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About EPA

About the Office of Land and Emergency Management

What We Do

The Office of Land and Emergency Management provides policy, guidance and direction for the Agency's emergency response and waste programs. At OLEM, we:

  1. Develop guidelines for the land disposal of hazardous waste and underground storage tanks;
  2. Provide technical assistance to all levels of government to establish safe waste management practices;
  3. Support state and local governments in redeveloping and reusing potentially contaminated sites through the Brownfields program;
  4. Respond to abandoned and active hazardous waste sites, as well as accidental chemical releases through the Superfund program; and
  5. Encourage innovative technologies to address contaminated soil and groundwater.

Programs and Projects Managed by OLEM


Peter Wright, Assistant Administrator
Barry Breen, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator
Steven Cook, Deputy Assistant Administrator

The Office of Land and Emergency Management includes:

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Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)

What We Do

OSRTI administers Superfund, the federal government's program to clean up the nation's uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. We're committed to ensuring that the hazardous waste sites on the National Priorities List are cleaned up to protect the environment and the health of all Americans. OSRTI implements the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.

Programs and Projects Managed by OSRTI

Mail code: 5201P | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Potomac Yards

OSRTI Organization

Dana Stalcup, Acting Director

  • Phone: 703-603-8702

Sheila Fleming, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone: 206-303-8126

Offices within OSRTI include:

Resources Management Division

Robert Jennings, Director

  • Phone: 703-603-8723

Assessment and Remediation Division

Brigid Lowery, Director

  • Phone: 703-603-8752

Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Pamela Barr, Director

  • Phone: 703-603-0262

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Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR)

What We Do

ORCR’s mission is to protect human health and the environment by ensuring responsible national management of hazardous and nonhazardous waste. ORCR implements the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Our goals are to:

  • conserve resources by reducing waste;
  • prevent future waste disposal problems by enforcing regulations; and
  • clean up areas where waste may have spilled, leaked, or been improperly disposed.
Programs and Projects Managed by ORCR

Mail code: 5301P | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Potomac Yards

ORCR Organization

Carolyn Hoskinson, Director

  • Phone: 202-236-3619

Greg Sullivan, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone: 202-564-1298 

Offices within ORCR include:

Materials Recovery and Waste Management Division

Ross Elliot, Acting Director

  • Phone: 703-308-8748

Resource Conservation and Sustainability Division

Cheryl Coleman, Director

  • Phone: 703-308-8254

Program Implementation and Information Division

Sonya Sasseville, Director

  • Phone: 703-308-8648

Program Management, Communications and Analysis Office

Mark Huff, Director

  • Phone: 703-308-8730

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Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST)

What We Do

OUST manages a regulatory program for underground storage tank (UST) systems that store petroleum and other hazardous substances. An UST system is a tank and any underground piping system connected to the tank that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground.

Programs and Projects Managed by OUST

Mail code: 5401R | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OUST Organization

Mark Barolo, Acting Director

  • Phone: 202-564-1611

Vacant, Deputy Director

  • Phone: 

Offices within OUST include:

Release Prevention Division

Tony Raia, Director

  • Phone: 202-566-1021

Cleanup and Revitalization Division

Will Anderson, Director
  • Phone: 202-564-1642

Management and Communications Division

Ray Worley, Director
  • Phone: 202-564-1634

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Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR)

What We Do

EPA's Brownfield's program provides grants and technical assistance to communities, states, tribes, and other stakeholders, to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse formerly contaminated properties. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. EPA’s Land Revitalization program works with communities, states, non-profits and other stakeholders to develop and test sustainable approaches for the reuse of formerly contaminated properties. OBLR implements the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act.

Programs and Projects Managed by OBLR

Mail code: 5105T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OBLR Organization

David Lloyd, Director

  • Phone: 202-566-2731

Patricia Overmeyer, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone: 202-566-2774

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Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

What We Do

OEM works with other federal partners to prevent accidents and maintain incident response capabilities. We provide information about response efforts, regulations, tools, and research that help the regulated community, government entities, and concerned citizens prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. OEM administers several environmental statutes, including the Oil Pollution Act.

Programs and Projects Managed by OEM

Mail code: 5104A | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OEM Organization

Reggie Cheatham, Director

  • Phone: 202-564-8003

Brendan Roache, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone: 202-564-6117

Offices within OEM include:

Regulations Implementation Division

Kim Jennings, Director
  • Phone: 202-564-7998
Chemical Branch
Bill Noggle, Branch Chief 
  • Phone: 202-566-1306

Oil Branch

Vanessa Principe, Branch Chief

  • Phone: 202-564-7913

Resources Management Division

Julie Hyman Moore, Acting Director
  • Phone: 202-564-2878

Preparedness and Response Operations Division

Gilberto Irizarry, Director
  • Phone: 202-566-0948

Emergency Operations Center and Continuity Branch

Eugene Lee, Branch Chief
  • Phone: 202-564-7988

Preparedness, Removal, Exercise, Policy Branch

Brian Schlieger, Branch Chief

  • Phone: 202-564-3128

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Consequence Management Advisory Division

Gina Perovich, Director
  • Phone: 202-564-2935

Planning and Implementation Branch

Elise Jakabhazy, Branch Chief

  • Phone: 202-564-1734

Field Operations Branch

Vacant, Branch Chief

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Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO)

What We Do

FFRRO works with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Energy (DOE), and other federal entities to develop creative, cost-effective solutions to environmental challenges at their facilities. FFRRO's mission is to facilitate fast, effective and less costly cleanup and reuse of contaminated areas at federal facilities.

Programs and Projects Managed by FFRRO

Mail code: 5106R | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

FFRRO Organization

Greg Gervais, Director

  • Phone: 202-564-4409

Dave Hockey, Acting Associate Director

  • Phone: 202-564-3924

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