The Most Active Proceedings page identifies and provides links to proceedings that have had comments filed in the last 30 days. A complete list of all proceedings is located in the Electronic Comment Filing System ("ECFS"). You can click on the proceeding number to get more information about that proceeding. To review all filings in the last 30 days for each proceeding, click on the number under the heading “Filings in the Last 30 Days.”

To file a comment of up to several paragraphs, click on one of the proceedings listed below. To file a longer comment as an attachment, click on submit a filing and include the docket number of the proceeding both on the form and on the attachment.

If the proceeding you are looking for is not listed, you can go to ECFS and enter the proceeding number.

The FCC also compiles a list of Commission-level items that have been circulated to the Commissioners and are pending action by the full Commission. This list is updated on a weekly basis.

Proceeding NumberTitleFilings in Last 30 Days
18-213Promoting Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers221
RM-11862Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934178
20-270Amendment of the Schedule of Application Fees Set Forth in Sections 1.1102 through 1.1109 of the Commission's Rules145
12-375Rates for Interstate Inmate Calling Services95
02-6In the Matter of Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism55
19-348In the Matter of Facilitating Shared Use in the 3.1-3.55 GHz Band51
INBOX-51.329Section 251 Network Change Notification34
02-60In the Matter of Rural Health Care Support Mechanism28
03-123Telecommunication Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities.27
INBOX-1.401Petition For Rulemaking26