Enabling a Secure
and Trustworthy Internet

Internet security is one of the most significant challenges in our connected world. A trustworthy Internet is a shared, universal challenge that reaches beyond borders and connects us all. Fortunately, the Internet was built by people and it runs on software. That means we can fix it – fast.

At GCA we build programs, partnerships, and tools to make the connected world safer and more secure for all. Join us. Help us make the Internet a better place.

Do Something. Measure It.™

At GCA we foster cooperation across industries and governments. We build tools that make a difference and make them available for free. We take decisive, measurable action to reduce cyber risk. We invite you to join us in making an impact.


We develop programs and projects designed to address a critical challenge within the cyber risk landscape. From analyzing attacks on IoT devices, to providing free tools and resources to help reduce cyber risk and improve email security, our programs are central to making the Internet safer.

IoT Security
Routing Security
Cybersecurity For All
Trustworthy Connections
Trustworthy Email
Trustworthy Information

IoT Security

As the use of Internet of Things (IoT) surges, people are moving toward taking advantage of technology to make operations more efficient. But interconnected devices pose great risks. We’re helping people better secure devices and technologies so they can focus on what matters most.

Routing Security

The health and success of all Internet activities rely on having secure and trustworthy networks to support them.  We’re helping the networking industry understand the state of best current practices for routing security and fostering community-led improvements. Please check back for more information and updates as this project progresses.

Cybersecurity For All

To build a trustworthy Internet and reduce cyber risk, everyone  – individuals, businesses, nonprofits and charities, educational institutions, and government – needs to have access to tools and resources. We’ve made that possible with a series of free toolkits and training resources to help bridge the gap.

Trustworthy Connections

The Internet is built on connections. If those connections have been compromised or the user is misled then trust in the system erodes. GCA seeks to increase trust in the Internet by identifying malicious domains and addresses and block or enable blocking connections with them.

Trustworthy Email

Email communication is an important part of how we communicate, and unfortunately, continues to be exploited for malicious intent. GCA seeks to reduce the perennial issue of email misuse by advancing better email practices and protocols.

Trustworthy Information

Trust in information matters. GCA seeks to increase the reliability of online information and governance by providing cybersecurity resources to help protect journalists, elections offices and community organizations.


Metrics matter. They tell us how we are doing and where the problems lie. In cybersecurity, reliable metrics are hard to come by and standards for measurement are missing. We aim to change that.

African American woman smiling at her phone with sun flare

John Gilligan, Executive Chairman, Center for Internet Security (CIS)

I remain convinced that the alliance will permit us to start reducing the impact of the growing global cyber threats.

GCA female journalist working on her laptop on a cluttered desk

Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Manhattan District Attorney

A crime prevented is far better than a crime prosecuted. The Global Cyber Alliance crosses borders and sectors in an effort to map, understand, and thwart cybercrime, with no profit motive attached, and no goal other than the prevention of future crimes. Together, we are inaugurating a new, better, international approach to fighting this global problem.

Ian Dyson QPM, Commissioner of the City of London Police

I would encourage organisations across the world to not only recognise the importance of the work of the GCA but also join up so that together we can make the cyber world a safer place for all.

Latest Updates

Welcome to Mr. Saad Alhowaymel, GCA’s New Ambassador in Saudi Arabia

As a perfect closing for a challenging but rewarding 2020, I am very pleased to announce that the global reach of GCA will be reinforced by the addition of two […]
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Wrenching Winds Wrecking Worried Worlds

Another day, another successful hack. It’s an unfortunate state of our modern day. From criminal syndicates to nation state actors, organizations of all sizes are being targeted for cyberattacks. Unlike […]
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Violence, Misogyny, and Journalism: The Role of Cybersecurity in Protecting Truth Tellers

“Unprecedented” is a word that many people have used to describe events in the year 2020. But as novel as civil unrest, a global pandemic, and an economic crisis may […]
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GCA Spotlight: Scamadviser

In the latest installment of our GCA Spotlight series, we’re talking with Jorij Abraham of Scamadviser.com. Jorij is the General Manager of the Ecommerce Foundation, the umbrella organization for Scamadviser, […...
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