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About EPA

Region 7 - Staff Directory by Topics

Find contacts for specific topics in the table below, or call 913-551-7003 or toll-free at 1-800-223-0425.





Above Ground Tanks Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Mark Aaron 913-551-7205
Agriculture      Advisor to the Regional Administrator Doug Jones 913-551-7592
Agriculture  Compliance Assistance Center Ginah Mortensen 913-551-5028
Air   Emission Reduction Rebate Program (For Diesel Construction Equipment) Greg Crable 913-551-7391
Air  Auto Emissions Lisa Gotto 913-551-7210
Air Auto Emissions Tampering Lisa Gotto 913-551-7210
Air Auto Emissions Engine & Fuel Standards Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Air Iowa - Permits (Title 5) David Peter 913-551-7397
Air Kansas - Permits (Title 5) Ward Burns 913-551-7960
Air Missouri - Permits (Title 5) Robert Cheever 913-551-7980
Air Nebraska - Permits (Title 5) Patricia A Scott 913-551-7312
Air Alternate 4-State Contact     Jon Knodel 913-551-7622
Air - Pollutants Iowa Stephanie Doolan 913-551-7719
Air - Pollutants Kansas Deborah Bredehoft 913-551-7164
Air - Pollutants Nebraska Deborah Bredehoft 913-551-7164
Air - Pollutants Missouri Tracey Casburn 913-551-7016
Air - Quality Modeling - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Andy Hawkins 913-551-7179
Air - Quality Modeling - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Lance Avey 913-551-7089
Air – CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons (Freon/Refrigerants; Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Certification Cards; Complaints 800-296-1996
Air – CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons (Freon/Refrigerants; Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Certification Cards; Complaints Margaret Mnich  913-551-7075 - Hearing Impaired Interpreter’s Desk
Air - Toxics   Stephanie Doolan 913-551-7719
Air - Tribes   Paula Higbee 913-551-7028
Algae   Amy Shields 913-551-7396
Alternative Fuels  Air (TSCA Sec 21) Ward Burns 913-551-7960
Alternative Fuels  Biodiesel Ward Burns 913-551-7960
Alternative Fuels Registration Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Alternative Fuels Waste Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Alternative Fuels  Water John Dunn 913-551-7594
Alternative Fuels Manual for spill prevention and Clean Air Act 112r Michael Pomes 913-551-7216
Alternative Fuels Manual for spill prevention and Clean Air Act 112r Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Anhydrous Ammonia Enforcement Erin Weekley 913-551-7095
Anhydrous Ammonia Inspections                                    Amber Whisnant 913-551-7212
Anhydrous Ammonia Outreach Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Anhydrous Ammonia Iowa Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Anhydrous Ammonia Kansas Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Anhydrous Ammonia Missouri Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Anhydrous Ammonia Nebraska Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Drinking Water Drinking Water Systems - Area-Wide Optimization Program (AWOP)  Neftali Hernandez-Santiago 913-551-7036
Drinking Water Drinking Water Systems - Area-Wide Optimization Program (AWOP)  David Pratt 913-551-7552
Asbestos Schools - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Candace Bednar 913-551-7562
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Iowa Public Inquiries - Iowa Department of Natural Resources   515-725-9500 
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Kansas Public Inquiries - Kansas Department of Health and the Environment   785-296-1500
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Missouri Public Inquiries - Missouri Department of Natural Resources   800-361-4827
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Missouri Public Inquiries - St. Louis County Health Department   314-615-0600
Asbestos  (NESHAP)- Missouri Public Inquiries - Kansas City, Missouri Health Department   816-513-6177
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Nebraska Public Inquiries - Nebraska Department of Energy and Environment   402-471-2189
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Nebraska Public Inquiries - Lincoln  Lancaster County   402-441-8040
Asbestos (NESHAP) - Nebraska Public Inquiries - Omaha   402-444-6015
Asbestos EPA Region 7 Tyler Salamasick 913-551-5142
Asthma   Arnold Steven 913-551-7957
Asthma   Steven Brown 913-551-7718
Automobiles Emissions Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Automobiles Catalytic Converters Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Automobiles Importation Certificates Jed Wolkins  913-551-7588
