Permanent Digitization Regulations Ready for Review and Update on Transition Activity

We wanted to share two important updates from our office. 

First, we wanted to call attention to the proposed digitization regulations for permanent records which were posted on the Federal Register for public review and comment.  Comments are due on or before February 1, 2021. To make a comment, please follow the instructions in the Federal Register notice.

In addition, earlier this week the Archivist of the United States sent a memorandum to agency heads reminding them of the importance of records management during a presidential transition. In this memo, the Archivist emphasizes that in order to have a successful transition, it is crucial that agency heads work with their Senior Agency Official for Records Management and Agency Records Officers to ensure the importance of records management is communicated within the agency and that all agency officials and employees are properly briefed on their responsibilities. 

Both of these items will be discussed during our December 16, 2020 Agency Services BRIDG meeting. We look forward to talking more about these two significant items then.

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