Autonomy Workshop Logistics

  • Workshop activities on October 10-11 will be held at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Room 3305 in Newell-Simon Hall (Building #18 on the map of CMU, also shown below).
  • A map of the third floor of Newell-Simon Hall showing the Workshop room location (Room 3305) is also below.
  • Parking at CMU is extremely limited. Please plan to use the free shuttle service offered by Workshop hotel vendors, carpool, take a taxi or employ a ride-sharing service.
  • If you decide to drive, paid parking is available at the Robert Mehrabian Collaborative Innovation Center (CIC) parking garage (#P19 on the map of CMU, shown below). You may pay for parking at the end of the day. Pay machines are located at the ground floor of the CIC building.
Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
Credit: Carnegie Mellon University