Automobiles Mileage Standards Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Automobiles Non-Road (KS, IA, MO NE) Jed Wolkins  913-551-7588
Automobiles Oil Leaking  Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Bed Bugs (Educational Resources)   Bethany Olson 913-551-7905
Bed Bugs (Educational Resources)   Mark Lesher 913-551-7054
Hazardous Waste Biennial Hazardous Waste Report Elizabeth Koesterer 913-551-7673
Biosolids  40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Reports Jodi Bruno 913-551-7810
Biosolids  40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Reports Erin Kleffner 913-551-7921
Biosolids  40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Reports John Dunn 913-551-7594
Brownfields Program   Stanley Walker 913-551-7494
Brownfields Program   Susan Klein 913-551-7786
Land Redevelopment Building Block Community Projects   David Doyle 913-551-7667
Air - Pollutants Carbon Monoxide Lachala Kemp 913-551-7214
Air - Pollutants Carbon Pollution Standards (CAA Sec 111(d)) Ward Burns 913-551-7960
Air - Pollutants Carbon Pollution Standards (CAA Sec 111(d)) Larry Gonzalez 913-551-7041
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Enforcement Erin Weekley 913-551-7095
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Inspections Amber Whisnant 913-551-7212
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Outreach Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Iowa Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Kansas Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Missouri Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Chemical Accident Prevention Program Nebraska Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Children’s Health Program Coordinator Emily Albano 913-551-7860
Pesticides Chromated Copper Arsenate Treated Wood Beth Koesterer 913-551-7673
Pesticides Chromated Copper Arsenate Treated Wood Kevin Snowden 913-551-7022
Clean Air Act   Mike Jay 913-551-7460
Clean Air Act RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Liaison Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Enforcement - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Erin Weekley 913-551-7095
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Inspections - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Amber Whisnant 913-551-7212
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Outreach - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program  Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Iowa - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Kansas - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Missouri - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Clean Air Act (CAA – 112r) Nebraska - (112r) General Duty Clause, Risk Management Program and Plan, Chemical Accident Prevention Program Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Clean Air Act (CAA)  Mobile Source Compliance – Includes: Vehicle Tampering, Catalytic Converters, Straight Pipes, Diesel Deletes, Vehicle Shop/Dealership Complaints Lisa Gotto 913-551-7210
Clean Air Act (CAA) Mobile Source Programs – Includes: Vehicle Fuels, E10, E15, Gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure, Reformulated Gasoline Gateway Vehicle Inspection, Vehicle Inspection Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Clean Water Act Iowa - Enforcement Complaints (Includes: sewers, & waste water) Seth Draper 913-551-7080
Clean Water Act Kansas - Enforcement Complaints (Includes: sewers, & waste water) Angela Acord 913-551-7914
Clean Water Act Missouri - Enforcement Complaints (Includes: sewers, & waste water) Don Hamera 913-551-7818
Clean Water Act Nebraska - Enforcement Complaints (Includes: sewers, & waste water) Don Hamera 913-551-7818
Climate Change Air Amy Bhesania 913-551-7147
Climate Change Water - Drought, Flood     Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Coal Combustion Residuals Permitting (CCRs)   Mike Martin 913-551-7149
Coal Combustion Residuals Permitting (CCRs)   Robert Aston 913-551-7392
Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) - Storm Sewer Overflows   Jodi Bruno 913-551-7810
Public Affairs Public Affairs Director Curtis Carey 913-551-7506
State and Local Government Affairs Regional Intergovernmental Liaison Ben Washburn 913-551-7364
Congressional Affairs Regional Congressional Liaison LaTonya Sanders 913-551-7555
Air - Odor Complaints Iowa - Compliance Lisa Hanlon 913-551-7599
Air - Odor Complaints Kansas - Compliance Lisa Gotto 913-551-7210
Air - Odor Complaints Missouri - Compliance Keith Johnson 913-551-7737
Air - Odor Complaints Nebraska - Compliance Joe Terriquez 913-551-7105
