Federal Records Management

Alphabetical List of Agencies w/ Contacts

Records Management Services appraisal archivists are the main records management and records scheduling point of contact for agencies. The majority of appraisers belong to one of four appraisal teams based in the Washington Metro Area. A few agencies have been assigned to appraisers located at field offices. Contact information for appraisal team supervisors is found at the end of this page.

Federal Records Centers Account Managers are the main point of contact for agencies using the Federal Records Centers to store records. Account Managers can assist you with reports on stored records, ARCIS, transferring records to a facility and other related questions.



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Ability One (Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled) 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Administration for Children and Families 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Administration for Community Living 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Administrative Conference of the U.S. 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
African Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
African Development Foundation 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Agency for Healthcare, Research, and Quality 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Agency for International Development 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Agricultural Marketing Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Agricultural Research Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Agriculture, Department of 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443    
Agriculture, Department of - Staff Offices 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443    
Agriculture, Department of - OCIO/Information and Technology Management 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Air Force, Department of the 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax and Trade Bureau 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
American Battle Monuments Commission 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
American Institute in Taiwan 2 Sean Curry 301-821-7914 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Armed Forces Retirement Home 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Army Air Force Exchange Service 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Army, Department of the 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 David Williams 773-948-9002



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Bonneville Power Administration 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Broadcasting Board of Governors 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Bureau of Economic Analysis 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Bureau of Indian Affairs 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of Industry and Security 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Bureau of Labor Statistics 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of Land Management 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 TBD  
Bureau of Prisons 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Bureau of Reclamation 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Bureau of the Fiscal Service 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 TBD  
Bureau of Transportation Statistics 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Census, Bureau of the 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion 3 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Central Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Central Intelligence Agency 2 Sean Curry 301-821-7914 TBD  
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 TBD  
Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 TBD  
Commerce, Department of 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Commerce, Department of – Inspector General 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 TBD  
Commodity Credit Corporation 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 TBD  
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 TBD  
Community Relations Service 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 TBD  
Congressional Budget Office 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Congressional Research Service 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Consumer Financial Protection, Bureau of 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Consumer Product Safety Commission 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Corporation for National and Community Service 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Council on Environmental Quality 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Court System (Judicial) 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 TBD  
Customs and Border Protection 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 David Williams 773-948-9002



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Defense Business Transformation Agency 4 Sebastian Welch 301-837-1740 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Commissary Agency 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Contract Audit Agency 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Contract Management Agency 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Criminal Investigative Service 4 Sebastian Welch 301-837-1740 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Finance and Accounting Service GRS Galen Wilson 937-425-0613 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Defense Information Systems Agency 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Intelligence Agency 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Logistics Agency 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Security Service 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense Technical Information Center 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Defense Threat Reduction Agency 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Defense, Office of the Secretary of 4 Sebastian Welch 301-837-1740 David Williams 773-948-9002
Denali Commission 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Department of Defense Inspector General 4 Sebastian Welch 301-837-1740 David Williams 773-948-9002
Director of National Intelligence, Office of 2 Sean Curry 301-821-7914 TBD 301-837-3076
District Courts of the U.S. 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Drug Enforcement Administration 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission PRC Janet Kennelly 301-778-1543 TBD  



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Economic Development Administration 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Economic Research Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Education, Department of 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Employee Benefits Security Administration 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 David Williams 773-948-9002
Energy, Department of 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Environmental Protection Agency 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
European Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Executive Office for Immigration Review 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Export-Import Bank of the United States 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Farm Credit Administration 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Farm Service Agency 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Aviation Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Federal Bureau of Investigation 1 Rachel Ban Tonkin 301-837-2039 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Communications Commission 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Election Commission 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Federal Emergency Management Agency 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 David Williams 773-948-9002
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Federal Executive Board 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Highway Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Federal Housing Administration 2 Laura McHale 301-837-0595 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Housing Finance Agency 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Judicial Center 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Labor Relations Authority 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 David Williams 773-948-9002
Federal Maritime Commission 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 TBD  
Federal Railroad Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Federal Reserve System 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Federal Trade Commission GRS Galen Wilson 937-425-0613 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Federal Transit Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Fish and Wildlife Service 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Food and Drug Administration 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Food and Nutrition Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Food Safety and Inspection Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Foreign Agricultural Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Forest Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
General Services Administration 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Government Accountability Office 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Government of American Samoa 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Government Publishing Office 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Grain Inspectors, Packers and Stockyard Administration 3 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Health and Human Services, Department of 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Health Resources and Services Administration 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Homeland Security, Department of 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 David Williams 773-948-9002
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 2 Laura McHale 301-837-0595 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Immigration and Customs Enforcement 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 David Williams 773-948-9002
Independent Mexico Labor Expert Board 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 TBD  
Indian Arts and Crafts Board 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 TBD 301-837-3076
Indian Health Service 3 Richard Green 301- 837-1711 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Institute of Education Sciences 3 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Institute of Museum and Library Services 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Inter-American Foundation 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Interior, Department of the 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Interior, Office of the Secretary of the 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Internal Revenue Service 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
International Trade Administration 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
International Trade Commission 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 TBD  
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 TBD  
Joint Staff 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Judicial Panel for Multidistrict Litigation 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 TBD  
Justice, Department of; Offices, Boards, and Divisions 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Pam Northern 404-736-2857



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Labor, Department of 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Library of Congress 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 David Williams 773-948-9002



