Program Officers List

These are the points of contact for research programs, typically current or former ROSES program elements. We deliberately maintain names of some old programs that are not solicited this year so that those who have continuing grants from those programs know whom they may contact for information or concurrence.

Scroll down the entire list below, starting with Astrophysics and moving through each Division, or jump to the Division of choice through the links at the top of the table. Can't find a person or a program on the list below? Please contact the R&A Lead of the relevant Division or contact the Science Mission Directorate R&A Lead Max Bernstein at max.bernstein.

Astrophysics | Earth Science | Cross Division | Heliophysics | Planetary Science | Biological and Physical Science Programs

Astrophysics Programs

  • Astrophysics R&A Lead: Stefan Immler: email, 202-358-0615, bio
  • Astrophysics Data Analysis (ADAP): Doug Hudgins: email, 202-358-0988, bio
  • Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA): Dominic Benford: email, 202-358-1261, bio
  • Particle Astrophysics: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
  • Fundamental Physics: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
  • High-Energy Astrophysics (X-ray and Gamma-ray): Valerie Connaughton: email, 202-358-1763
  • Ultraviolet and Visible Astrophysics: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053, bio
  • Infrared, Submillimeter, and Radio Astrophysics: Eric Tollestrup: email, 202-358-0907
  • Laboratory Astrophysics: William B. Latter: email, 202-358-0734, bio
  • Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowships (RTF): Mario Perez: email202-358-1535, bio
  • Astrophysics Theory (ATP): Evan Scannapieco: email, 202-358-3730
  • Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Networks (TCAN): Evan Scannapieco: email, 202-358-3730

Programs Related to Astrophysics Missions

  • Astrophysics Science SmallSat Studies: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053
  • Astrophysics CubeSats: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053
  • Astrophysics Explorers U.S. Participating Investigator (APEX USPI): Linda Sparke: email, 202-358-7335, bio
  • Euclid (NASA participation): Eric Tollestrup: email, 202-358-0907
  • Fermi Guest Investigator:
  • Kepler Mission related programs: Mario Perez: email202-358-1535, bio
  • LISA Preparatory Science: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
  • NASA Hubble Fellowships Program (Hubble, Einstein, Sagan): Pat Knezek: email, 202-358-0327
  • NICER Guest Observer Program: 
    • NICER Programmatic POC: Daniel A. Evans: email, 202-358-3882
    • NICER Technical POC: Keith Gendreau: email, 301-286-6188
  • NuSTAR Guest Observer Program: 
    • NuSTAR Programmatic POC: Hashima Hasan: email, 202-358-0692
    • NuSTAR Technical POC: Andrew Ptak: email, 301-286-1154
  • Swift Guest Investigator: 
    • Swift Programmatic POC: Evan Scannapieco: email, 202-358-3730
    • Swift Technical POC: Eleonora Troja: email, 301-286-0941
  • TESS Guest Investigator:
    • TESS Programmatic POC: Doug Hudgins: email, 202-358-0988, bio
    • TESS Technical POC: Thomas Barclay: email, 301-286-5079
  • WFIRST Science Investigation Teams: Dominic Benford: email, 202-358-1261, bio
  • X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) Guest Scientist Program: Valerie Connaughton: email, 202-358-1763, bio

Astrophysics Strategic Astrophysics Technology Programs

  • Strategic Astrophysics Technology Main POC: Mario Perez: email202-358-1535, bio
  • Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions: Doug Hudgins: email, 202-358-0988, bio
  • Technology Development for Cosmic Origins: Kartik Sheth: email, 202-358-4805
  • Technology Development for Physics of the Cosmos: Daniel A. Evans: email, 202-358-3882

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Earth Science Programs

  • Applied Sciences Lead: Lawrence Friedl: email, 202-358-7200, bio
  • Earth Science Technology Office Lead: Pamela Millar: email, 301-286-0007
  • Earth Science Technology Office Deputy Lead: Robert Bauer: email, 301-286-1628
  • Earth Science R&A Lead: Jack Kaye: email, 202-358-2559, bio
  • Earth Science Deputy R&A Lead: Lucia Tsaoussi: email, 202-358-4471
  • Research Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 202-358-0917, bio
  • Earth Science U.S. Participating Investigator (Earth Science USPI): Richard Eckman: email, 202-358-2567, bio
  • Earth Venture Suborbital: Barry L. Lefer: email, 202-358-3857, bio
  • New (Early Career) Investigator Program (NIP) in Earth Science: Allison Leidner: email, 202-358-0855, bio

-- Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE) --

  • Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE): Kathy Hibbard: email, 202-358-0682, bio
  • Land Cover/Land Use Change
    • Garik Gutman: email, 202-358-0276, bio
    • Krishna Vadrevu; email, 256-321-9492, bio
  • Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Mission related calls: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 202-358-0917, bio
  • Carbon Cycle Science
    • Hank Margolis: email, 202-358-4760, bio
    • Kathy Hibbard: email, 202-358-0682, bio
  • Carbon Monitoring System
    • Kathy Hibbard: email, 202-358-0682, bio
    • Kenneth Jucks: email, 202-358-0476, bio
    • Laura Lorenzoni: email, 202-358-0917, bio
    • Hank Margolis: email, 202-358-4760, bio
  • Terrestrial Ecology
    • Hank Margolis: email, 202-358-4760, bio
    • Mike Falkowski: email, 202-358-1431, bio
    • Kathy Hibbard: email, 202-358-0682, bio
  • Terra and Aqua: Barry L. Lefer: email, 202-358-3857, bio
  • Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 202-358-0917, bio
  • Climate and Biological Response: Woody Turner: email, 202-358-1662, bio
  • Biodiversity:
    • Woody Turner: email, 202-358-1662, bio
    • Keith Gaddis: email,  202-358-4651, bio
  • ECOSTRESS Science Team: Woody Turner: email, 202-358-1662, bio
  • GEDI Science Team: Hank Margolis: email, 202-358-4760, bio

-- Climate Variability & Change (CVC) --

  • Understanding Changes In High Mountain Asia:
    • Gerald Bawden: email, 202-358-3922, bio
    • Nancy Searby: email, 202-358-0395, bio
    • David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Deep Space Climate Observatory Science Team (DSCOVR ST): Richard Eckman: email, 202-358-2567
  • Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction: David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Climate Variability & Change (CVC) - Focus Area Lead: David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Physical Oceanography: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Ocean Surface Topography Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Cryosphere Science: Thorsten Markus: email, 202-358-3860, bio
  • ICESat-2 related programs: Thorsten Markus: email, 202-358-3860, bio
  • IceBridge Research: Thorsten Markus: email, 202-358-3860, bio
  • Earth System Modeling: David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Ocean Vector Winds Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Ocean Salinity Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Sea Level Change Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Solar Irradiance Science Team: David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Suomi NPP Science Team: Mike Falkowski: email, 202-358-1431, bio
  • Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) related calls: Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 202-717-1331, bio
  • Climate Indicators and Data Products for Future National Climate Assessments: Lucia Tsaoussi: email, 202-358-4471

-- Water and Energy Cycle (WEC) --

  • Water and Energy Cycle (WEC) - Focus Area Lead: Gerald Bawden: email, 202-358-3922, bio
  • NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study: Jared Entin: email , 202-358-0275
  • Terrestrial Hydrology: Jared Entin: email, 202-358-0275
  • Atmospheric Dynamics: Gail Skofronick-Jackson: email, 202-358-2045, bio
  • Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) Science Team: Jared Entin: email, 202-358-0275

-- Atmospheric Composition (AC) --

  • Atmospheric Composition (AC) - Focus Area Lead: Hal Maring: email, 202-358-1679, bio
  • Upper Atmospheric Composition Observations: Kenneth Jucks: email, 202-358-0476, bio
  • Atmospheric Composition: Aura Science Team:
    • Kenneth Jucks: email, 202-358-0476, bio
    • Richard Eckman: email, 202-358-2567, bio
  • Atmospheric Composition Laboratory Research
    • Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio
    • Barry L. Lefer: email, 202-358-3857, bio
    • Hal Maring: email, 202-358-1679, bio
  • Atmospheric Composition Modeling & Analysis (ACMAP): Richard Eckman, email, 202-358-2567, bio
  • Atmospheric Composition: Tropical photochemistry and Aerosol Airborne Campaign: Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio
  • Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling and Analysis: Richard Eckman, email, 202-358-2567, bio
  • Upper Atmosphere Research: Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio
  • Atmospheric Radiation: Hal Maring, email, 202-358-1679, bio
  • Atmospheric Research: Hal Maring, email, 202-358-1679, bio
  • OCO Science Team: Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio
  • CloudSat and CALIPSO Science Team: David Considine, email, 202-358-2277, bio
  • Fire Impacts on Regional Emissions and Chemistry (FIREChem): Barry L. Lefer, email, 202-358-3857, bio
  • Radiation Sciences Program: Hal Maring, email, 202-358-1679, bio
  • SAGE III Science Team: Richard Eckman, remail, 202-358-2567, bio
  • Science Definition Team for the CLARREO Mission: Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio

-- Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) --

  • Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) - Focus Area Lead: Ben Phillipsemail, 202-358-5693, bio
  • Earth Surface and Interior: Ben Phillips, email, 202-358-5693, bio
  • Geodetic Imaging: Gerald Bawden, email, 202-358-3922, bio
  • NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR): Gerald Bawden, email, 202-358-3922, bio
  • Space Geodesy: Ben Phillipsemail, 202-358-5693, bio
  • Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE): Lucia Tsaoussi, email, 202-358-4471
  • Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): Gerald Bawden, email, 202-358-3922

-- Interdisciplinary Science --

  • Satellite Calibration Interconsistency Studies: Lucia Tsaoussi, email, 202-358-4471
  • Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science:  Jack Kaye, email, 202-358-2559, bio
  • Remote Sensing Theory: Lucia Tsaoussi, email, 202-358-4471
  • Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments: Lucia Tsaoussi, email, 202-358-4471

-- Weather --

  • CYGNSS Science Team: Gail Skofronick-Jackson, email, 202-358-2045 bio
  • Focus Area Lead for Weather: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860 bio
  • Hurricane Science: Gail Skofronick-Jackson, email, 202-358-2045 bio
  • Wind Lidar Science: Gail Skofronick-Jackson, email, 202-358-2045 bio
  • Precipitation Science: Gail Skofronick-Jackson, email, 202-358-2045, bio
  • Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM): Gail Skofronick-Jackson, email, 202-358-2045, bio

Applied Sciences: Earth Science Applications

  • Disasters
    • Main POC: David Green, email, 202-358-0032, bio
    • Atmospheric and Hydro-meteorological Disasters: John Murray, email
    • Geophysical Disasters: Michael Goodman, email
  • Ecological Forecasting: Woody Turner, email, 202-358-1662, bio
  • Energy Management: Richard Eckman, email, 757-864-5822, bio
  • Food Security: Bradley Doorn, email, 202-358-2187, bio
  • Health & Air Quality Applied Sciences Team: John Haynes, email, 202-358-4665, bio
  • Public Health & Air Quality: John Haynes, email, 202-358-4665, bio
  • Socioeconomic Benefits: Lawrence Friedl, email, 202-358-7200, bio
  • Supporting UN sustainable development Goals 14 and 15 in the context of climate variability and change: Woody Turner, email, 202-358-1662, bio
  • Water Resources: Bradley Doorn, email, 202-358-2187, bio
  • Wildland Fires: Lawrence Friedl, email, 202-358-7200, bio

Applied Science: Capacity Building

  • SERVIR: Nancy Searby, email, 202-358-0395, bio
  • SERVIR Applied Sciences Team: Nancy Searby, email, 202-358-0395, bio
  • DEVELOP: Nancy Searby, email, 202-358-0395, bio
  • ARSET Training: Nancy Searby, email, 202-358-0395, bio

Earth Science Technology

  • Advanced Component Technology: Amber Emory, email, 301-614-6274, bio
  • Advanced Information Systems Technology: Jacqueline LeMoigne-Stewart, email, 301-286-8723, bio
  • Decadal Survey Incubation: Robert Bauer: email, 301-286-1628
  • In-space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST): Sachidananda Babu, email, 301-286-7304
  • Instrument Incubator: Parminder Ghuman, email, 301-286-8001
  • Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology: Sachidananda Babu, email, 301-286-7304


  • High End Computing: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio
  • NASA Data for Operation and Assessment (AOURD): Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio
  • Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio

Airborne Science

  • Airborne Science: Bruce Tagg, email, 202-358-2890
  • Airborne Instrument Technology Transition: Barry L. Lefer, email, 202.358.3857, bio