Spill Reports  for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri & Nebraska To report a pollutant spill or release in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, call the 24-hour EPA Region 7 Emergency Response Line Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Spill Reports National Response Center To report a spill or release outside of Region 7 states, call the National Response Center  Duty Officer 800-424-8802 
CAFOs - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Permits – Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Stephen Pollard 913-551-7582
CAFOs - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Complaints, Compliance/Enforcement, Inspection   Don Hamera 913-551-7818
Recycling Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Gayle Hubert 913-551-7439
Air - Monitoring & Enforcement Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Christine Hoard 913-551-7775
Air - Monitoring & Enforcement Continuous Release Reporting Relating to Emissions from Animal Wastes Jodi Harper 913-551-7483
Air - Monitoring & Enforcement Continuous Release Reporting (Gen) Christine Hoard 913-551-7775
Creosote Wood Treatment   Elizabeth Koesterer 913-551-7673
Creosote Wood Treatment   Kevin Snowden 913-551-7022
Customer Service Line (CSL)   R7 Call Center 800-223-0425
DERA - Diesel Emission Reduction Act   Greg Crable 913-551-7391
Dioxin (Soil)   Dave Williams 913-551-7625
Dioxin (Soil)   Steve Kemp 913-551-7194
Disinfectants   Shawn Hackett 913-551-7774
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Enforcement Scott Marquess 913-551-7131
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) MO Samatha Harden 913-551-7732
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) IA    Neftali Hernandez-Santiago 913-551-7036
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) NE   Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) KS Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Compliance-Tribal Brenda Blohm 913-551-7702
Drinking Water - Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Sustainability Robert Dunlevy 913-551-7798
Drinking Water – Lead Free   Ken Deason 913-551-7600
Electronic Recycling (e-cycling)   Rebecca Wenner 913-551-7644
E-Manifest   Rebecca Wenner 913-551-7644
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 304 Spill Reporting, 311 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), 312 Tier II Reporting, SARA Title III – State Emergency Response Commissions. Local Emergency Planning Committees Enforcement Erin Weekley 913-551-7095
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 304 Spill Reporting, 311 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), 312 Tier II Reporting, SARA Title III – State Emergency Response Commissions. Local Emergency Planning Committees IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 304 Spill Reporting, 311 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), 312 Tier II Reporting, SARA Title III – State Emergency Response Commissions. Local Emergency Planning Committees KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 304 Spill Reporting, 311 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), 312 Tier II Reporting, SARA Title III – State Emergency Response Commissions. Local Emergency Planning Committees MO Dave Hensley  913-551-7768
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 304 Spill Reporting, 311 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), 312 Tier II Reporting, SARA Title III – State Emergency Response Commissions. Local Emergency Planning Committees NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Emissions Auto and Inventory Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Endangered Species   Craig Thompson 913-551-7266
Endangered Species   Melissa Bagley 913-551-7522
Endangered Species   Amber Tilley 913-551-7565
Energy Coordinator       Larry Gonzalez 913-551-7041
Environmental Education (grants, teacher packets, outreach, etc.)   Emily Albano 913-551-7860
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)   Amber Tilley 913-551-7565
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)   Joe Summerlin 913-551-7029
Environmental Justice (EJ) Assessments/Screens   Althea Moses    913-551-7649
Environmental Justice (EJ) Grants Althea Moses 913-551-7469
Environmental Justice (EJ) Training Tamara Freeman 913-551-7094
Fertilizer (Refer to State Departments of Agriculture) IA   515-281-5321
Fertilizer (Refer to State Departments of Agriculture) KS   785-564-6700
Fertilizer (Refer to State Departments of Agriculture) MO   573-751-4211
Fertilizer (Refer to State Departments of Agriculture) NE   402-471-2341
Filter Backwash (Water)   Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Food Recovery   Penny Harrell 913-551-7474