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Marine Mammal Commission 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Maritime Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 TBD  
Medicaid & CHIP Payment Access Commission 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 TBD  
Merit Systems Protection Board 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Millennium Challenge Corporation 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Mine Safety and Health Administration 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Minority Business Development Agency 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Missile Defense Agency 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 David Williams 773-948-9002
Mississippi River Commission 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Morris K. Udall Scholarship Foundation 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 TBD  



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
National Agricultural Statistics Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
National Archives and Records Administration 2 Laura McHale 301-837-0595 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
National Capital Planning Commission 3 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
National Council on Disability 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
National Credit Union Administration 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
National Endowment for the Arts 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Endowment for the Humanities 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897    
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 David Williams 773-948-9002
National Guard Bureau 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
National Indian Gaming Commission 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 TBD  
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
National Institute of Standards and Technology 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Institutes of Health 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Labor Relations Board 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
National Mediation Board 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Nuclear Security Administration 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Park Service 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Reconnaissance Office 2 Ann Gillette 301-837-3737 David Williams 301-837-3422
National Science Foundation 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Security Agency/Central Security Service 2 Sean Curry 301-821-7914 David Williams 773-948-9002
National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-821-2939 TBD
National Technical Information Service 3 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Telecommunications and Information Administration 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
National Transportation Safety Board 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
National Wildfire Coordinating Group 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Natural Resources Conservation Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Naval Criminal Investigative Service 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Navy, Department of the 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
Northern Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Office of Congressional Workplace Rights 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Office of Foreign Assets Control 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Office of Government Ethics 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Office of Justice Programs 1 Amy Shilane 301-837-1825 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Office of Management and Budget 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Office of National Drug Control Policy 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Office of Natural Resources Revenue 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Office of Personnel Management 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Office of Science and Technology Policy 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Office of the United States Trade Representative 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Pacific Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Pardon Attorney, Office of 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Patent and Trademark Office 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Peace Corps 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Postal Regulatory Commission 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Presidio Trust 3 Valerie Terray 301-837-0584 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Pre-Trial Services Agency for the District of Columbia 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Arthur Hawkins 773-948-9002
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board 2 Sean Curry 301-821-7914 TBD;  
Public Buildings Reform Board 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 TBD  



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Railroad Retirement Board 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Risk Management Agency 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Rural Business-Cooperative Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Rural Development Administration 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Rural Housing Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Rural Utilities Service 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Securities and Exchange Commission 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Selective Service System 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Small Business Administration 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Social Security Administration 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Southeastern Power Administration 4 Steve Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Southern Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Southwestern Power Administration 4 Steve Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Special Operations Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
St. Lawrence Seaway Development 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
State, Department of 2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Strategic Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 3 Richard Green 301-837-1711 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Surface Transportation Board 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Susquehanna River Basin Commission 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Tennessee Valley Authority 4 Steve Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Transportation Command 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
Transportation Security Administration 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 David Williams 773-948-9002
Transportation, Department of 4 Carly Docca 301-837-1721 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
Treasury, Department of the 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 TBD  
TRICARE Management Activity 3 Mark Ferguson 303-604-4721 Pam Northern 404-736-2857



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
U.S. Access Board 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Air Force Academy 4 Richard Noble 301-837-2019 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Arctic Research Commission 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 TBD  
U.S. Capitol Police 3 Lauren Van Zandt 301-837-0443    
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 1 Ashby Crowder 301-837-1492 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Coast Guard 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 TBD  
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
U.S. Commission of Fine Arts 3 Carla Simms 301-837-1897 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Court of Appeals 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Court of International Trade 3 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Election Assistance Commission 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
U.S. Geological Survey 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
U.S Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator 2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 TBD  
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness 2 Laura McHale 301-837-0595 TBD  
U.S. Joint Forces Command 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Marine Corps 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Marshals Service 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
U.S. Military Academy 4 Nicholas Saylor 301-821-3088 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Mint 1 Andi Vlaicu 301-837-0498 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
U.S. Naval Academy 4 Steven Rhodes 301-837-3055 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Office of Special Counsel 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Ron Mitchell 301-520-1166
U.S. Parole Commission 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
U.S. Secret Service 1 Lloyd Beers 301-837-0480 David Williams 773-948-9002
U.S. Sentencing Commission 1 Rania Mahmoud 301-837-1946 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
U.S. Tax Court 1 Esther Hidalgo 301-837-1972 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
U.S. Trade and Development Agency 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 Pam Northern 404-736-2857


United States International Development Finance Corporation

2 Andrea Shahmohammadi 301-837-3689 Andrea Scherer 215-305-2005
Utah Reclamation & Conservation Commission 3 Jessica Blessman 301-837-1676 TBD  



Agency Appraisal Team Appraisal Archivist Phone Number Federal Records Center Account Manager Phone Number
Veterans Affairs, Department of 4 David Weber 215-305-2004 Scott Thompson 951-956-2018
Vietnam Education Foundation 3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 Arthur Hawkins 301-837-3499
Western Area Power Administration 4 Steve Rhodes 301-837-3055 Pam Northern 404-736-2857
Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission 2 Marci Bayer 301-837-3581 TBD  


Appraisal Team Supervisor Contact Information

Appraisal Team Team Supervisor Phone Fax
1 Rachel Ban Tonkin 301-837-2039 301-837-3697
2 Mark Sgambettera 301-837-2939 (office)
301-310-7927 (cell)
3 Kate Flaherty 301-837-1706 301-837-0380
4 Sebastian Welch 301-837-1740 301-837-3697
GRS Andrea Riley 301-310-7770 N/A


Updated November 27, 2019
