COVID-19 Staffing Guidance for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments

COVID-19 Staffing Guidance for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments
Updated June 3, 2020

Staffing and Support from CDC

CDC is helping health departments with staffing through:

  • Embedded Field Staff: CDC has 505 existing field staff embedded in state, tribal, local and territorial (STLT) health agencies, most of whom have pivoted to support the COVID-19 response.
  • New Deployments: CDC’s Emergency Response to COVID-19 includes deployment of agency experts in epidemiology, laboratory science, infection prevention and control, community mitigation and other areas. CDC staff from numerous programs and disciplines are currently deployed to assist health departments on the frontlines against COVID-19; CDC continues to deploy staff to jurisdictions daily to increase health department capacity.
  • Hiring through CDC Foundation: In collaboration with CDC, the CDC Foundation is urgently recruiting 650 candidates for critical positions related to the COVID-19 response. These staff will be placed directly in STLT health departments to augment existing capacity.
  • Activating other Human Resources Pools: CDC is working with other agencies to identify staff that can support immediate COVID-19 contact tracing surge staffing needs.

Staffing and Support from Other Organizations

Through CDC and independently, health departments can access additional staff by:

  • Working with State Service Commissions and AmeriCorps Programs: Governor-appointed State Service Commissions administer and oversee AmeriCorps programs in their states. These state-based partners, many of which are actively engaged in their state’s emergency response efforts, can be leveraged for additional human resources needs. More informationpdf icon.
  • Working with service organizations: Service organizations, such as the Medical Reserve Corpsexternal icon, the US Digital Responseexternal icon, and more are making their volunteers available to assist with COVID-19 efforts.
  • Working with private staffing agencies: Private staffing agencies can help health departments with staffing. More information.

Increasing Staffing through Other Mechanisms

State, tribal, local, and territorial health departments can increase capacity on the frontlines against COVID-19 by:

  • Hiring additional staff: CDC awarded $1.6 billion to 64 state, tribal, local and territorial jurisdictions to help with their efforts to re-open America. Using these funds, health departments are now able to hire new staff.
  • Mobilizing existing staff: Health departments are mobilizing existing staff, such as call center staff and contact tracing staff who traditionally work on other infectious diseases, for COVID-19.