
        • The late December surveys also indicated coverage was lower among non-Hispanic Black adults compared to non-Hispanic White adults (44% vs. 56-57%).
      • As of MMWR week 52 (ending Dec 26, 2020), an estimated 47.1 million adult flu vaccinations had been administered in pharmacies compared with 33.2 million at the same time during 2019 (42% higher in 2020).
      • As of MMWR week 52 (ending Dec 26, 2020), 29.5 million adult flu vaccinations were reported to have been administered in physician medical offices compared with 33.3 million at the same time in 2019 (11% lower in 2020).
  6. Based on the omnibus survey data, it appears flu vaccination coverage among adults is higher at this time during the current season than during prior seasons, indicating that more than half of adults had been vaccinated by late December. Given potential limitations of these rapid surveys and underlying panels that might lead to over-estimation of vaccination coverage (see https://www.cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/nifs-estimates-sept2020.htm), confirmation with estimates from other surveys (to be available later) is needed.