Fracking   Kurt Hildebrandt 913-551-7413
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer   Edie Stevens 913-551-7803
Freon/Refrigerants (Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards, Complaints: Air Release of CFCs)   See Air – CFCs  
Fuel (including diesel, low sulphur)   Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)   Casey McLaughlin 913-551-7486
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)   Hollis Mehl 913-551-7103
Grants (Clean Air Act) 103 & 105 IA Stephanie Doolan 913-551-7719
Grants (Clean Air Act) 103 & 105 KS Deborah Bredehoft 913-551-7164
Grants (Clean Air Act) 103 & 105 MO Tracey Casburn 913-551-7016
Grants (Clean Air Act) 103 & 105 NE Greg Crable  913-551-7391
Grants – Exchange Network   Cassandra Forte 913-551-7808
Grants - Recycling   Penny Harrell 913-551-7474
Grants - Technical Assistance Grants (TAG)   Marc Kingston 913-551-7407
Grants Project Ofcr - Water NE:  106 & 319 Karla Asberry 913-551-7595
Grants Project Ofcr - Water IA:  106 Benita Hamilton 913-551-7685
Grants Project Ofcr -Water General 106, KS: 106 & 319 Regina Kidwell 913-551-7332
Grants Project Ofcr – Water Urban Jennifer Ousley 913-551-7498
Grants Project Ofcr – Water MO:  106, MO/IA: 319, Wetlands Kimberly Hill 913-551-7841
Grants – State & Tribal RCRA - Grants – Hazardous Waste Assistance Grants (STAG) Jeannette Kerr 913-551-7245
Grants – State & Tribal Clean Water Assistance Grants (STAG) Kelly Beard-Titone 913-551-7217
Green (Water) Infrastructure   Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Green Power Partnerships (GPPs)   Deborah Bredehoft 913-551-7164
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III Enforcement   Erin Weekley 913-551-7095
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III IA Krystal Stotts  913-551-7946
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III KS Terri Blunk  913-551-7013
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Hazardous Waste (General) IA Rebecca Wenner 913-551-7644
Hazardous Waste (General) KS Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Hazardous Waste (General) MO Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
Hazardous Waste (General) NE Mike Martin 913-551-7149
Hazardous Waste – Superfund Abandoned Sites IA/KS/MO/NE     Lynn Juett 913-551-7883
Hazardous Waste – Superfund Abandoned Sites IA/KS/MO/NE     Preston Law 913-551-7097
Hazardous Waste – Superfund Abandoned Sites IA/KS/MO/NE     Gene Gunn  913-551-7776
Hazardous Waste  Emergency Response Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Hazardous Waste  Household Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Hazardous Waste  Import/Export Coordinator Mike Martin 913-551-7149
Healthy Homes (Secondhand Smoke)   Steven Brown 913-551-7718
Healthy Schools   Emily Albano  913-551-7860
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards (Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); Freon/Refrigerants; Complaints: Air Release of CFCs)   See Air – CFCs  
Hospitals – Compliance Assistance   Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
ICI-Industrial Commercial & Industrial Boilers (Subpart 6J)   Lisa Hanlon 913-551-7599
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - Mold, Radon   Arnold Stevens, MWF 913-551-7957
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - Mold, Radon   Steven Brown 913-551-7718
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Schools Agricultural Bethany Olson 913-551-7985
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Schools Agricultural Marie Blankenship 913-551-7908
Lab (see Science and Technology Center [STC])      
Landfills (Subtitle D Regulation Activities, Solid Waste Authorizations, & Regulatory Authority)   Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
Lead-Based Paint (Inspector Renovation/Repair/Painting (RRP), Compliance Assistance; Rules; License Info; Certification/Training Classes) Residential, Regional Coordinator Crystal McIntyre 913-551-7261
Lead-Based Paint (Inspector Renovation/Repair/Painting (RRP), Compliance Assistance; Rules; License Info; Certification/Training Classes) Commercial/Waste Maria Morey 913-551-7079
Lead Free Drinking Water   Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Library Main Number   913-551-7979
Light Bulb Disposal (containing mercury)   John A Holmes 913-551-7761
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPCs) State IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPCs) State KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPCs) State MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPCs) State NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Air - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) MO Keith Johnson 913-551-7737
