Competition Enforcement Database

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Merger Enforcement Actions

FISCAL Year Part 2 Consents Federal Injunctions Part 3 Admin. Complaints Abandoned/ Fix-it-first/ Restructured Total Merger Enforce. Actions Civil Penalty Actions: Section 7 A Civil Penalty Actions: Order Violations
2020 10 5 2 11 28 - 1
2019 10 2 * 9 21 3 -
2018 12 3 2 5 22 - 1
2017 15 2 * 6 23 3 -
2016 16 5 * 1 22 2 -
2015 17 3 * 3 23 2 -
2014 13 1 * 3 17 1 -
2013 16 5 * 2 23 2 -
2012 15 3 * 7 25 2 -
2011 9 3 * 6 18+ - -
2010 18 - 1 3 22 - -
2009 9 6 1 3 19 2 2
2008 13 1 1 6 21 1 -
2007 14 3 * 5 22 1 -
2006 9 - - 7 16 - -
2005 9 1 - 4 14 1 -
2004 10 1 1 3 15 1 1
2003 7 3 1 10 21 - -
2002 10 5 2 7 24 1 -
2001 18 1 - 4 23 - 1
2000 18 5 - 9 32 - -
1999 19 - - 12 31 2 -
1998 22 3 1 6 32 1 3
1997 17 2 1 5 25 2 2
1996 20 3 * 2 25 4 -
Total 336 61 11 128 536 31 10

Important notes about the data

  • The fiscal year runs from October 1 of the previous calendar year through September 30 of the year.
  • Information on the individual transactions listed under the category of "Abandoned/ Fix-it-first / Restructured" transactions is nonpublic.
  • An asterisk (* ) in the "Part 3 Administrative Complaints" column means that all Part 3 Administrative Complaints for that year were accompanied by an Authorization to seek a Preliminary or Permanent Injunction in federal court.  To avoid double counting, only the federal court proceeding is counted in this table.
  • +This is a correction to the results previously reported.  In FY2011, an additional abandoned, restructured or fix-it-first enforcement was identified after Fiscal Year closure.

Nonmerger Enforcement Actions

FISCAL Year Part 2 Consents Federal Injunctions Part 3 Admin. Complaints Total Nonmerger Enforcement Actions Order Violations
2020 1 1 - 2 -
2019 - 2 - 2 -
2018 2 - 1 3 -
2017 3 4 2 9 -
2016 5 1 1 7 1
2015 4 1 0 5 -
2014 6 1 1 8 -
2013 4 - - 4 -
2012 3 - 1 4 -
2011 1 - - 1 1
2010 5 - 2 7 -
2009 6 1 - 7 -
2008 3 1 - 4 -
2007 9 - 2 11 -
2006 5 1 - 6 -
2005 4 - - 4 -
2004 7 1 1 9 -
2003 16 - 7 23 -
2002 8 - 1 9 -
2001 1 - 2 3 -
2000 8 - 1 9 -
1999 4 1 - 5 -
1998 10 - 2 12 -
1997 2 1 1 4 -
1996 5 - 1 6 -
Total 121 15 26 162 2

Important notes about the data

  • The fiscal year runs from October 1 of the previous calendar year through September 30 of the year.