Training for Healthcare Professionals

Training for Healthcare Professionals
Updated Sept. 11, 2020

Cross-Cutting Topics

Search COVID-19 Trainings on TRAIN

Find COVID-19 trainings on infection prevention and control, personal protective equipment, and other topics via TRAIN. Note: Links to non-CDC courses do not constitute an endorsement by CDC. Only courses offered by CDC Course Providers have been verified and approved by CDC.

Varied formats: COVID-19 Trainings on TRAINexternal icon

Clinical Care & Infection Control

Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Calls

Learn the latest clinical information and guidance about COVID-19. Recent COCA Calls address influenza vaccination during the pandemic, telehealth, and support for patients with diabetes.

Webinars: Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Calls

COVID-19 Prevention in Long-term Care Facilities

Learn how to protect nursing home and long-term care residents from COVID-19.

Webinars: COVID-19 Prevention in Long-term Care Facilities

COVID-19 Prevention in Hemodialysis Facilities

Learn ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in hemodialysis facilities.

Webinars: COVID-19 Prevention in Hemodialysis Facilities

CDC Update

Learn about epidemiology, research, and clinical care developments from CDC.

Video interview: CDC Update

Nursing Home Infection Preventionist Training Course

Learn best practices for infection prevention and control in nursing homes. Free CE.

Self-paced online course: Nursing Home Infection Preventionist Training Course external icon

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Donning and Doffing PPE

Learn how to safely put on (don) and take off (doff) PPE recommended for healthcare personnel caring for patients with COVID-19.

Videos: Donning and Doffing PPE

Healthcare Respiratory Protection Resources

Learn about respiratory protection in healthcare settings.

Varied Formats: Healthcare Respiratory Protection Resources

Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)

Application and Integration of NPIs into Pre-Pandemic Influenza Planning, Preparedness and Response

Learn about NPIs to help slow the spread of pandemic flu. Some of the pandemic flu NPI training is applicable to COVID-19. Free CE.

Self-paced online course: Application and Integration of NPIs into Pre-Pandemic Influenza Planning, Preparedness and Responseexternal icon

The Science of Social Distancing: Part 1

Learn about the science on social distancing, strategies to support it, and how findings from past pandemics — as well as the current one — can shape responses today.

Webinar: The Science of Social Distancing: Part 1external icon

The Science of Social Distancing: Part 2

Learn more about social distancing. Topics include benefit-risk analysis of social/physical distancing strategies, including for vulnerable populations; strategies for mitigating mental health impacts; and what science is available to guide eventual relaxation of measures.

Webinar: The Science of Social Distancing: Part 2external icon

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Hurricane Preparedness

Learn how to protect communities during the 2020 hurricane season while practicing social distancing. Free CE.

Webinar: Hurricane Preparedness

Psychological First Aid

Learn how Psychological First Aid can help you promote safety, connectedness, and hope in times of crisis. Free CE.

Webinar: Psychological First Aid

Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication

Learn how to communicate in a public health emergency. Topics include the psychology of a crisis, messages and audiences, and community engagement. Free CE.

Webinar: Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication

Public Health Emergency Law Online Training

Learn how to make informed legal decisions related to emergency preparedness and response.

Self-paced online course: Public Health Emergency Law Online Trainingexternal icon

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Learn about NIMS, the Incident Command System (ICS), and National Response Framework.

Self-paced online course: National Incident Management System (NIMS)external icon

Additional Topics

Contact Tracing

Learn about contact tracing and case investigation for COVID-19.

Varied formats: COVID-19 Contact Tracing Training​

Health Equity

Learn promising public health practices to reduce disparities and advance equity.

Webinar: Promising Practices in Health Equity

Nurses on Shift Work and Long Hours

Learn ways to reduce workplace fatigue and stay healthy. Free CE.

Self-paced online course: Nurses on Shift Work and Long Hours

Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses

Learn about the scope and nature of violence in the healthcare setting. Free CE.

Self-paced online course: Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses

COVID-19 in Animals

Learn about COVID-19 in animals, treatment guidance for veterinary facilities, and guidance for meat and poultry processors. Free CE.

Webinars: COVID-19 in Animals