Data Systems

  • Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science
    • Kevin Murphy, email, 202-358-3042
    • Manil Maskey, email, 256-961-7793
  • Citizen Science for Earth Systems
    • Kevin Murphy, email: email, 202-358-3042
    • Gerald “Stinger” Guala, email, 202-358-2223
  • Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition Program
    • Kevin Murphy, email: email, 202-358-3042
    • Procurement: Alfreda Hall, email, 301-614-5241
    • Data Requests: Manil Maskey, email, 256-961-7793
  • Computational Modeling and Cyberinfrastructure: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio
  • Data for Operation and Assessment: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio
  • GLOBE: Allison Leidner, email, 202-358-0855

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Cross Division Programs

  • Science Activation (formerly Science Education and Public Outreach): Kristen Erickson, email, 202-358-1017, bio
  • Citizen Science: Marc Kuchner, email, 301-286-5165
  • NESSF existing award questions (e.g., renewals):
  • Topical Workshops, Symposia, & Conferences: Mary F. Sladek, email, 202-358-0861, bio
  • Exoplanet Research Program:
  • Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse: Madhulika Guhathakurta, email, 202-358-1992, bio
  • Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST): HQ-FINESST
  • Open source software tools, libraries, and frameworks: Steven Crawford, email, 202-358-1310
  • Supplemental open source software: Steven Crawford, email, 202-358-1310
  • Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon: Brad Bailey, email

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Heliophysics Programs

  • Heliophysics R&A Lead: Mona Kessel, email, phone: 202-358-0064
  • Heliophysics Supporting Research: Patrick Koehn: email, 202-358-3636
  • Early Career Investigator Program in Heliophysics: Liz Macdonald, email, 202-358-099, bio
  • Space Weather Operations-to-Research: James Spann, email, 202-358-0574
  • Theory-Modeling-Simulations: Ekaterina Verner, email, 202-358-1213
  • Living With a Star Science: Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
  • Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities: Jeff Morrill, email, 202-358-3744
  • Living With a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG):
    • Jeff Morrill, email, 202-358-3744
    • Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
  • Heliophysics Data Environment Enhancements:
    • Jeffrey Hayes: email, 202-358-0353, bio
    • Aaron Roberts: email, 301-286-5606
  • Heliophysics US Participating Investigators: Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
  • Grand Challenges Research/DRIVE Science Centers
    • Janet Kozyra, email, 202-358-1258
    • James Spann, email, 202-358-0574

Programs Related to Heliophysics Missions

  • Heliophysics Guest Investigators: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
  • Outer Heliosphere Guest Investigators (OH-GI) program: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727, bio
  • GOLD/ICON Guest Investigators: Jeff Morrill, email, 202-358-3744
  • Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Guest Investigators: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727, bio
  • Magnetospheric Multiscale Guest Investigators: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
  • Heliophysics System Observatory Connect: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727
  • Heliophysics System Observatory Data Support: Jeffrey Hayes: email, 202-358-0353, bio

Heliophysics Strategic Technology Programs

  • Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science: Roshanak Hakimzadeh, email, 202-358-0784
  • Heliophysics Flight Opportunities for Research and Technology: Dan Moses, email, 202-358-0558
  • Heliophysics Flight Opportunities Studies: Dan Moses, email, 202-358-0558
  • Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space: Dan Moses, email, 202-358-0558