Air - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) IA Lisa Hanlon 913-551-7599
Air - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) KS Lisa Gotto 913-551-7210
Air - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) NE Joe Terriquez 913-551-7105
Mercury Spills/Disposal      Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Mercury General/Households Michael B. Davis 913-551-7328
Mercury Businesses/Facilities Eric Nold 913-551-7488
Methamphetamine Clean Up Doug Ferguson 913-551-7221
Methamphetamine Missouri MO Meth Hotline 1-888-823-6384
Mining/Mine Waste   Gene Gunn 913-551-7776
Mining/Mine Waste   Daniel Kellerman 913-551-7603
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)     Carrie Meyers 913-551-7968
Mobile Sources/Emissions See Automobiles Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Mold    Arnold Stevens, MWF  913-551-7957
Mold    Steven Brown 913-551-7718
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)   Amber Tilley 913-551-7565
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)   Joe Summerlin 913-551-7029
National Invasive Species Program (Nuisance Species)   Amber Tilley 913-551-7565
National Response Center (NRC) NRC Line   800-424-8802
National Response Center (NRC) EPA Spill Line   913-281-0991
Needs Survey (Clean Water & Drinking Water)   Kelly Beard-Tittone 913-551-7217
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) – (See Asbestos)      
Noise   Refer to State/Local Contacts  
Noise   EPA's Noise Pollution page  
Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) - Water IA Emily Nusz 913-551-7906
Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) - Water KS Steve Schaff 913-551-7447
Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) - Water MO Chrislyn Means 913-551-7984
Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) - Water NE Kimberly Hill 913-551-7841
Office of Inspector General (OIG)   Denton Stafford 913-551-7015
Office of Inspector General (OIG)   Fredrick Light 913-551-7528
Office of Research and Development (ORD) – Science Liaison   Christopher Taylor 913-551-7736
Office of Research and Development (ORD) – Superfund and Technical     Robert Weber 913-551-7918
Oil Storage Tanks – See “Above  Ground Oil Storage Tanks or “Underground Storage Tanks (UST) – Oil”      
Oil (leaks from cars)   Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Omaha Lead  Office: Omaha, NE POC Mary Castaneda 402-444-7366
Omaha Lead  Program POC Steve Kemp 913-551-7194
Operator Certification  Drinking Water  Robert Dunlevy 913-551-7798
Painting Regulations (Air) Joe Terriquez 913-551-7105
Painting Auto (Spray Joe Terriquez 913-551-7105
Painting Booth (Enclosed Joe Terriquez 913-551-7105
Pentachlorophenol Wood Treatment   Elizabeth Koesterer 913-551-7673
Pentachlorophenol Wood Treatment   Kevin Snowden 913-551-7022
Permits - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Water IA Tanya Nix 913-551-7170
Permits - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Water KS  Michael Tate 913-551-7773
Permits - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Water MO Sunny Wellesley 913-551-7136
Permits - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Water NE            John Dunn 913-551-7594
Permits – Water Pretreatment Paul Marshall 913-551-7419
Permits – Water Stormwater Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Permits – Water Adviser/Special Topics   John Dunn 913-551-7594
Permits – Underground Injection Control (UIC) under SDWA in IA   Ben Meissner 913-551-7992
Pesticides Applicator Certification/Training Shawn Hackett 913-551-7774
Pesticides Applicator Certification/Training Lacey Ridnour 913-551-7986
Pesticides Disposal Kevin Snowden 913-551-7022
Pesticides Disposal Elizabeth Blackburn  913-551-7899
Pesticides Case Review Officer Mark Lesher 913-551-7054
Pesticides  Education/Outreach Materials Bethany Olson 913-551-7905
Pesticides  Schools - Integrated Pest Management (IPM),  Coordinator Bethany Olson 913-551-7905
Pesticides Endangered Species Coordinator Lacey Ridnour 913-551-7986
Pesticides Enforcement or Compliance Assistance Mark Lesher 913-551-7054
Pesticides Enforcement or Compliance Assistance Tracey Ramsey 913-551-7475
Pesticides FIFRA and Supporting Regs Mark Lesher 913-551-7054
Pesticides FIFRA and Supporting Regs Tracey Ramsey 913-551-7475
Pesticides FOIAs Margaret Mnich 913-551-7075 - Hearing Impaired Interpreter’s Desk
Pesticides - General Questions or Complaints (i.e., drift) IA Lacey Ridnour 913-551-7986
Pesticides - General Questions or Complaints (i.e., drift) KS - Tribal Land, Certification Maren Taylor 913-551-7660
Pesticides - General Questions or Complaints (i.e., drift) MO Shawn Hackett 913-551-7774
