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About EPA

About Region 1's New England Regional Laboratory

What We Do

EPA Region 1's New England Regional Laboratory, located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, is an integrated science center whose mission is to protect human health and the environment in New England, by providing state of the art monitoring, sampling and analysis, and technical expertise to EPA, state, tribal and other partners. NERL uses its diverse scientific and engineering staff, with expertise in chemistry, biology, engineering and environmental science, to ensure that sound science is the foundation of the environmental measurement work conducted in the region. EPA scientists and engineers use state of the art instruments and techniques and apply rigorous quality assurance methods. Both field and lab protocols are ISO 17025 accredited.

Staff conduct field and laboratory studies to:

  • monitor and analyze environmental conditions to determine human health risk and ecological health;
  • determine compliance with environmental laws and regulations;
  • measure environmental benefits and our programs' progress; and,
  • identify emerging threats to the environment or public health.

The New England Regional Laboratory conducts its monitoring and analytical work collaboratively with EPA and state programs, interstate organizations, New England tribes, other federal agencies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and the general public. Working with our partners, we strive to be leaders in identifying and addressing emerging environmental issues and in developing new and innovative solutions to collecting and integrating environmental data and information across all media. We provide an ability to bring new methods on line to address emerging issues, with algal toxins and PFAS being two recent examples.


Johanna Hunter (, Director
Phone: 617-918-8601

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