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Planetary Science Programs

  • Planetary Science R&A Lead: Stephen Rinehart, email, 202-358-1884, bio
  • Akatsuki Participating Scientist Program:
    • Lucas Paganini, email, 202-358-3911, bio
    • Adriana Ocampo, email, 202-358-2152, bio
  • Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Program: Jeffrey Grossman and Sarah Noble, email:
  • BepiColombo Investigators: Shoshana Weider, email, 202-358-1667, bio
  • Carl Sagan and Larry Haskin: Curt Niebur, email, 202-358-0390, bio
  • Cassini Data Analysis:
  • Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech): Meagan Thompson, email, 202-358-1733
  • The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission Participating Scientist program: Thomas Statler, email, 202-358-0272, bio
  • Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator Program: Michael Kelley, email, 202-358-0607, bio
  • Development and Advancement of Lunar Instrumentation (DALI): Ryan Stephan, email, 832-289-5533
  • Discovery Data Analysis: Tom Wagner, email, 202-358-4682, bio
  • Dynamic Power Convertors For Radioisotope Power Systems: Salvatore Oriti, email and Melissa Merrill, email
  • Emerging Worlds (EW)
  • Exobiology:
  • Planetary Science Early Career Awards: Melissa Morris, email, 202-774-8476, bio
  • GRAIL Guest Scientist Program: Robert Fogel, email, 202-358-2289
  • Habitable Worlds:
    • Main POC: Lindsay Hays, email, 818-356-3685
    • DAPR POC: Delia Santiago-Materese, email, 202-358-4525, bio
    • Heliophysics: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
  • Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist (PS) Program: Jeffrey Grossman, email, 202-358-1218, bio
  • Hot Operating Temperature TechnologyAdriana Ocampo: email, 202-358-2152, bio and Quang-Viet Nguyen, email, 202-358-0218
  • Instrument Concepts for Europa Exploration (ICEE): Curt Niebur, email, 202-358-0390, bio
  • Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research: Mary Voytek, email, 202-358-1577, bio
  • Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Participating Scientist Program (KPLO PSP): Shoshana Weider, email, 202-358-1667, bio
  • Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS): Jeffrey Grossman, email, 202-358-1218, bio
  • Lunar Data Analysis program (LDAP):
    • Shoshana Weider, email, 202-358-1667, bio
    • Sarah Noble, email, 202-358-2492, bio
  • Lunar and Planetary Science U.S. Participating Investigators (USPI): Lindley Johnson, email, 202-358-2314
  • Mars Data Analysis
    • Mitchell Schulte, email, 202-358-2127
    • Adrian Brown, email, bio
  • Mars Science Lab Participating Scientist Program: Michael Meyer, email, 202-358-0307, bio
  • Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE): Haris Riris, email, 301-614-6736, bio
  • Near Earth Object (NEO): Lindley Johnson, email, 202-358-2314
  • New Frontiers Data Analysis Program:
  • OSIRIS REx Participating Scientists Program (OREx PSP): 
  • Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART): Kenneth C. Hansen, email, 202-358-1077
  • Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO): Catherine Walker, email, 202-358-5118
  • Planetary Major Equipment:
  • Planetary Protection Research:
    • Preferred email address for Planetary Protection Research:
    • Becky Mccauley Rench, email, 202-358-0530
  • Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies: Carolyn Mercer, email, 202-358-1014, bio
  • Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (PSTAR)
    • Sarah Noble, email, 202-358-2492, bio
    • Mary Voytek, email, 202-358-1577, bio
  • Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) Enabling Missions Beginning with Research and Technology (REMBRandT): Leah Nakley, email, 216-433-8173
  • Rosetta Data Analysis program: Melissa Morris, email, 202-774-8476, bio
  • Scientific Exploration Subsurface Access Mechanism for Europa (SESAME) technology development: Ryan Stephan, email, 832-289-5533
  • Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx)Doris Daou, email, 202-358-1686
  • Solar System Observations
    • Lucas Paganini, email, 202-358-3911, bio
    • Kelly Fast, email, 202-358-0768, bio
    • Doris Daou, email, 202-358-1686
  • Solar System Workings (SSW)
  • Yearly Opportunities for Research in Planetary Defense (YORPD):
    • Kelly Fast, email, 202-358-0768, bio
    • Lindley Johnson, email, 202-358-2314

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Biological and Physical Science Programs

  • Biological and Physical Sciences R&A Lead: Bradley M. Carpenter: email, 202-358-0826
  • Biological and Physical Sciences Applications & Partnerships: Lisa Carnell, email, 757-864-4269

Physical Sciences

  • Biophysics:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Combustion Science:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Complex Fluids:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Dusty Plasmas:
    • Bradley M. Carpenter: email, 202-358-0826
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Fluid Physics:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Materials Science:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Physical Sciences Informatics System:
    • Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345
  • Quantum Science and Technology:
    • Bradley M. Carpenter: email, 202-358-0826
    • DeVon Griffin: email, 216-650-7345

Space Biology

  • Animal Biology:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352
  • Cell and Molecular Biology:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352
  • Developmental, Reproductive, and Evolutionary Biology:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352
  • Microbiology:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352
  • Plant Biology:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352
  • Systems Biology – Omics and GeneLab:
    • Sharmila Bhattacharya: email, 650-604-1531
    • Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
    • Nicole “Nicki” Rayl: email, 650-417-4352

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