Pesticides - General Questions or Complaints (i.e., drift) NE Mike Daniels 913-551-7983
Pesticides Worker Protection Standards (WPS) Certification Lacey Ridnour 913-551-7986
Pesticides Imports Tracey Ramsey 913-551-7475
Pesticides Imports Maren Taylor 913-551-7660
Pesticides Labeling Mark Lesher 913-551-7054
Pesticides Pollinator Protection Maren Taylor  913-551-7660
Pesticides Producing Establishment Registration (FIFRA-Section 7) Marie Blankenship   913-551-7908
Pesticides Producing Establishment Registration (FIFRA-Section 7) Christine Hoard 913-551-7775
Pesticides Production Reporting Forms Delbert Kelley 913-551-7371
Pesticides Registration Inquiries Refer to HQ Ombudsman Sherada Hobgood 703-308-8893
Pesticides Tribal Issues Michael Daniels 913-551-7983
Pesticides Water Quality Impacts Shawn Hackett 913-551-7774
Pesticides Worker Protection Standards (WPS) Shawn Hackett 913-551-7774
Pharmaceuticals   Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
Pipe Lines Dept of Transportation DOT-PHMSA-KCMO 816-329-3800
Pipe Lines Dept of Transportation National Response Center 1-800-424-8802
Plating/Electroplating   Kevin Snowden 913-551-7022
Plating/Electroplating   Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
Pollinator Protection Workgroup   Jamie Green 913-551-7139
Pollution Prevention   Maren Taylor 913-551-7660
Pollution Prevention  Awards Lisa Thresher 913-551-7964
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Cleanups, IA, KS, MO, NE Annah Murray 913-551-7895
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Violation, IA, KS, MO, NE Annah Murray 913-551-7895
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Complaints, IA, KS, MO, NE Annah Murray 913-551-7895
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Enforcement Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) (Air) Jon Knodel 913-551-7622
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)   John Dunn 913-551-7594
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) IA Neftali Hernandez-Santiago 913-551-7036
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) KS Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) MO     Samantha Harden 913-551-7732
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) NE Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Tribal Coordinator Brenda Blohm 913-551-7702
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Water Treatment (LT2) David Pratt 913-551-7552
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Disinfection By-Products    Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Filter Back Wash    Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Aircraft Drinking Water Rule                    Morris Holmes 913-551-7421
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Revised Total Coliform Rule    Robert Dunlevy 913-551-7798
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Lead and Copper Rule    Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Public Notice/Consumer Confidence Rule Samantha Harden 913-551-7732
Quality Assurance   Diane Harris  913-551-7258
Quality Assurance   Rebecca Estep 913-551-7598
Radiation (X-Ray)   Charles A Hooper 913-551-7271
Radon   Arnold Stevens 913-551-7957
Radon   Steven Brown 913-551-7718
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Authorizations Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
RCRA Authorizations Fatima Ndiaye 913-551-7383
RCRA Authorizations Jim Aycock 913-551-7887
RCRA  Corrective Action Don Lininger 913-551-7724
RCRA Hazardous Waste Elizabeth Koesterer 913-551-7673
RCRA  Hazardous Waste Permits Patricia Murrow 913-551-7627
RCRA  State Coordinator - IA Rebecca Wenner 913-551-7644
RCRA  State Coordinator - IA Annah Murray 913-551-7895
RCRA  State Coordinator - KS Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
RCRA  State Coordinator - KS Ruby Crysler  913-551-7409
RCRA  State Coordinator - MO Robert Aston 913-551-7392
RCRA  State Coordinator - MO Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
RCRA  State Coordinator - NE Mike Martin  913-551-7149
RCRA  State Coordinator - NE Brian Mitchell 913-551-7633
RCRA  Violations Erin Weekley    913-551-7095
Reasonable Accommodations Coordinator Jonathan Cooper 913-551-7287
Records Center   Main Number 913-551-7166
Recycling   Gayle Hubert 913-551-7439
Recycling   Penny Harrell 913-551-7474
Recycling   John A Holmes  913-551-7761
Recycling   Lisa Thresher 913-551-7964
Regional Hearing Clerk   Lisa Haugen 913-551-7877
Regional Hearing Clerk Alternate Edie Stevens 913-551-7803
Regional Judicial Officer   Karina Borromeo 913-551-7675
Regional Judicial Officer Alternate Kathleen Clever  913-551-7293
Remedial Action (SUPR)   Lynn Juett 913-551-7883
