NIOSH Ladder Safety App

The Ladder Safety App, NIOSH’s first mobile application, is designed to improve extension and step ladder safety — a concern for those working in construction or any other task that requires ladder use.

Get the Ladder Safety App!
Ladder application icon

Download for free at Apple Storeexternal icon and Google Playexternal icon available in English and Spanish.

User’s Manual is also available:
iOSpdf icon (En españolpdf icon)
Androidpdf icon (En españolpdf icon)

Ladder Safety App GIF
Get the Ladder Safety App: Learn more: www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/falls/image icon[GIF - 413 KB]
Click image to download

GIF Text: Download the NIOSH Ladder Safety App

Ladder Safety App Infographic
cover of NIOSH doc 2017-129 NIOSH Ladder Safety App Infographic

This infographic provides information about the tools included in NIOSH’s award-winning Ladder Safety App. Download the infographic.

Ladder Safety App Postcard
cover of NIOSH doc 2017-130 NIOSH Ladder Safety App Postcard

This postcard provides ladder fall statistics and information about the tools included in the app. Download the postcard.

Page last reviewed: September 2, 2020