Edward Olexa



M.S. Wildlife Management. 1993. University of Minnesota, St. Paul

B.S. cum laude, Fisheries and Wildlife Biology. 1987. Michigan State University, East Lansing


Research Interests

I have been involved with research on large mammal ecology and ungulate-habitat relationships in the Midwest, Alaska, and the Greater Yellowstone area since 1990. My interests include assessing the impact of land management activities on the spatial and temporal distribution of ungulate populations and identifying the impact of ungulate herbivory on DOI-managed areas. I enjoy working with management agencies to identify ungulate/habitat research opportunities that go beyond administrative boundaries while meeting the specific information needs of area managers. My current research involves identifying spatial and temporal aspects of elk distribution to be used in resource protection on protected areas administered by the National Park Service and assessing elk response to land management activities on BLM grazing allotments.