Remedial Action (SUPR)   Preston Law 913-551-7097
Remedial Action (SUPR) Lead/Mining Sites Dan Kellerman 913-551-7603
Renewable Fuels Advisor   Jonathan Hackett 913-551-7774
RICE – Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine  (Air) David Peter 913-551-7397
Risk Management and Program Plans (RMPs) - CAA 112(r) Enforcement Amber Whisnat 913-551-7212
Risk Management and Program Plans (RMPs) - CAA 112(r) IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Risk Management and Program Plans (RMPs) - CAA 112(r) KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Risk Management and Program Plans (RMPs) - CAA 112(r) MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Risk Management and Program Plans (RMPs) - CAA 112(r) NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Safer Choice Product Labeling   John A Holmes 913-551-7761
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III – Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) Enforcement Amber Whisnat 913-551-7212
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III – Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III – Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III – Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III – Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Science and Technology Center (STC)   Margie St. Germain 913-551-5154
Schools Science Lab Clean ups Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Drinking Water - Security   Ken Deason 913-551-7585
Septic Tanks   Alex Owutaka 913-551-7584
Septic Tanks   John Dunn 913-551-7594
Sewer Pipes  (broken) Jodi Bruno 913-551-7810
Sludge Disposal Into Waterways & Wells Jodi Bruno 913-551-7810
Sludge Disposal Technical John Dunn 913-551-7594
Sludge Disposal Reports        Jodi Bruno 913-551-7810
Small Business   Carrie Meyers 913-551-7968
Smart Growth Sustainable Development David Doyle 913-551-7667
Sole Source Aquifer (SSA)   Mary Mindrup 913-551-7431
Solid Waste  Disposal Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
Source Water Protection IA/KS/MO/NE Morris Holmes 913-551-7421
Spill Line (24-hour)   OSC Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) General Questions Adam Ruiz 913-551-7926
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Inspections Adam Ruiz 913-551-7926
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Outreach Adam Ruiz 913-551-7926
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Enforcement Mark Aaron 913-551-7205
Stage 2 Disinfection By-Product (DBP)   Doug Brune 913-551-7178
State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
State Revolving Fund (SRF)  Clean Water & Drinking Water Act        Chris Simmons 913-551-7237
State Revolving Fund (SRF)  Financial Aspects Nancy Healy 913-551-7713
State Revolving Fund (SRF)  Technical Aspects Kelly Beard-Tittone 913-551-7217
Stormwater IA Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater KS Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater MO Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater NE Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater Construction & Development Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater Enforcement Cynthia Sans 913-551-7492
Stormwater Enforcement Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Stormwater Enforcement Mark Matthews 913-551-7635
Superfund Division Emergency Response Manager Ken Buchholz 913-551-7473
Superfund National Priority List  Coordinator Kumud Pyakuryal 913-551-7956
Superfund Non-active sites IA Todd Davis 913-551-7749
Superfund Non-active sites KS Jamie Bernard – Drakey 913-551-7400
Superfund Non-active sites MO Jamie Bernard – Drakey 913-551-7400
Superfund Non-active sites NE    Kumud Pyakuryal 913-551-7956
Technical Assistance for Communities (TASC)   Pamela Houston 913-551-7699
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III (EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) Enforcement Erin Weekley 913-551-7013
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III (EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) IA Krystal Stotts 913-551-7946
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III (EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) KS Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III (EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) MO Dave Hensley 913-551-7768
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III (EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) NE Terri Blunk 913-551-7013
Tires - (Burning/Buried/Open Disposal) IA Rebecca Wenner 913-551-7644
Tires - (Burning/Buried/Open Disposal) KS Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Tires - (Burning/Buried/Open Disposal) MO Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
