Economy-Wide Statistics

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Economy-Wide Statistics

The sources of statistics listed below cover all parts of the business economy with, in most cases, the following exceptions: NAICS 111-112, agricultural production; NAICS 482, rail transportation; NAICS 491, postal service; and NAICS 814, private households. Coverage of NAICS 525, funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles, varies from program to program. In general, governmental activities, such as public schools, are excluded, although certain governmental activities are consistently included, such as hospitals.

An establishment is generally a single, physical location at which economic activity occurs, such as a store or factory. An enterprise or firm, on the other hand, may consist of more than one location performing the same or different types of economic activities.

Guide to Data Sources for Economy-Wide Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau

Frequency Title (with link to data) Contents Number of Industry Categories Geography
Quarterly Quarterly Workforce Indicators Employment, job creation, separations, turnover, average monthly earnings (includes farming and state and local government workers)
States, metro areas, counties
Annual Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees
County Business Patterns Employees; payroll; number of establishments with paid employees by employment size of establishment
U.S., states, metro areas, counties, ZIP codes, Puerto Rico
Enterprise Statistics Number of companies by employment size and level of specialization, classified by the industry of the establishment and the primary industry of the company
Information and Communication Technology Survey Non-capitalized expenditures for information and communication technology equipment and software
Nonemployer Statistics Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees
U.S., states, metro areas, counties
Statistics of U.S. Businesses Number of firms, employees, payroll, (and revenue, for 2002 only) by employment-size of the enterprise
U.S., states, metro areas
Statistics of U.S. Businesses -- Employment Change Number of establishments and year-to-year change in employment for births, deaths, expansions, and contractions.
U.S., states, metro areas, counties
Business Dynamics Statistics Number of establishments and year-to-year change in employments for births, death, expansions, and contractions by firm age and employment-size. Sector classification is by SIC.
U.S., states
Every 5 years Economic Census Number of establishments, sales, employees, and payroll [does not include agricultural services nor a grand total]
U.S., states, metro areas, counties, places, ZIP codes, island areas
Economic Census of Island Areas Number of establishments, sales, employees, and payroll for establishments with payroll
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa
Survey of Business Owners Number of firms, sales, employees, and payroll for all businesses and for businesses owned by females, Hispanics, and major race categories (plus national-only data on veteran status and other owner and business characteristics)
U.S., states, metro areas

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Business and Industry | (301)763-2547 | | Last Revised: August 04, 2015