Honors & Awards

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), which merged with OPA in June 2019, have been recognized with several honors and awards for excellence in marketing, communication, and the creation of digital health resources.

OPA Video on Physical Activity Featured in APHA Film Festival

OPA’s “What It’s Like: Physical Activity” video was selected as a featured short film in the American Public Health Association (APHA) Public Health Film Festival during the APHA 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo. The video, which demonstrates the importance of physical activity in adolescence, features youth who participated in programs run by OPA’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention program.

American Public Health Film Fest

Two OAH Videos Win National Health Information Awards Honors

OAH won awards for two videos in the Health Promotion/Disease and Injury Prevention class of the 2019 Annual National Health Information Awards, sponsored by the Health Information Resource Center (HIRC). “Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment with Sarah Bagley, M.D.” received a silver award and the “TAG: How You Can Help” received a bronze award. HIRC is a national clearinghouse for consumer health professionals.

Digital Health Awards Winner (Fall 2019)

OAH’s TAG: How You Can Help Video Wins 2019 Hermes Creative Award

OAH was recognized with a 2019 Hermes Gold award in the Government Video category for the TAG: How You Can Help video. The Hermes Creative Awards - PDF honor excellence in marketing and communications and are administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).

Hermes Creative Award