Tires - (Burning/Buried/Open Disposal) NE Mike Martin 913-551-7149
Tools for Schools   Emily Albano 913-551-7860
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Regional Coordinator Jennifer Kissel 913-551-7982
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Integrated Report Debby White 913-551-7886
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Modeler Steven Wang 913-551-7142
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) ATTAINS Coordinator Debby White 913-551-7886
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Regional 303(d) Data Mgmt Coord Debby White 913-551-7886
Toxics Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Form R/A Sean Bergin 913-551-7499
Toxics Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting - Sec. 313 Sean Bergin 913-551-7499
Toxics Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Marc Matthews 913-551-7517
Toxics Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) - 405(b) Candace Bednar 913-551-7562
Tribal Program Dir., Ofc of Tribal Affairs Patrick Bustos 913-551-7969
Tribal Program Tribal Project Officer/Liaison Stanley Holder 913-551-7374
Tribal Program Clean Wtr Act (CWA) Brandy Reed 913-551-7321
Tribal Program Waste Water Don Hamera 913-551-7818
Tribal Program Drinking Water Brenda Blohm        913-551-7702
Tribal Program Solid Waste Elizabeth Blackburn 913-551-7899
Tribal Program Solid Waste Rebecca Dorward 913-551-7961
Underground Hydraulic Fracturing   Kurt Hildebrandt 913-551-7413
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells   Kurt Hildebrandt 913-551-7413
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells   Ben Meissner 913-551-7992
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells   Brent Campbell 913-551-7889
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells   Terri Brink 913-551-7337
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil - Enforcement   Ed Buckner 913-551-7621
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program IA Michael Pomes 913-551-7216
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program KS Doug Drouare 913-551-7299
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program MO Doug Drouare  913-551-7299
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program NE Doug Drouare 913-551-7299
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program Tribal UST - Prevention Michael Pomes 913-551-7216
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Oil Program Tribal UST – Leaking/Cleanup Doug Drouare 913-551-7299
Universal Waste   Mike Martin 913-551-7149
Universities – Compliance Assistance   Marcus Rivas 913-551-7669
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule – Drinking Water   Doug Brune 913-551-7178
Used Oil   Edwin Buckner 913-551-7621
Vapor Intrusion   Jessica Kidwell 913-551-7064
Vapor Intrusion   Randolph Brown 913-551-7978
Vehicles/Engines Import/Export Letter of Conformity National Contractor (734) 214-4100
Vehicles/Engines R7 - Back Up Support Jed Wolkins 913-551-7588
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)   Robert Cheever 913-551-7980
Wastewater  Treatment John Dunn 913-551-7594
Wastewater (Car Wash) - Compliance and Enforcement IA Seth Draper 913-551-7080
Wastewater (Car Wash) - Compliance and Enforcement KS Angela Acord 913-551-7914
Wastewater (Car Wash) - Compliance and Enforcement MO Don Hamera 913-551-7818
Wastewater (Car Wash) - Compliance and Enforcement NE Don Hamera 913-551-7818
WasteWise   Penny Harrell 913-551-7474
Water Monitoring Gary Welker 913-551-7177
Water Monitoring Laura Webb 913-551-7435
Water Permits – NPDES (See Permits)    
Water Water Quality Certification/Section 401 Jennifer Ousley 913-551-7498
Water Quality Standards Regional Coordinator Ann Lavaty 913-551-7370
Water Quality Standards IA Justina Gonzalez 913-551-7885
Water Quality Standards KS Justina Gonzalez 913-551-7885
Water Quality Standards MO Ann Lavaty 913-551-7370
WaterQuality Standards NE Ann Lavaty 913-551-7370
Water  Sole Source Aquifer Morris Holmes 913-551-7421
Water  Tribal 106 Program Kimberly Hill 913-551-7841
Watersheds   Jaime Gaggero 913-551-7797
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators IA Jeannette Schafer 913-551-7297
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators KS Tiffany DeLong 913-551-7729
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators MO Jason Daniels 913-551-7443
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators NE Eliodora Chamberlain 913-551-7945
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators Mitigation Enforcement Jason Daniels 913-551-7443
Wetlands Section 404 Coordinators Mitigation Enforcement Delia Garcia 913-551-7262
Wood Stoves   Lisa Hanlon 913-551-7599